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How To Build A Web Site (3)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Monday morning, Developer went to Z as planned. After some chitchat with old friends, he settled down at his desk. 30 minutes later, he was in a meeting room with Architect and two other people from the head quarter.

"Morning gents,", Architect was the organizer of the meeting, "you are assembled here for a new project. We are going to build a web site for our client. What makes this project special is that we are going to work with a new agency, which potentially is our competitor. Therefore, I want to have this job done in a way that consolidate our position and not make them shine. We'll use the latest technologies and build this project as a showcase to impress the client. "

"Sounds like lots of fun." Developer thought, " I think I have to postpone the lunch with the QA…" While the Developer was drifting away, the Architect continues, "But we are facing a lot of challenges. We are very tight on dev time and we are short of resources. There`s no PM. We're in the process of hiring a new PM and probably will get one in a week. For this project, we only have Developer works fulltime. Coder has other tasks and can only allocate 20% of his time toward this project. We borrowed Producer from HQ so he won't be here all the time. My plan is to finish the site in 2 weeks and start QA afterwards. We also will try to leverage our oversee resources during the QA period. I propose that we have a team meeting with company B every morning at 9:30 until we launch the site. And here are the overview of the project….."

"Gee, I think I am going to die…" Developer looked at the Architect with a rigid smile on face. "I should go to the client site in PEI…"

"Now, I said we are going to use some new technologies, anyone here know Entity Framework? "


"OK, no problem. I don't know it neither. I spent sometime during the weekend and got a taste of it. Now let me show you how to do it…."

"You got be kidding." Developer thought. "This is like kill the mosquito with a cannon. But, it's always good to learn something new, especially get paid at the same time."

After the meeting, Developer and Coder feel like he know Entity Framework and ready to use it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 网站是如何做成的
    • 引子

      现如今在多伦多, 天上掉下一块石头, 砸死一人, 上前一看, 做IT 的程序员, 再一看, 不是JAVA就.NET, 细一看, 原来是做网站的。。。。

    • 网站是如何做成的 (1)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A公司和B公司共侍一主,多年来一直为Z公司提供服务。B主要是做市场和销售, A主要是做技术维护。由于分工不同,井水不犯何水,倒也相安无事。不过B公司还是心有不甘。虽然规模上比A要大很多,但仍然眼馋N的那份。特别是近期有个高管反水到A,让人心里更是不爽。于是暗地里悄悄行动,收购了一家技术公司,稍加修整,伺机而动。 适逢Z要做个网站促销某新产品,让Z公司终于逮到了机会,一跃而起,准备干净利索地拿下。

      当然,A公司也不是吃素的。表面上和B一团和气,底下的小动作也看在眼里。B这么做摆明了要吃窝边草,搞虎口拔牙,事可忍孰不可忍!当即派出值班管事Account Manager先去探听敌情。原来这还真是个小活,不到十个网页,生命周期也不长,网站运行四个星期后撤掉。怎么办? 抢还是不抢?AM找PM一合计,寸土必争,不能让B抢去开了这个头。当即决定,派出说客pre-sales和高级构架师Architect一同迎敌。二人找到负责项目的client,一看也是旧交。当下把酒唱欢。酒过三巡,开始试探。你看我们一直合作甚欢,众人无不皆大欢喜啊,这次也别例外了,咱们友情更近一步,这个网站我们也帮你做了如何?Client挠挠头,也是,不过这次是人家先找上门来,送给你不好交代。这样吧,你也开个价,我回去研究研究。有机会总比没有强,A公司的二人当下接过项目细则,回来后连夜筹划,终于在第二天递上了估算书。Client到也不急,过了两天才回来找AM和PM,拿出估算书缓缓道:“这个啊,你们的报价和开发时间都是人家的一倍啊。”PM和AM大眼瞪小眼,都暗暗倒吸了口凉气。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 网站是如何做成的(2)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛AM和PM又找来Architect, Architect倒是一点不慌,淡淡道:他们这个数的估算,一定是遗漏了什么。当下三人再次密谋许久,拿出了个修改方案。预算压缩到超过B公司70%。 AM这回带着Architect, 拿着最新方案, 战战兢兢再次找到Client. 又是比划,又是演示。最后二人走出会议室,对等在外面的PM轻轻点了点头。“成了,”Architect说道:”有条件地交给我们。这回我们必须和B公司合作。他们设计界面,然后交给我们完成。” 这时候轮到PM紧张了。"未必是好事啊,"PM皱着眉头说道“时间是太紧了。还有几天就要开工,整个网站要三星期后交工。我们现在又严重地人手不足,休产假的,跳槽走的,我也要马上离开调到另一个项目去要,这可是无米之炊呀。”AM倒是一副胸有成竹的样子:“没问题,Architect, 你先撑起PM的职责,我立刻到总部去调配资源。既然拿下来了,就一定要做好!”管事当下拿起黑莓手机,开始向总部求救。一场没有硝烟的战争正式拉开序幕。

