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扔颗炸弹啊, 英文叫做"open marriage",翻译过来应该是"开放型婚姻", 即使有情人,婚姻依旧,幸福长久。国人是不是认为大逆不到呢? 其实,两个人一辈子都只喜欢一个异性,太没有人性。大家讨论讨论?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 扔颗炸弹啊, 英文叫做"open marriage",翻译过来应该是"开放型婚姻", 即使有情人,婚姻依旧,幸福长久。国人是不是认为大逆不到呢? 其实,两个人一辈子都只喜欢一个异性,太没有人性。大家讨论讨论?
    • AH HA, someone is talking about "Open Relationship ". Very much Canadian now. That would mostly apply to G/L I guess.
      • 你为什么不用中文? 看着太别扭
        • When in Rome do as the Romans do. Try to be a real Canadian. Plus I am scared of this (#6162009@0)
          • 你很纠结嘛,中文还是优美的,不会糟蹋加拿大的优美环境
            • Not really, baby. My English properly is better than my Chinese when it comes to typing. I am sure that you must have good comprehension in both languages and understand them perfectly.
            • His English is good. You can benefit from that:-)
              • 好吗? 比起CNN网站上的那些英文如何呢? “My English properly is better than my Chinese。。。”你明白吗?
                • You deliberately cut this off “when it comes to typing”. By the way, CNN is not the best place for you to learn and improve your English.
                  • 我不需要提高英语,起码比你的要好的太多了。这么提示你都看不出来自己的错,说你啥好泥
                    • HA HA HA. Can you even write something in English and let me see how it is?
                      • 你不值得我动那个念头
                        • "我不需要提高英语,起码比你的要好的太多了"... What a great JOKE. HA HA HA
                        • 我很好奇,能告诉下他错在哪吗?正确的是什么呢?
                          • Whore’s life style is to play to the extreme. No real moral and social responsibilities attached.
                            • 你看来跟iphone3gs争辩的有点昏了,你回答错了问题:-)。我那问题里的“他”是你,我在好奇问iphone3gs你的英文错在哪?
                              • “properly”没有用的properly
                                • That's just TYPO.
                                • "strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea ". Guess that CNN didn't teach you the right way.
                                  • 看来你是看字典学的英语,佩服
                                    • Good luck. Get a real life.
                                  • Come on! Admit you meant 'probably' instead of 'properly'.
                                    • +1. You have nothing to lose, really.
                                      • Just playing with the three-some Pro on an intellectual level.
                              • Sorry and thanks.
                  • 你还是没有明白你这句错在哪里。学无止境啊。
            • The so called “Open relationship/marriage “often refers to and being used an excuse of irresponsible sexual conduct outside marriage/partnership. Not really something most people appreciate.
              • With actress Tilda Swinton declaring that three is company in her relationship, we explore whether giving up monogamy can set you free. 你英文好,给翻一番,事实如何?
                • That horrible face really scares me away. Otherwise I could.
                  • 不要转移话题,人家又不可能邀请你加入他们的关系
                    • Don't want to be the Peeking Dragon.
                • This 49 years old woman appears more like a 60yrs old Whore. She not only likes threesome but even groups and more....
                  • 不出两句话,你那点内涵就暴露无遗
                    • I do not like nor do I promote your Threesome, open marriage etc.
                      • 存在的就是合理的,比那些道貌岸然的婚姻要自然的多
                        • Eh, very experienced. OK, Who are your third, fourth...
                          • I must admit you are a quick learner. Grabbed the worst of the western culture in a short time. What else have you learned in the open marriage theory?
                            • 不要把自己端起来,都是两条腿的动物,你不比别人更好或坏
                              • The difference between human being and animals is the later have no senses of social and moral responsibly. You are so close to be one of them.
                                • 你连我是谁都不知道,就开始审判了。做道德法庭的审判长很有成就感,是吧?
                                  • Don't want to and never will. Go with your threesome and more. HA HA HA
                                    • 你好象对我很感兴趣,为什么呢? 太过于纠结了对身体有害
                                      • Unless you are a beautiful young lady, traditional heterosexual and well-behaved, I may take a look at you.
