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It's that time of the year again. Let's exchange the seeds we harvest.

I am collecting the following seeds for next year's planting:
1. Heirloom tomato seeds: including brandywine (a large tomato), a greenish yellow tomato seeds, a cherry tomato seeds.
2. 莴笋
3. 江豆
4. loose leaf lettuce
5. 韭菜
6. 丝瓜 (Maybe, depends on the weather)
7. 紫苋菜
8. 筒蒿
9. spinach

以上应该都是非杂交品种所以不应该有退化问题。If anyone is interested in any of them, please let me know and I can keep a bit more seeds for you.

I have 油豆角. 但是是杂交品种。估计没办法留种.

I am looking for:
1. white bittermelon seeds
2. 油豆角
3. winter melon seeds

I am hoping that there is enough people who is interested in growing 非杂交品种蔬菜 that we can have a seed exchange.

BTW, I am living in the north part of the city. If there is enough interest, we can meet somewhere at the end of the season.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 换种子
    It's that time of the year again. Let's exchange the seeds we harvest.

    I am collecting the following seeds for next year's planting:
    1. Heirloom tomato seeds: including brandywine (a large tomato), a greenish yellow tomato seeds, a cherry tomato seeds.
    2. 莴笋
    3. 江豆
    4. loose leaf lettuce
    5. 韭菜
    6. 丝瓜 (Maybe, depends on the weather)
    7. 紫苋菜
    8. 筒蒿
    9. spinach

    以上应该都是非杂交品种所以不应该有退化问题。If anyone is interested in any of them, please let me know and I can keep a bit more seeds for you.

    I have 油豆角. 但是是杂交品种。估计没办法留种.

    I am looking for:
    1. white bittermelon seeds
    2. 油豆角
    3. winter melon seeds

    I am hoping that there is enough people who is interested in growing 非杂交品种蔬菜 that we can have a seed exchange.

    BTW, I am living in the north part of the city. If there is enough interest, we can meet somewhere at the end of the season.
    • 杂交品种有杂交优势,普通品种很多都不灵。我的蔬菜杂交品种占多数
      • I agree that in some case hybrid has its advantages.
        But you can't keep seeds from hybrid plants. Given that it is hard to find the Chinese veg. seeds, I am looking for heirloom one. Also, in my opinion, hybrid tomato is not as tasty as heirloom so I'd rather go for the taste instead of the volume.
        I have gone through different type of veg. and got rid of the type that doesn't taste so good. I still do plant hybrid varieties (except tomatoes) in my yard but most of them are none hybrid.
        • "Heirloom" is overrated! It's easy to buy seeds at agrohaitai.com, most of which are hybrids.
      • 请问色狼,入冬之前韭菜地要怎么处理? 要上什么肥料么?
        • 入冬以前可以上点磷钾肥高一点点肥料,不需要特别处理。
          • 能推荐一种吗? 还有, 上在哪里? 是在跟部周围, 还是在跟部。 别笑话, 头一次, 一点经验没有。谢谢。
            • 找个包装上后两组数大点的,最好翻到土里去。我还是建议弄点有机肥进去,这样可以改良土壤
              • 牛粪行吗?
                • 可以用来增加有机质,但是肥力差
                  • 谢谢
          • 谢谢
    • I'm interested in your 韭菜 and 江豆, but unfortunately I don't have the one you want.
      • You don't have to have what I want. Maybe someone else will. I am hoping that enough people will be interested so that we can exchange what we have.
    • 我有荠菜,中国黄瓜种子。 可以要点你的油豆角种子吗?
      • My 油豆角种子 is very old and only sprouted a few this year. I don't think they will come out next year. I am looking for 油豆角种子 too. :-)
    • 只换种子吗?有没有人想换花?我们一起聚吧!
      • 花也行,仅限于菜花
        • 噢,那就算了,我没有菜花。:)
          • 想起来了,我有。我有韭菜花。白的,一片,挺好看。
      • Sure. I am thinking of starting to plant annual next year.
        I have purple morning glory, snap dragon, 太阳花, 石竹.
    • 关于冬瓜种子的问题,如果你不是要某些特殊的品种,我建议你明年早春在中国超市买那种切成块卖的冬瓜回来,瓜吃掉,籽留下种就可以了。我今年就是这样做的。
      • 好主意!你今年有结冬瓜吗?
        • 有,但没有留种子。日本南瓜我也是这样种的。
      • 万一是杂交种,你就杯具了。我的冬瓜我知道是杂交种
        • 谢谢提醒!今年还算幸运,明年为保险起见,我会多买几份不同的去种。
          • 这玩意你能种几棵?我还是建议花点钱买种子,如果太多可以share一下。海泰的种子冬瓜一小包有二十多,估计你家最多三棵就够了,这东西很占地
            • 太谢谢了!
    • 我很想要丝瓜&紫苋菜的种子,我家现在种有紫苏。如果你需要,我可以留种子。我在mississauga。
      • I can give you some 紫苋菜 seeds. But we will have to wait and see if the 丝瓜 has enough time to seed. I'd like to have some 紫苏 seeds but I am in Richmond Hill.
        • 我能要点紫苋菜种子吗?家里老人爱吃这一口。谢谢。
          • No problem.
    • 想换些你的莴笋种子,我有一些芫荽(香菜)种子,不知道你需要吗?
      • No problem.
      • I have 莴笋种子, and I want 香菜种子.
        • 好的,我会给你留出一份香菜种子。
    • 我也在找油豆角种子,今年种的两种豆角都不是好品种,明年不准备再种。 另外,在文学城看到的文章介绍英国芸豆开红花,豆角很长,花美芸豆味道又特好吃,因此也在找这种英国芸豆。
      • Is there anyone from north China? Are all the 油豆角 hybrid?
        • 08年换种时,我拿了菇娘和油豆种子。菇娘被抢,油豆没人要。去年朋友来,连做了标记的留种都被摘了。
          • Do you still have the seeds? Or can you get more seeds somewhere?
            • 去年只剩下一些漏网、别人不愿意摘的或一些独豆的种子。还好有几颗是大宽油豆,今年都没有舍得吃,都留种了。这些种子都用了5,6年了,不一定比你们的好。
              • I also kept some of the best ones. But since mine is hybrid, not sure what will come out next year.
                Can I get couple of seed from you?
    • 想要些紫苋菜和莴笋的种子,还有吗?不过没有种子可以和你交换的,因为我有的你都有了!