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not intend to discourage you :

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛for "Never Too..", yes, it maybe be true from the standpoint of neuroscience, theoretically speaking, but have you thought about the kinesiology? a child ' s fine motor ability does increase as s/he grows up, but when people are in their adulthood, it is a different story. one will just feel one's fingers cannot match one's brain.....honestly.

also, it depends on the person's "talent", i mean real "potential". some adults are easier to "learn" an instrument than others, just like, something is built inside their minds/bodies already, and then on day, some environment factors just trigger this potential. but they can never play/perform as good as professionals. but still, there is someone is an exception ;-)

or at least, someone has been immersed into the musical world from very young age. like, you started to listen to classical from you were born, something like that, ....then , the person can pick it up more easier.

for "One of the best reasons to learn to play an instrument as an adult is that you can more easily understand music theory.....". one thing here should be paid attention to is that, for music theory, (the higher the level goes , the clearer you will see this)-- like level > R2 (RCM) , it is meant to be understood by adults (well, > 18?)-- for adults' cognitive ability. when you are young, of course, you still can learn and get good mark in these exams, but few kids fully understand the content, most of them just "know" how to get good mark in the exam. when you are adult, means that, your intelligence already good enough to understand these contents. (well, some very super smart kids do really understand the whole theory)

also, adults' hearing ability greatly differs form young age (means not sharp). one important part in learning musical instrument (especially strings), is the player has to have good (excellent, delicate ) hearing to identify the notes, but , even the adult player does have good hearing (from gene, or from the "listening from very young age", whatever), the kinetic ability (adults') still posts question mark. the examples in those articles are learning piano and trumpet, these instruments have "fix" keys (notes)--means that, learning/playing is much easier comparing to strings (well, not to offend anybody). but, still, these instruments do require the hearing sensitivity.

everyone's expectations/experiences are different, so, if you really learn/try different instruments, you will know what i mean at the end.

i admire your courage;-) and have fun in learning/playing!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 向各位古典乐大侠求建议:如果成年人想从零开始学习音乐和一两样乐器(钢琴和小提琴,是不是有点俗?),应该如何下手?我的初步打算是到时候带孩子上钢琴课时陪读旁听。但是担心手笨跟不上孩子的学习进度,有没有必要笨鸟先飞?
    • 每天两小时,如果你能坚持三年,其他免谈。
      • 这可比练铁人难多了。:-(
      • +1.练好基本功,弹曲目应是水到渠成的.
    • Never Too Late To Learn An Instrument
      • ding.
    • Maybe I should start with studying music theory.
      5. Study music theory

      One of the best reasons to learn to play an instrument as an adult is that you can more easily understand music theory. A friend of mine is a talented pianist who took a college music class and said she learned more in 1 semester as an adult than she had in 3 years as a child, thanks in large part to her improved ability to understand music theory. Music theory is everything that makes music possible-from notation to instrumentation to tuning-and can provide adults with a better understanding of what they are playing and why. Music theory can give you much more than trivia: it will directly benefit your playing! When I began learning chords, progressions and scales, I was better able to identify patterns in the songs I was playing. This allowed me to learn more quickly and retain more of what I was learning.
    • not intend to discourage you :
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛for "Never Too..", yes, it maybe be true from the standpoint of neuroscience, theoretically speaking, but have you thought about the kinesiology? a child ' s fine motor ability does increase as s/he grows up, but when people are in their adulthood, it is a different story. one will just feel one's fingers cannot match one's brain.....honestly.

      also, it depends on the person's "talent", i mean real "potential". some adults are easier to "learn" an instrument than others, just like, something is built inside their minds/bodies already, and then on day, some environment factors just trigger this potential. but they can never play/perform as good as professionals. but still, there is someone is an exception ;-)

      or at least, someone has been immersed into the musical world from very young age. like, you started to listen to classical from you were born, something like that, ....then , the person can pick it up more easier.

      for "One of the best reasons to learn to play an instrument as an adult is that you can more easily understand music theory.....". one thing here should be paid attention to is that, for music theory, (the higher the level goes , the clearer you will see this)-- like level > R2 (RCM) , it is meant to be understood by adults (well, > 18?)-- for adults' cognitive ability. when you are young, of course, you still can learn and get good mark in these exams, but few kids fully understand the content, most of them just "know" how to get good mark in the exam. when you are adult, means that, your intelligence already good enough to understand these contents. (well, some very super smart kids do really understand the whole theory)

      also, adults' hearing ability greatly differs form young age (means not sharp). one important part in learning musical instrument (especially strings), is the player has to have good (excellent, delicate ) hearing to identify the notes, but , even the adult player does have good hearing (from gene, or from the "listening from very young age", whatever), the kinetic ability (adults') still posts question mark. the examples in those articles are learning piano and trumpet, these instruments have "fix" keys (notes)--means that, learning/playing is much easier comparing to strings (well, not to offend anybody). but, still, these instruments do require the hearing sensitivity.

      everyone's expectations/experiences are different, so, if you really learn/try different instruments, you will know what i mean at the end.

      i admire your courage;-) and have fun in learning/playing!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thank you very much for your candid and thorough reply! I fully understand it's gonna be a difficult learning experience, but I have to give it a try. Maybe I do have the potential. ;-)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Honestly, I don't dream to be a professional player. All I wanted is to be able to play some nice or okay tunes to entertain myself (not sure about my family). Another reason I wanted to learn is so that I can truly appreciate those real musicians and virtuosi.

        I do have exposure to classical music from a very young age (my uncle is a piano teacher and the 启蒙老师 of a famous piano player that everyone here knows). But due to all sorts of factors, I never got a chance to learn it.

