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Criticism and controversy

Ford and fellow councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, who occupies a neighbouring ward, have often scrapped with each other and these exchanges have made headlines in local newspapers.[16] Controversy erupted when several councillors reportedly heard Ford call Mammoliti "Gino boy" in the debate over the 2002 budget.[17] Mammoliti filed a complaint for the ethnic slur.[18] Mammoliti's son Michael filed his papers to run against Ford in the 2003 municipal election, but withdrew at the last moment.[19] In March 2003, in a debate over the budget of the Toronto Zoo, Ford called Mammoliti, who chairs the zoo board, a "snake" and a "weasel" in council.[20][21] In September 2010, Mammoliti endorsed Ford for Mayor.[22]

In 2002, Ford strenuously objected to the possibility that a homeless shelter would open in his suburban Etobicoke ward.[23][24] Later in the same year, he was quoted while berating an anti-poverty activist, "Do you have a job, sir? I'll give you a newspaper to find a job, like everyone else has to do between 9 and 5."[25] In 2005, Ford told a homeless protestor, "I'm working. Why don't you get a job?"[26]

In 2006, allegations arose of his conduct at a Toronto Maple Leafs game. Two audience members alleged Ford instigated a shouting match.[27] Security at the Air Canada Centre later ejected Ford from the venue. Initially, Ford denied involvement, claiming mistaken identity. The following day, Ford confirmed the allegations and announced his apology to the couple.[28] He cited "personal problems" as a reason for his behaviour.

Further controversy erupted in a Toronto City Council session when Ford argued against the city spending $1.5 million on AIDS prevention programs. Ford stated that "(AIDS) is very preventable," and that "if you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn't get AIDS probably, that's bottom line."[29] With respect to the increasing rates of women contracting the disease, Ford said; "How are women getting it? Maybe they are sleeping with bisexual men."[29]

Again sparking controversy in March 2008, during a debate at City Hall, Ford said, "Those Oriental people work like dogs. They work their hearts out ... that's why they're successful in life. ... I'm telling you, Oriental people, they're slowly taking over, because there's no excuses for them. They're hard, hard workers." He drew criticism for those remarks from Mayor David Miller, budget chief Shelley Carroll and other councillors.[30][31]

In 1999, Ford was arrested in Miami for driving under the influence (DUI) and marijuana possession charges.[32] According to the statement recorded by the arresting officer, Ford was acting nervous, had blood shot eyes and had "a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath". Ford threw his hands up in the air and told the police officer, "Go ahead, take me to jail."[33] Until he was questioned by reporters,[34] Ford said that the marijuana charge had "completely, totally slipped my mind" because the more serious issue during that arrest was the DUI charge.[35] Ford initially denied the DUI charge, claiming instead he was arrested because he "refused to give a breath sample".[36]

Ford garnered controversy again in August 2010 after endorsing Pastor Wendell Brereton, who is running for city councillor in Ward 6. Pastor Brereton has suggested online that same-sex marriage could “dismantle” a “healthy democratic civilization.” Ford has said in regards to Pastor Brereton that “We’re together. We have the same thoughts." Ford also has noted that he supports traditional marriage, preferring that model to same-sex marriage. "I always have," he stated. "But if people want to, to each their own. I’m not worried about what people do in their private life. I look out for taxpayers’ money."[37][38]

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 族裔牌,何时休?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛那些反对福特当选多伦多市长的人,照例又打出了种族歧视的旗号。可说了半天,只有福特说过的“华人像狗一样工作”的那句话,别的什么都没有了。这句话,绝对不会含有侮辱华人的意思,理由有三:其一,福特是个政客,绝不会说出具种族歧视含意的话。如果真的歧视华人,他绝对不会说出来。既说了出来,就表明这句话不涉歧视华人。其二,他的竞选班子里有大量少数族裔,包括华裔。如果他歧视少数族裔,怎会这么做?其三,如果这句话真的具有种族歧视的成分,那么他的对手早就揪着不放,穷追猛打了。但他的竞争对手没有这么做,说明他们也不认为这句话涉羞辱华人。这一点,应该是最强有力的证明了。


