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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Why is ballet so gay?

March 10, 2004

Rudolf Noureev in the ballet Paradise Lost, London, October 1967 - AFP
Gay men have long played a prominent role in the arts, especially in ballet. Three of the greatest ballet artists of all time - Sergei Diaghilev, Vaslav Nijinsky, and Rudolf Nureyev - were homosexual or bisexual.

Diaghilev, a Russian nobleman, was born in March 1872 in Novgorod. A renowned choreographer, he created the Ballets Russes and profoundly shaped the development of the art form in the 20th century. He was known for his use of talented male dancers, modern music, and erotic scenarios. An unabashed homosexual, Diaghilev reportedly once told a friend, "It is absolutely necessary for me to make love three times a day." Diaghilev nurtured the talents of many young men, among them his lover Vaslav Nijinsky.

Nijinsky was born in March 1889 in Kiev, Russia. Both of his parents were dancers, and he and his sister trained at the Imperial Ballet School in St. Petersburg. After his graduation, Nijinsky began a relationship with Prince Pavel Lvov, who introduced the young dancer to Diaghilev. Nijinsky later recalled an encounter with the choreographer at his hotel: "I immediately allowed him to make love to me...My mother and I had to eat."

As the principal male dancer of Diaghilev's Ballets Russe, Nijinsky soon won acclaim throughout Europe. Famed for his spectacular jumps and his sensuous, androgynous roles, Nijinsky redefined the image of the male ballet dancer. Under Diaghilev's tutelage, Nijinsky began choreographing his own productions. Among these was L'apres-midi d'un faune (Afternoon of a Faun), in which Nijinsky himself played the title role. Near the end of the show, the faun masturbates with a scarf, and Nijinsky's pelvic thrusts created quite a scandal.

In 1913, Nijinsky married dancer Romola de Pulsky, which caused Diaghilev to end their relationship and dismiss Nijinsky from his company. Not long after, Nijinsky suffered a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. His wife had him committed to a mental hospital, and he lived in various institutions until his death in 1950.

Not until a decade after Nijinsky's death would the dance world again see a male ballet star of his caliber. Like Nijinsky, Rudolf Nureyev also changed public perceptions of male dancers, who were often viewed as little more than adjuncts to ballerinas. But in contrast to Nijinsky's androgyny, Nureyev presented an athletic, masculine image.

Nureyev was born on a train in eastern Siberia in March 1938. Despite his father's objections, he began dancing as a child, and as a teen attended the prestigious Leningrad Ballet School. Though an excellent dancer, Nureyev was a rebellious student and refused to join the Communist youth league. After graduation, he became a principal dancer with the Kirov Ballet.

During the Kirov's tour in Paris in 1961, Nureyev eluded his bodyguards and defected to the west. His celebrated "leap to freedom" allowed him to openly pursue sexual relations with men for the first time. Nureyev went to Copenhagen to train and perform with Danish Royal Ballet star Erik Bruhn, 10 years his senior, who Nureyev said was "the only dancer who has anything to show me I don't already know." The two men fell in love, but their relationship was turbulent from the start - "pure Strindberg," as Bruhn later described it.

Although Nureyev also had long-term relationships with director Wallace Potts and dancer Robert Tracy, he was renowned for his many sexual liaisons, and often frequented gay bars and bathhouses. On one occasion, he slipped out during the intermission of a performance and was detained by police for having sex in a public lavatory, enraging his famous costar, Dame Margot Fonteyn. Despite his enfant terrible reputation, Nureyev was a driven artist, performing with international dance companies into his fifties and directing the Paris Opera Ballet until his death from AIDS in 1993.

In addition, many other well-known ballet dancers and choreographers have been homosexual or bisexual, including Jean Borlin (principal dancer of the Swedish Ballet, created by his wealthy lover); Jerome Robbins (who reported the names of friends to the House Un-American Activities Committee, purportedly to avoid exposure of his sexuality); Alvin Ailey and Robert Joffrey (both of whom also died of AIDS); and Rudi Van Dantzig (who wrote an autobiographical novel, For a Lost Soldier, about a Dutch boy's affair with a soldier during World War II). But at least as many have been heterosexual, including Michel Fokine and George Balanchine (both of whom worked with Diaghilev), and the latest ballet superstar, Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Although often regarded as unmanly, ballet was originally based on the moves of fencing and requires great physical strength and endurance. Today, male ballet dancers' sensuous movements and costumes - which stem from an era when men, not women, wore revealing clothing - challenge conventional notions about the appropriate display of the male body. Even if ballet dancers are no more likely to be gay than straight, the art form has an undeniable homoerotic appeal.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 男生学芭蕾的好处









