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River Rating Scale

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CLASS I: Moving water with small waves that tug at the boat - it's a relaxing way to spend the day. Each of our trips have some stretches of calm class I water, creating a pleasant break between rapids.

CLASS II: Easy rapids, waves up to three feet tall that are readily seen, and wide channels that can be discovered without scouting. Some maneuvering is required during this little rock and roll.

CLASS III: Waves up to four feet and narrow passages that send the boat shimmying and water gushing over it's sides. Plenty of excitement.

CLASS IV: Long, difficult rapids, narrow passages, turbulent water that requires precise manuevering and sends hearts racing.

CLASS V: All of the above and then some - large, complex, gushing rapids, twisting, and spinning to deliver the consummate adrenaline rush.

CLASS VI: The ultimate extreme, only the most expert should attempt this. Raft trips don't go here. There's too much other water to enjoy.

Western's Trips and the Rating Scale
Green River: Class II - III
Main Salmon River: Class II - III
Grand Canyon 3 Day: Class III
Westwater Canyon: Class III - IV
Middle Fork Salmon River: Class IV
Cataract Canyon: Class IV - V
Grand Canyon 6 Day: Class IV - V更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 这个周末去rafting, 专家介绍的地方! 周五晚出发, 周日中午离开, 已经有五个人, 有兴趣同去的吗? 请尽快跟帖! (每人约花一百多块钱)
    • sailor! 我去我去(两人),告诉我们详细计划吧
      • 我也去
    • 多余提醒你们一下,据本地人介绍,因天气等多种原因,大河上下水情偏浅,这就是为什么上次去的人磨坏PP的原因之一,真正的漂流季节要再过一个月
      • 太好了,可以考完试去,哈哈!
    • 没有小孩的话, 玩至少LEVEL 3才叫过瘾刺激. 可以问问水流情况. 祝玩的开心
      • River Rating Scale
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CLASS I: Moving water with small waves that tug at the boat - it's a relaxing way to spend the day. Each of our trips have some stretches of calm class I water, creating a pleasant break between rapids.

        CLASS II: Easy rapids, waves up to three feet tall that are readily seen, and wide channels that can be discovered without scouting. Some maneuvering is required during this little rock and roll.

        CLASS III: Waves up to four feet and narrow passages that send the boat shimmying and water gushing over it's sides. Plenty of excitement.

        CLASS IV: Long, difficult rapids, narrow passages, turbulent water that requires precise manuevering and sends hearts racing.

        CLASS V: All of the above and then some - large, complex, gushing rapids, twisting, and spinning to deliver the consummate adrenaline rush.

        CLASS VI: The ultimate extreme, only the most expert should attempt this. Raft trips don't go here. There's too much other water to enjoy.

        Western's Trips and the Rating Scale
        Green River: Class II - III
        Main Salmon River: Class II - III
        Grand Canyon 3 Day: Class III
        Westwater Canyon: Class III - IV
        Middle Fork Salmon River: Class IV
        Cataract Canyon: Class IV - V
        Grand Canyon 6 Day: Class IV - V更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 女孩可以吗?
      • 只要你不是小孩的话 :-)
        • Ta Shi Mei Nu!
          • 那可不好办!Rafting是要大家齐心集中注意力的玩玩,,,LOL,,,欢迎!
            • Sorry, It's not my business! Kidding!
      • You are very welcome to join us. Please response quickly in order to book reservation. I already booked three. Not many seats left.
    • 由PLMM的话,可以考虑。^_*
      • PLMM是给老大的,你就负责陪玩儿花钱就行了.:P
        • 老大有一个super PLMM还不够?总会分一个给小的吧。
          • ^_^,你又不睡,偶要睡了^_^
            • 不许睡!
              • why?
                • 半夜聊天没MM不行,会犯困。
                  • ^_^,我睡醒了:P
                    • 现在呢?
          • 那就看你老大的心情了.
            • 不对。看老大MM的心情。
              • 错,老大MM归老大所有.
                • 老大MM管老大
    • 我!!!
    • Final confirm, reservation has to be done today. Male or female does not matter. Two nights camping, manage by yourself.
      • faint. 为什么这么早,不往后推一个礼拜。:(
        • 急什么? 我打算8月去
          • 向组织汇报了吗?
            • 这个星期活动的时候再商量
              • 阅,转猪总
                • 呵呵,不去学习跑来刷网,又完成了?
                  • 又有了
                    • 刚刚RA打电话给我说长周末CAMPING, 你们怎样?
                      • 应该没问题
                        • The problem is the reservation of the camping site. Hope XX and RA could fix it.
          • 本周六傍晚俺和RA去悬崖公园BBQ,叉叉/卷MM来不?葡萄酒可以带上你的朋友一起来吧?
            • 有约, 估计来不了
              • 你准备什么时候去?本次漂流我可能赶不上。。。
                • 八月某个周末, 没定呢
            • 只能到时看,不过要吧我的量算上,没去就帮我打包
    • 4 weeks later, please!
    • sailor, 两天可能时间太多了, 6上午出发, 下午去玩独木舟, 日上午漂, 下午回来即可, 当然, 人多好玩另当别论
      • thanks for suggestion... although we still keep the plan.
    • 必需今天确定吗?现在还定不下来,怎么办?:(
      • sorry, it's too late now... please join the next batch, and enjoy it!
        • 呵呵,看你们讨论了一天,眼红S了,可惜要看书,希望下次有机会哦!*_^
        • 没关系,当然心里还是有点遗憾。因为上周已定了这周末去Huron Lake,临时更改也有些唐突。祝我们大家都尽兴而归!^_^