    其实他们不为华人谋利倒也无可厚非,因为法律上所有加拿大人一律平等,怎么可能专为某一族裔办事呢?那样做,轻则违反道德纪律(ETHICS CODES),重则违法。比如华裔就业难的问题,政府怎么可能解决?立法专门给华人提供工作?那别的族裔还不闹翻了天?一听就知道在撒谎。又如前所述的那位移民部长,虽未违法,却犯了道德纪律,以公谋私。可恨的是,他们明明知道不可能做的事,却还偏要承诺去做,那就太虚伪了。上一次当还情有可原,再上第二次可就是活该了。

    是不是在任何情况下都不能专为华人办事?那倒也不见得。如果华裔受到歧视,那就要为华裔主持公道。人头税就是一例。那是专门针对华裔征收的税款,明显属种族歧视,所以必须平反,道歉,补偿。有意思的是,左派总指责保守党种族歧视,而人头税问题的解决, 却是在哈勃领导的保守党上台后才得以实现的。自由党一贯鼓吹对华裔多么友好,对人头税的问题却一拖再拖,完全没有解决的诚意。为什么?他们是想耍把戏,利用这一事件回报“侨领”们对他们的效忠。人头税的补偿,对象当然应该是当年的苦主。但自由党却提出向华联会拨款的方案,实在是匪夷所思。如此明目张胆地利益输送,简直是在把华裔和所有纳税人当猴耍。特别需要指出的是,人头税问题的解决,离不开苦主本身的顽强抗争,及其他华裔和一些真正为华人办事的社区组织对苦主的支持,如平权会,华人及东南亚人士法律事务处等。


    族裔问题重不重要?当然重要。虽然法律不允许种族歧视,种族歧视却依然存在。正如法律不允许杀人,杀人现象却从未消失一样。这说明,法律不可能在事先完全阻止所有违法事件的发生,而只能以事后的惩罚震慑违法者。如何防止被侵犯?只有事先自我保护,事后法律追究。总不能要求每家派个警察吧?种族歧视问题也一样,只有拿起法律武器,自我抗争。马丁路德金和人头税苦主就是我们的榜样。这个世界永远都不会是完美的,政府的保护伞只能使这个世界更不完美。只有靠我们自己的力量,努力奋斗,才能使这个世界一天比一天更趋近完美。国际歌是怎么唱的?“从来就没有救世主,也没有神仙皇帝。要创造世界的一切,全靠我们自己。”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 说得好, 选小政府,低税收.
    • Good article!
    • 说得不错。不过福特说“华人像狗一样工作”的确不大好听,容易让人抓小辫子,好像狗并不工作。说“像牛马一样工作”也许更合适一些,不过英语中可能没这种说法。
      • 查了一下,英语里好像狗的地位比在中文里高很多。而work like a dog 就是work very hard的意思。普通话里的最接近的对应词应该是“干活跟牛似的”或“干活跟骡子似的”。
    • 这么说还不是歧视是什么?非要别人把屎盆子扣到头上才行啊?ford就是一个种族歧视的人,以前没想竞选市长,都随便乱说的,现在嘴管的严了点,但不代表他就不歧视。
      • Working like a dog.不过是一句嘲解式的口语,谈不上是歧视吧。事实上不少时候觉得被歧视更多是自卑和不自信的心理反应。
      • 还是要自己有实力。在市场经济下,就是拥有和运用财富的能力。穷不可怕,没有富起来的希望才是问题。
    • Common sense - Vote for Rob Ford.
    • 选小政府,低税收,Vote for Rob Ford
    • 说的好
    • 小政府,低税收-------好!
    • Ford说亚裔工作很努力,所以才成功,有什么不对吗?不过此公的确是个炮筒子。从wikipedia摘录了些他的言论,请大家自己品味。
      Criticism and controversy