        I also knows piano would be easier to learn than violin. So I wanna learn piano first before I try violin. I've met adult violin student before, so I believe it can be learned. The following article also talks about learning violin as an adult.

        "Is it Too Late for Adults to Learn to Play the Violin?"

        Learning an instrument (or two) is my life long dream. And I think the best opportunity to learn (post childhood) would be to learn along with my children, otherwise it might very likely be postponed into my retirement. ;-)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • The Violin Lab
    • 小提琴是我的最爱,钢琴也是我的最爱,我从小就喜欢,但小时候家庭条件不行,我想学钢琴,我想学小提琴,但是现在我太老了,而且没有时间.如果不用工作就能生活,我一定买小提琴,买钢琴天天练..
      • 呵呵,每天二十分钟总是有的吧。
        • 有道理,好像应该买一架电钢琴试一试,电钢琴可以调节音量,免得让人听了笑话.其实我已经羡慕了一家店里的电钢琴很久了.
        • 哦?你每天练20分钟就够了?楼上皮皮八哥说要每天两个小时。当然我知道,花的时间越多越好。
          • 每天20分钟是120/20=6x3=18年,都一样。
            • haha...
          • 业余爱好嘛。练得太多,消磨激情,厌倦得也快;慢慢练,陶冶情操,时候一到水到渠成。
    • 我在costco买了一架88键的据称手感如钢琴的电子琴, 练了一个多月, 哈农曲子练了八首, 音乐理论学习了一下http://www.musictheory.net/, 没能坚持下去, 主要是兴趣难以保持长久。
      • 其实我想弹贝多芬的黎明和热情,不知从零开始要练多久.
        • 愿望很美好.但凡事都应从基本功起.没有好的基本功,即使勉强弹下来,自己和别人都不会ENJOY,反而浪费了很多宝贵时间.建议先考虑好是不是有毅力坚持不懈练好基本功才考虑投入.
          • 谢谢建议, 千刀的电钢琴买好了, 不知道如何下手, 好像会唱的单声部歌曲用两个食指弹起来不是很难,就是声音显得非常单薄孤独,没有气势.没有流动感,没有和弦,伴奏,或第二声部烘托.
            • 从拜尔或车尔尼的599开始(假定你识五线谱)。先做分手练习,练熟了再合手。举个599的例(599的谱子和演奏在网上都能找到),跳着练前60首中10首。再试试你能不能弹歌曲。歌曲也是一样,拿到谱子先分手练,练熟了再合起来。你还需要一本乐理的书,帮助识谱。
              • 谢谢,练了几天,终于能弹599第一条了,真不容易,第一第二小节的重复到第三小节左手自动地又弹前两小节的13,实际上这次13在右手。两个手一起来真难。不知道第二条要练几天才能练出来,好在已经开了头,希望能越练越快。
                • 599 是不容易的. 我的学习过程如下 BASTEIN premary level John Thompson moder piano lesson book one 小川一朗钢琴小曲集一(台湾常用教材)弹了50多首) 现在老师叫我开始599, 巴赫初级, 结合钢琴小曲集
        • 贝多芬的奏鸣曲是难度比较高的,至少在RCM10级以上。如果每天1小时,你至少需要4,5年的时间。弹贝多芬奏鸣曲之前,要练莫扎特的奏鸣曲,再之前要有小奏鸣曲的基础,所以慢慢长路啊。。。
          • 除非你有特殊资质, 否则小凡的建议很有道理.
      • 我也发现了这个网站,好像还不错。学音乐跟学别的东西一样,一定要有毅力,坚持下去了才会有所成果。我也担心我到时候坚持不了多久(这种事情不是没发生过)。
        • 我的一个做DJ的同事的叔叔从来没学过乐理也不识五线谱, 但是他能演奏好几种乐器, 包括钢琴, 我比较羡慕这种天才。
      • 琴太便宜,难怪这么快放弃。一般乐器价钱跟坚持学习练习的时间有非线性单调正比例关系。
        • LOL
        • 我觉得这个500块的琴足够把理想和现实变成0距离,放弃了也损失不大, 音质和手感足够初学者用了, 放弃的原因不试不知道, 但是我觉得与琴贵贱关系不大。 不赞同买贵的琴绑架自己。
        • +1. 买个钢琴吧!
        • 通常来讲,投入的钱让你很心痛,你才有可能坚持下去。
      • 留着,给我儿媳妇
        • 哈哈, 那个to do 单子长着呢, 先练好跆拳道, 省着以后被你儿子欺负。
      • "我在costco买了一架88键的据称手感如钢琴的电子琴,"啥牌子的电子琴这么牛?请指教!
    • 练习过程,不问结果
      两年前跟女儿一起开始学小提琴,三天打鱼两天晒网地练,现在女儿在学五级曲子,我自己估计也就三级水平吧。以我的体会,如果有条件,最好每天练习,有时间就练个一,两小时,没时间就摸个10分钟也好。练得太苦,太枯燥,不容易坚持。对孩子也一样。咱就只享受练习过程,不问结果了 :)
      • 狂赞!"享受练习过程"!顺便问一句你女儿多大开始学小提琴的?之前学过钢琴或别的乐器吗?
      • "只享受练习过程,不问结果". 说得太好了。
    • 我自己从6岁开始学习钢琴,学到12岁上初中,扔下了。然后时隔20年再从头开始陪着女儿一起学,到现在还好,能跟得上,而且始终比她强一点点。已经可以熟练演奏四级曲目了。