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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


唉,还有这么多人在走Oracle DBA这条路,此路太窄,职位少,要求极高,特别是现在,要有5年以上加拿大工作经验,英语又要好,几乎所有人都可望不可及。现在形势下,找到Oracle DBA的职位,恐怕不是很实际。我的几个多伦多的朋友(在Oracle论坛上认识的)都有Oracle OCP证书,有两个跟我一样还有Solaris的SCSA证书,有的是被Layoff的Oracle developer, 都在彷惶,所以建议朋友们从现在的实际着手,从容易得到的低职位着手,第一步是找到工作,而不是找到高职位工作,免得耽误了时间,我来多市已经接近一年了,仍无工作。我认为没上这条船的朋友应该慎重。此话与朋友们共勉。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请问有谁是自学ORACLE,准备考或考完DBA认证的?困惑中,不知是否应该上这条船……
    • 我正在学,刚刚开始,在国内干个2年多的DBA和DBD,发现离不开它了
      • 要考多少门啊?考试费高么?培训贵,自学苦……看到很多厉害的DBA都在job search,没下决心开始呢。
        • 一共5门,具体费用还没打听。自学苦?有在国内的时候加班苦吗?当时一个月328小时的工作量怎么结出来的,还不算午休......
          • 真不少,唉。看来都是在IT刀口上滚过来的。不过……现在自觉性差了……:-P 学的时候还要向你多请教。谢谢啦。
            • 这个DBA花了4个多月,该有的证书我基本上都有了,感觉也没什么。关键还是自己要有个定位,这行饭行情难料阿
    • For 8i, there are five exams, 150 USD each, but it could be down to 120 USD or even lower if you have promotion code.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I passed them and got certification in several months last year without any training or even buying any books. Instead, I just did research on internet and borrow some reference materials from friends.

      I do not feel it difficult especailly when you have experience, but it is boring, and you may need put lots time on it(for memorizing lots of stuff). I almost could not insist to the end because I was extemely busy from time to time.

      I don't think it will help much than experience, but it may be good for getting more oppotunities. Frankly, most of the DBAs I have met don't have the certification, but as a unix admin, I have one, sounds like a joke. If you hope to get a job soon by having certification, it may disapoint you. At leat for me, it doesn't help that much. Anyway, they are just exams, you can pass them if you put enogh time on it, but experience is the most important thing. Certification itself is barely better than nothing, but you can learn the whole picture of this technology by preparing those exams. Good luck for whatever you would like to do.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • thanks! your info does help me a lot. the current situation is more complex after Oracle has a new regulation for DBA of 9i. I will do more research. if there is anything interesting, i will post here.
        • 9i might be different.
          I have sort of heard that you need to take at least 1 course from oracle company plus pass all of exams required for getting the 9i certification. Anyway, I can ask our company's oracle representive when I see him.
          • thanks in advance. that course costs almost $1000. :(((
    • 我认为没上这条船的朋友应该慎重...
      唉,还有这么多人在走Oracle DBA这条路,此路太窄,职位少,要求极高,特别是现在,要有5年以上加拿大工作经验,英语又要好,几乎所有人都可望不可及。现在形势下,找到Oracle DBA的职位,恐怕不是很实际。我的几个多伦多的朋友(在Oracle论坛上认识的)都有Oracle OCP证书,有两个跟我一样还有Solaris的SCSA证书,有的是被Layoff的Oracle developer, 都在彷惶,所以建议朋友们从现在的实际着手,从容易得到的低职位着手,第一步是找到工作,而不是找到高职位工作,免得耽误了时间,我来多市已经接近一年了,仍无工作。我认为没上这条船的朋友应该慎重。此话与朋友们共勉。
      • 谢谢,正需要这样的冷水呢! 你知道,病急有时就乱投医…… :-p
    • 我在的公司新招了一个DBA, 背景特别强。
      他有14年DBA经验,当过Oracle, DB2 SQL Server等多种数据库管理员。会编程,懂操作系统,好象是俄国人,还会德语。我一看公司对他的介绍,第一个感觉就是大陆新移民中几乎没有人达到这样的水平。

      • 太对了,光有理论没啥用处,我已经基本断了转DBA的念头。该干啥干啥吧:(
    • 本人认为, 如果在国内几年的HANDON经验, 在这里现学DBA有免了, 很少公司会把DB交给一个新手.
    • 我见过几个成功的例子。大家千万不要放弃。
      • 能讲讲吗?是到这儿以后转行现学的?是近一两年学的?我知道有个2年前现学的,然后一直有些contract,没发财,也没饿死。不过最近的形势下再现学就不好说了。我有MS SQL开发经验,想再学ORACLE,转DBA,比纯开发多条腿。
    • It's not sure oracle will fail or not, but microsft definitly will last for you retire. If you are not in the boat, you have chance to select a big one. If someone already on that boat, only can pray.