    • 结婚和离婚自由,这个符合人性。怕的是结婚了整天叨叨这样一辈子不符合人性,但也不离。。。 -nodream(~~~); 4.19 09:53 (#6018743@0)
      • 没有讨论离婚,是在讨论婚姻的另一种形式
        • 从古到今,貌似婚姻只有一种形式,你说的那是婚姻吗?...
          • 被动的接受一些僵硬的教条没有意义。人活着就是为了生活的自在些
            • 那还结婚干吗泥?婚姻不就是甘愿受约束吗?
              • 这不就是看中了那个词吗。
                • 难道接受一个新事情对某些人真的很难吗?
                  • 不难,你得出点钱。。。
        • 婚姻形式多样化最近形势发展很快。已经有了“同性婚姻”,很快就会有“3P婚姻”“人兽婚姻”“群婚姻”... 大家与时俱进,哈
          • iphone3gs would love that and try hard..
            • 敬请你不要指导我的生活,如果你想显示你的水平,就正在讨论的主题写点有深度的评论。
    • 也来售售我的英文:marriage is the fundation of a family, and family is the fundation of a society. what's the fundation of a marriage? trust and loyalty. 还行吧?
      • 这些具体内容是些什么呢? 被动的接受一些僵硬的教条没有意义
      • Good!
      • 貌似一部大片的开场,家庭、私有制和国家的起源。。。马克思说了,母系社会没私有制。那会儿男的笨啥肉都逮不到,全都吃软饭。我和马克思都盼望再有这么一天。。。
        • 只要人和人之间能真正做到如兄弟姐妹,这一天就会来啦。那时候小家庭就没有存在的意义了。当然,可能也没有性了。
          • 对对,婚姻形式应该包括“无性婚姻”
    • Marriage is not meant to be like that. You promised. Well, promises are to be broken in nature, so here goes affair. You may bump into it and enjoy the process, but make sure later you can walk out of it one piece and still call it beautiful.
    • 那还结婚干嘛,单身多自由啊
    • 其实我也觉得婚姻这样方式维系俩个人的关系意义不大,相爱的话可以不用结婚也能很永远在一起,否则结了婚,时间长了也会厌倦滴,再离多麻烦,哈哈
    • 对于那些in marriage, 又要sleep around的人,想想都恶心,要毫不犹豫地一脚踢开,告诉他/她去死吧.
      • 若存心欺骗,则更是贱男/女.
        • That’s why it’s called whore play.
          • 若是当事双方知道一方或双方已婚的事实,it's none of other people' business. 如果已婚的一方隐瞒其已婚的事实,就是太cheap的WSN了.
    • "两个人一辈子都只喜欢一个异性",不能叫"太没有人性",应该叫"太没有兽性"。
    • 好像,有些留守的就是这样的吧。还有一些,不管对方出轨,只要还回到家里,就不离婚的,也算是吧。还有那些双方都出轨,但不讲明的。在这样婚姻中的人可以自欺欺人的说,出轨的一方会回心转意的,这样,至少面子上过得去。见听多了,不奇怪了。
    • 国内有过这样的讨论,看看这段讨论,特别是最后性心理专家首都医科大学的扬主任的论点,是非常有意思的
    • 这是国内换妻俱乐部著名网主一枝独秀的博客, 可惜我从她的博客里读到的恐惧和寂寞多过快乐。
      • 基本上国内的那些先锋体验者还只是把这些作为一个表达他们与众不同的武器,其实这就是一种生活状态而已,如果他们心态平衡,将这些作为日常必需的生活状态,如果吃饭刷牙一样,他们就没有这么多恐慌挣扎还有偷偷做坏事的兴奋了。
    • LZ大概是看了这个发的感慨。
    • 有一个感觉,国人总是要用一个可以规范所有人行为的标准来看待某些所谓不入眼的行为,其实如果这样的行为没有打扰任何人(没有人因为三人行而抑郁甚至发生过激的行为),愿意身体力行就让他们身体力行好了,否则就有JD的嫌疑。