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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

In the summer time there is so much to do, and I could hardly find time to come here. Now that it is winter, I am bored and come to join you "boring" people.

I dream of the warm summer, when I can be like a monkey again.... jumping among branches....

A Place called Rolia

Our life may be a rootless one
And we each may travel on different courses
But you have given us a gathering place
And you’ve been a stable force

When loneliness becomes immense and unbearable
You are always faithfully there
When the world is harsh on us
You are always showering us your loving care

When confusion forces us down
When nothing seems to make sense
You are here to repair and restore
Our manliness and confidence

Yes, we all have other resources
They are wonderful and true
Yet there are times when all can be gone
And all we have is you.
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 【2011 Rolia Gala 新年晚会】系列文章——我心中曾经的神秘ID
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Bill ni 的一封信真是感人啊,读到某处感到眼睛湿了,同时也勾起了我对ROLIA的一些人和事的回忆。





    玛雅:看帖子知道玛雅是导演,功力了得,啥节目经她删删减减,整整改改,这么一拨弄,就基本成型了,网上好多人呼吁上片片,想一睹芳容,千呼万唤,终于有一天有片片上传了说这就是玛导,俺怀着按捺不住的兴奋心情急忙打开一看, 只有一个扎着马尾辫的后脑勺!好像这是不远万里干的。大师总是要吊人胃口的!


    还有几位,如果有人好奇的话,容我慢慢道来,打字奇慢,先告一段落。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • In the summer time there is so much to do, and I could hardly find time to come here. Now that it is winter, I am bored and come to join you "boring" people.
      I dream of the warm summer, when I can be like a monkey again.... jumping among branches....

      A Place called Rolia

      Our life may be a rootless one
      And we each may travel on different courses
      But you have given us a gathering place
      And you’ve been a stable force

      When loneliness becomes immense and unbearable
      You are always faithfully there
      When the world is harsh on us
      You are always showering us your loving care

      When confusion forces us down
      When nothing seems to make sense
      You are here to repair and restore
      Our manliness and confidence

      Yes, we all have other resources
      They are wonderful and true
      Yet there are times when all can be gone
      And all we have is you.
      • 你可从不是"boring" people , Rolia 有你就热闹! Sosad 曾说, 只要想到David Ping 这个名字就忍不住要大笑三声!
        你这家伙, 还梦想着爬树呢?! 拜托, 打住吧 ... 让俺们心脏好受点 !
      • 写的真好,感动ing.不过您还是别上树作猴子了,您那录像看的俺心惊肉跳,还是join our boring people 吧!
    • 不远万里大师, 你总吊人胃口呀! ... 我曾最好奇的是: 谁是X888? 因为曾几何时, 一打开rolia, 满篇都是他的贴... 哦, 38 躲哪去了? 玩失踪啊! ... 好久不见, 怪想他的 !
      俺以前曾经在舞蹈队见过几次玛雅本人, 却不知道这就是她老人家, ... 有次吃饭见到空一大哥,说舞蹈队好玩极了,有人常常扮大牌歌星状与观众握手呢, 空一说: 7! 这就是玛雅呀! ... 真是有眼不识泰山那 ! 嘿嘿 ...
    • 等看下集。。
    • 谢谢怡然带来的好文!我自做主张收入到晚会系列文章中.等不及想看下文,这大伙都怎么了,都吊起人的胃口来了.