      公司总部,Developer正在悠闲的刷网。好不容易轻松会儿。那个娇小的QA还约了要下周请吃午饭感谢帮忙。不错嘛。突然电话响了起来。一看是管事的,忙拿起来嗨了声。管事的还是要寒暄几句,忙什么哪?一切还好吗?然后就切入主题:我本来想派你到外地去的,现在改主意了,下周去Z公司报到吧。Developer一听,Z公司啊,老地方了。没问题。心想,路远,还不给油钱,真是抠门啊。当下收拾东西做准备。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 快。。。。
    • 好文。
    • 有趣,请继续
    • How To Build A Web Site (3)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Monday morning, Developer went to Z as planned. After some chitchat with old friends, he settled down at his desk. 30 minutes later, he was in a meeting room with Architect and two other people from the head quarter.

      "Morning gents,", Architect was the organizer of the meeting, "you are assembled here for a new project. We are going to build a web site for our client. What makes this project special is that we are going to work with a new agency, which potentially is our competitor. Therefore, I want to have this job done in a way that consolidate our position and not make them shine. We'll use the latest technologies and build this project as a showcase to impress the client. "

      "Sounds like lots of fun." Developer thought, " I think I have to postpone the lunch with the QA…" While the Developer was drifting away, the Architect continues, "But we are facing a lot of challenges. We are very tight on dev time and we are short of resources. There`s no PM. We're in the process of hiring a new PM and probably will get one in a week. For this project, we only have Developer works fulltime. Coder has other tasks and can only allocate 20% of his time toward this project. We borrowed Producer from HQ so he won't be here all the time. My plan is to finish the site in 2 weeks and start QA afterwards. We also will try to leverage our oversee resources during the QA period. I propose that we have a team meeting with company B every morning at 9:30 until we launch the site. And here are the overview of the project….."

      "Gee, I think I am going to die…" Developer looked at the Architect with a rigid smile on face. "I should go to the client site in PEI…"

      "Now, I said we are going to use some new technologies, anyone here know Entity Framework? "


      "OK, no problem. I don't know it neither. I spent sometime during the weekend and got a taste of it. Now let me show you how to do it…."

      "You got be kidding." Developer thought. "This is like kill the mosquito with a cannon. But, it's always good to learn something new, especially get paid at the same time."

      After the meeting, Developer and Coder feel like he know Entity Framework and ready to use it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • How To Build A Web Site (4)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The next day, Developer setup a web site project in TFS and began to enter tasks. Company B start to sending PSDs and site copy decks. Producer was checking the site mock-ups, page by page, trying to identify any missing asset. One thing immediately caught their attention was that two pages would collect user's personal information.

      "Here's why we won this project." Architect grinned while trying to explain to his team. "I know this when I saw the requirements. In our main site, if you collect personal information, you have to go through a tedious procedure to get approved and put the data into a special secured database. Company B missed this part. But even if we go that path, we are definitely going to miss our launch date. So I did a trick here." With a smug smile, he continued, "we are going to use one of client's satellite hosting companies and put our site outside main site. I proposed this to the client and they like the idea."