      Ford and fellow councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, who occupies a neighbouring ward, have often scrapped with each other and these exchanges have made headlines in local newspapers.[16] Controversy erupted when several councillors reportedly heard Ford call Mammoliti "Gino boy" in the debate over the 2002 budget.[17] Mammoliti filed a complaint for the ethnic slur.[18] Mammoliti's son Michael filed his papers to run against Ford in the 2003 municipal election, but withdrew at the last moment.[19] In March 2003, in a debate over the budget of the Toronto Zoo, Ford called Mammoliti, who chairs the zoo board, a "snake" and a "weasel" in council.[20][21] In September 2010, Mammoliti endorsed Ford for Mayor.[22]

      In 2002, Ford strenuously objected to the possibility that a homeless shelter would open in his suburban Etobicoke ward.[23][24] Later in the same year, he was quoted while berating an anti-poverty activist, "Do you have a job, sir? I'll give you a newspaper to find a job, like everyone else has to do between 9 and 5."[25] In 2005, Ford told a homeless protestor, "I'm working. Why don't you get a job?"[26]

      In 2006, allegations arose of his conduct at a Toronto Maple Leafs game. Two audience members alleged Ford instigated a shouting match.[27] Security at the Air Canada Centre later ejected Ford from the venue. Initially, Ford denied involvement, claiming mistaken identity. The following day, Ford confirmed the allegations and announced his apology to the couple.[28] He cited "personal problems" as a reason for his behaviour.

      Further controversy erupted in a Toronto City Council session when Ford argued against the city spending $1.5 million on AIDS prevention programs. Ford stated that "(AIDS) is very preventable," and that "if you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn't get AIDS probably, that's bottom line."[29] With respect to the increasing rates of women contracting the disease, Ford said; "How are women getting it? Maybe they are sleeping with bisexual men."[29]

      Again sparking controversy in March 2008, during a debate at City Hall, Ford said, "Those Oriental people work like dogs. They work their hearts out ... that's why they're successful in life. ... I'm telling you, Oriental people, they're slowly taking over, because there's no excuses for them. They're hard, hard workers." He drew criticism for those remarks from Mayor David Miller, budget chief Shelley Carroll and other councillors.[30][31]

      In 1999, Ford was arrested in Miami for driving under the influence (DUI) and marijuana possession charges.[32] According to the statement recorded by the arresting officer, Ford was acting nervous, had blood shot eyes and had "a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath". Ford threw his hands up in the air and told the police officer, "Go ahead, take me to jail."[33] Until he was questioned by reporters,[34] Ford said that the marijuana charge had "completely, totally slipped my mind" because the more serious issue during that arrest was the DUI charge.[35] Ford initially denied the DUI charge, claiming instead he was arrested because he "refused to give a breath sample".[36]

      Ford garnered controversy again in August 2010 after endorsing Pastor Wendell Brereton, who is running for city councillor in Ward 6. Pastor Brereton has suggested online that same-sex marriage could “dismantle” a “healthy democratic civilization.” Ford has said in regards to Pastor Brereton that “We’re together. We have the same thoughts." Ford also has noted that he supports traditional marriage, preferring that model to same-sex marriage. "I always have," he stated. "But if people want to, to each their own. I’m not worried about what people do in their private life. I look out for taxpayers’ money."[37][38]

    • 说华人象狗一样工作,正是在夸奖华人、树立华人勤劳奉献的社会形象!西方文化中把狗看作人类好朋友,工作勤奋耐劳的人常被比喻为工作犬,或者work horse。请某些学习能力差的人不要狗咬吕洞宾。
    • 我有点走题啊,最近接到几个华裔的参选人义工的电话催票,翻来覆去就一句话:一定要选XX,华人帮助华人;参选人堵在超市门口跟人握手,还是那么一句话;问都不问一声,把参选的旗子插在人家门前的草地上,一点心理学都不学就参选,真的不行啊。
      • 是啊。这样就能成功才是怪事。竞选时,往往强调(吹嘘)某一方面的优势。在切中选民心愿的情况下,就会很受欢迎。等真正上台办事,才发现原来其他方面缺陷很多,连原来所谓优势都不能兑现。这不罕见。美国近年已经有活生生的例子。我感觉加拿大也快了。
    • 只要有种族歧视存在,族裔牌就不会消失
      • 是呀。许多中国人歧视印度人与黑人也是长期存在的。