    Billy Eliot,2000年的英国电影。讲述了一个小男孩对芭蕾艺术执着的爱,使他最终战胜贫困和偏见,

    中央舞台centre stage,2000年美国出品。讲述了一群美国芭蕾舞学院的年轻学员们的生活,这是有许多芭蕾舞演员亲身参演的电影,

    • no offense.无论男孩女孩,学学跳舞没什么不好,娱乐健身陶冶情趣。但我不希望我女儿学的太多,包括一切艺术类的冬冬 - 画画,弹琴,接触即可,学多了易敏感伤神,还是做个正常一般傻快乐的比较好。
      • 不同意。家长的责任是给孩子创造机会,开阔视野,至于孩子想走多远,那是他/她自己的事,毕竟人生只有一次,我不觉得家长有权利过分干涉
        • 不希望 != 干涉
        • 赞成,如果这孩子本来就是个感情丰富,多愁善感的人,就算你不让他包括一切艺术类的冬冬 - 画画,弹琴,他还是会特别敏感的。引导要适当,顺势而为。
      • 同意。
      • 这个易敏感是与生俱来的吧,培养不来的
      • 还是别学芭蕾了,学个交谊舞或hip pop 吧.
    • 第一个video虽然你是作为玩笑贴的,但是也是体现了事实,男生在那样的环境下不变态不变不正常那这男生的意志一定超级坚强。
    • 100%同意你的观点。我就想让我儿子学一些芭蕾基础,目的是形体气质塑造,如果学不成至少要学体操基础。不过两周前听CBC还在讨论男孩子学芭蕾的困惑,
      • 你家的娃,身材高挑,样貌俊俏,很有这方面的潜质,我看好他。
        • "样貌俊俏" ? 最好别用来夸男孩。应该说 “英俊,玉树”etc etc
          • 对对,我说错了。应该是风流倜傥,玉树临风。她家那位,长大了绝对是翩翩公子的那种类型。
        • 谢谢阿姨! 我们家的算“玉树临风,一吹就倒“型的,打hocky就不想了,要跳芭蕾还得先好好练练举重才行lol.
          • 没事,没事。男孩子长好个子最重要。他基因好,底子好。搁那里都成才。
    • 想请教你,如果只是想孩子有些芭蕾基础,两个目的,一个是形体气质训练,一个是等他大了想学他自己喜欢的其他舞种会更容易。这种情况应该几岁开始,学到什莫程度呢?谢谢先!
    • 我一个西人朋友,小时侯,他爹把他送到舞校学芭蕾,10年后自己都不知道什么时候就变成gay了,杯具了。
    • 男人芭蕾,有助与培养成某种特定的"形体气质塑造"。对于男人,还有很多种别的"形体气质"。这种与芭蕾相关的"形体气质",不一定每个人喜欢,根据他以后的人生路选择,也不一定和谐。男人,走路虎虎生风,或沉稳如钟,都是气质。
      • 这倒是,我老公就属于虎虎生风型的。多年以前我和一个女孩儿在墙根儿下说话,远远看见一个人走过来,太远看不清楚面目,近了看清是我老公,那女孩儿说,远远的来了一个莽撞人,原来是你啊。
    • 我同学中有两个跳舞的,一个是中学同学,考了北京舞蹈学院,他说中国跳舞是机器人,一年后退学重考,考上中央戏剧学院戏文系。他初恋是女孩,现在是GAY.另个一个大学同学,从小跟妹妹一起学,妹妹上过春晚独舞。他也是GAY。他们很享受GAY。他们周围跳舞的男孩GAY很多。
      • 那是以跳舞为职业吧。如果学跳舞的男孩不至于都变gay吧?极端点,说象那些歌星,明星,不都要学跳舞么?
        • 他们现在一个写戏,一个在上市公司做高管,都不跳舞了。跳舞的孩子不会都变GAY的,我对GAY也没有不好的看法。但是不觉得正常男孩在那个环境中会被GAY骚扰吗?孩子自己喜欢跳,就跳吧。如果我再生个女儿,一定会送她去学跳舞。
        • 讲个小故事~~这个考上中戏的同学C大家知道他是GAY之后,同宿舍的A跟他开玩笑。A每天跑去另外一个宿舍告诉B说,C要我跟你说他爱你~~B很生气,不理,他不是GAY,但A依然每天去说,并且形容C多么伤心~一个月后,B很害羞的去问C:你真的爱我吗?
          • 这个玩笑很缺德啊。不过,青少年的性向问题真的要重视的。因为他们很容易被暗示。
        • i have always been amazed by people's logic, or the lack of it, to be more precise. yeah, 不至于都变gay, not 100%, and nobody said that. but what about maybe , say, 30%?
          • 不好意思的说 我 lack of it,不过现正在好好补这一课。
            • ah ? 木你神马事,秉抻着脑袋接石头~~~~~
              • 知道不关我事~~·这说明我的自省精神多么强大~~·日省吾身
      • gay 没啥不好,这世道,gay将来会成为主体人群
        • 不会吧?你别吓我。
          • 君不见gay潮如黄河之水天上来,吾等小民可以休矣。