      "Sometimes a little bit inside information is critical." Developer thought. "I should start buying donuts for my clients, maybe they will tell me something one day…"

      The day went by quickly. The office is quiet but emails exchanged among work stations like crazy:
      * Producer sent email to company B asking for some missing content, images, and links. Company B reply: we will get back to you shortly.
      * Developer sent email to Architect say no access to server. Architect reply: ask Programmer. And Programmer reply: Thank you for your email. I will be on vocation from ……
      * Client sent all pages to the Legal department for review and Cced everyone.
      * Client sent pages to Service department for French translation and Cced everyone.
      * Architect sent email to hosting company asking for environment setup and Cced everyone.
      * Architect booked a meeting with Analytic team for tracking code setup
      * Architect sent email to everyone: don't forget to log your time.
      * Architect sent email to Account Manager: when the hell I can get a PM?
      * Co-op student A send email to the group "Guys, 427 is closed for G20, and 401 is blocked by an accident, don't go home now. "
      * Co-op student B send email to the group: "Anybody want pizza?"
      ...........................................更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • How To Build A Web Site (5)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In a week, the team made some progresses. Producer created all images, finished style sheet, and composed all pages in static html. Developer implemented database access layer and began to update pages created by Producer. Coder didn't do much, but he started to populate resource file. Architect was buried in meetings and emails.
      And finally came the PM. This guy is really a character. He worked all over the world. His last job was in Cayman Islands. He had his own business and got over twenty thousand Twitter followers. He hardly smile. But he always regales his listeners at lunch time with his stories.

      Like most PMs, he spent quite some time on the phone. Thanks to the OCS phone, he just needs his headset and a laptop, and can make phone calls anywhere, as long as there's a wireless connection. The downside is, people will think he spent too much time on listening music.

      The most happiest person now was the Architect.  He diverted all the communication emails to PM and finally could work on something he's good at: doing project estimates.

      Producer had gone back to the head office. So only Developer and Coder were left behind. PM would come by from time to time and ask the guys if they had any issues. "Everything is under control." Developer usually replied like that. "Just wish we could have more time."

      "Ah, talking about time, " the PM said, "I was called the day before I came here. All they told me was go there and PM a project. I think they had lots of confidence on us."

      Two weeks down the road, things were going on very well and the site was almost done. The team almost finished all pages and populated resource files both in English and French, so it would switch the language based on locale automatically. All pages had been approved by the Legal department. The production environment had been setup. Security certificate had been purchased for HTTPS links.

      Some time in the week, two guys from Analytic team came by. One provided tracking code and the other provided end actions code. Developer added them on pages in no time. They did a quick test and all looked good.

      And then came the QA....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • How To Build A Web Site (6)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛For all things women are superior than men, QA should be on top of the list. Breaking things is so nature for women, either at home or at work. (just kidding). Within an hour of arrival, the QA had found controversial statements on the page that none of the team ever thought of, and discovered discrepancies between the design and the implementation.

      The team was surprised and called client for clarification. Finally, things got sorted out. Then the QA started to preparing testing cases. She created 97 test cases, and multiple that by five browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera), the team got 485 cases in total.

      "You do know we have a small site, right?" Developer asked. "Of course, " QA answered, "If you saw how thick the testing plan I created for other clients, you would be happy to death with yours."

      "No big differences, I am almost dead now. " The Developer thought, "at least she would buy me a lunch this time."

      Soon it's the feeding time. The QA was surrounded by other guys and went out for lunch together. This really pissed off Developer.

      By the end of the day, all test cases had been entered in QA system and sent to the overseas resources. While the team left the office and went home. The overseas QA team started to work.

      The next morning, when the team came back to office. QA results had already been logged and bug list was created. "Not too bad" Architect browsed the list in a team meeting. "Pass ratio is 78%. Most of them are minor UI issues. Please focus on the functionality bugs. We need Producer to take a look at all the UI related bugs." PM already put on his headset "I will call HQ and try to steal Producer for a day or two. "

      Three days before the launch date, the team had their first UAT with client. The Architect drove the UAT session swiftly. He skipped the page still had some bugs, pointed out some trivial issues that can be fixed in a minutes, and politely turned down some last minutes change requests from client. The client was impressed by the work the team did. Finally, everybody was happy.

      The day before launch date. Everyone was relaxed and ready to go home. Then, something happened and made the launching a big question.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • How To Build A Web Site (7)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛T-30 hours before going live
      Client rushed to PM. They had a quick conversation in private. Then the PM came back with a serious looking. "We are in big trouble." PM said quietly, "The client just found out that company B used a copy righted content on the page. We could be in a legal problem if we use that. "

      "Looks like they finally screwed it up." Architect shrugged and said "What are we going to do? "

      "We will lose half of all pages if we pull the content down. " PM said. "The client is calling the Legal department and try to figured out what to do. This is something really new and even the Legal department didn't noticed. "

      "OK, so we wait."

      T-15 hours before going live
      "Did we have any decision yet?" Developer asked PM. "Nothing promising. "

      "Damn, " Developer cursed, "I thought we already had all the troubles. "

      T-9 hours before going live
      "OK every one, we had a solution, but you won't like it" PM finally announced the plan "we have to use the other content to replace what we have now. I know this means a lot of changes. But we have to do it. I will call HQ again and let them send Producer right away. Developer, please work with QA and start the changes immediately."

      "Aye Aye sir. " Developer replied. "Well, at least I am not alone."

      T-6 hours before going live
      The office is empty now. Producer and Developer are still in the progress of fixing. QA was relatively at ease and browsing the web.

      The client went by. "Thanks everyone for staying late. We will order pizza for you. Anyone want something else?"

      T-2 hours before going live
      Finally all fixes applied to the site. Everyone in the office feel numb now. QA start to test the site one more time. Of course, not all the cases. Producer was playing with his new iPad.

      Developer got a magic ball toy from his colleague's desk . He shook it. The ball read: "This is not a bug, but a new feature." Cool. He shook it again. This time it read: "It works on my machine." Wow. This was great. He shook it the third time. Now it read "REBOOT". Developer was amused. Every developer should have one of this on his desk.

      T-0.5 before going live
      All works were completed. Producer already gone. Developer escorted QA to her car in the dark parking lot and said good night to her. Driving on the way home, a voice from the radio greeted him "Good morning….."

      A new day is arrived.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 俺的那个magic ball很久以前不见了,不会是你的developer偷走的吧。
        • 一直想去买个。没看到有卖的呀。
          • 没得卖的,一次展示会上商家给的免费玩具。多晃几下你能看到商家的名字。
    • How To Build A Web Site - Epilogue
      How to build a 10 page web site? Here is what you need:

      * 3 different companies
      * 4 people spent over 360 hours
      * 5 teams involved (marketing, development, translation, legal, Analytic )
      * 6 different roles for implementation (account manager, project manager, architect, developer, production, QA)

      All this effort is made for a site that has a life cycle of 3 weeks.
      • I guess that "Producer" means "Designer", but what's "developer" vs. "coder" -- wasn't coder a developer too -- or does the "coder" do encryption only?
        • I guess coder = programmer while developer = System Analyst
        • 为了好区分而已。我已经用了个Developer了,换个名字用下。其实分工都是一样地。
          • 用 developer 1 David, developer 2 Mike, developer 3 Tod 说,比较好点
            • 我大概是儿童节目看太多了,起名字就会想到什么Bear, Fox, Snail之类的统称了。
              • 童心不眠, 好!
                • 主要是儿童节目没广告,我还都看得懂,哈哈。
                  • you must have
                    5 young kids.... kidding
    • 好奇, "a copy righted content " 指的是什么?
      • 关键是改动涉及到了后面数据库变化,规则的改变,和图片的变更。这动静就大了
        • 整体不错,就这点有些牵强。我起初在想可能是用了盗版软件或license expried.上了Production 就给copy right warning.
    • 你的E文太棒了。我猜你的角色是那个architect?
      • I guess so!
      • Developer apparently - or else how could he do so much mind-reading on the developer? :-)
      • 显然是一个对QA有好感的developer。
      • 你的英文真不錯,我這個外語專業的都自歎不如。
        • 要有点自信吗。你的英语也许更好。Give them a shock!
          • 現在的工作每天就是不停英翻中,4年多了,已不會寫英文article 了。:(
            • Don’t be disappointed. You never know what’s in store in the future. You may be a master like 朱生豪, 傅雷or 叶君健 one day.
          • 你是不是花太长时间在繁体中文上了。呵呵。
            • Do I?
        • 只不过对自己领域的东西熟悉些。其他方面就不一定了。每个人都有自己的特长,你也一定有比别人强的地方。
    • holy, 一个周末玩回来这里这么热闹了。 好文采!
      • Where were you hiding? Others are taking your position now :)
        • I have been in the real world playing with my family.. and that's what I am planning to do for this summer... CoolMao is a cooler guy - and I am glad to see he posts more articles here, rather on somewhere else..