      • 我也觉得艺术圈里gay是多些,所以我娃只练基础,一定不能进了那个圈。我老公就是天生clumsy, 我记得他第一次看见我一条腿站着穿另一条腿的裤腿儿,
    • 以前一个男同事,家里在他小时候让他学过芭蕾。 结果那个与众不同的气质哦,跟二椅子实在没什么两样。 不到万不得已,还是饶了孩子吧
    • good!
    • 芭蕾男演员中Gay的比例确实比常人大,而且经常被文艺作品和媒体加以渲染,一旦被打上了这种烙印,就变成了“芭蕾男演员=Gay“,杯具啊......更杯具的,多数孩子的父母也这么认为......
      • gay 没啥不好,这世道,gay将来会成为主体人群 -mikesmith(老猫); 11:38 (#6543150@0) reply more
        • 你还挺主流的......
        • wow,这是老猫说的吗?你的ID被反复盗用了吗
          • 精神分裂
      • 他们还说打冰球的也怎么了怎么了呢
    • 其实有良好身体条件的男孩子练芭蕾,真得很好!尤其是“腿长、手长、脖子长,头小“的男生!有什么理由不去塑造一个良好的形体呢!而且,大多数的舞蹈都以芭蕾作为基功训练,特别是现代舞,许多年轻人都很喜欢,可惜没有一个很好的舞蹈入门教育......
    • 我儿子在学,没啥.就是图个学校有好老师,能多在学校蹦蹦跳跳别回家看傻了书,玩多了电脑.看过几次OPEN HOUSE,男孩动作优雅活泼阳刚.女儿的BALLET老师也是男的,据说曾是俄罗斯名家,很有男子气质的.当然儿子还依旧最喜欢打HOCKEY........呵呵
    • Boys in Ballet - 看看这段视频
      • 正像受访者说的,俄罗斯芭蕾教育是男班、女班分开的,男老师教男生,女老师教女生。男生只有丢弃阴柔,表现出阳刚,才真正是个Ballet Dancer,而不是Ballerina.
      • Ballet was not made by and for gay but it turns out to be somewhat a way making some boys gay or gay look… Look at those boys. Most of them are very feminine - way of speaking, gestures, body languages…
        • 专业的就不太知道,知道ROLIA著名十大人气SG EGG同学就练过空中2碰BALLET舞步的,我家同学小时候在北京第1幼儿园也是给外宾首长表演过托天鹅的蓝天鹅,尽管认识他以后,就根本没看出来那种高雅的BALLET气质~~~~~
          • 他当年没有好好练功吧?
            • 没好好练,怎么能当男主角.应该是童子功早废了.....娃同学也都男孩气质,所以说一般练练,跟练体操什么的差不多,没什么的
              • ZT
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Why is ballet so gay?

                March 10, 2004

                Rudolf Noureev in the ballet Paradise Lost, London, October 1967 - AFP
                Gay men have long played a prominent role in the arts, especially in ballet. Three of the greatest ballet artists of all time - Sergei Diaghilev, Vaslav Nijinsky, and Rudolf Nureyev - were homosexual or bisexual.

                Diaghilev, a Russian nobleman, was born in March 1872 in Novgorod. A renowned choreographer, he created the Ballets Russes and profoundly shaped the development of the art form in the 20th century. He was known for his use of talented male dancers, modern music, and erotic scenarios. An unabashed homosexual, Diaghilev reportedly once told a friend, "It is absolutely necessary for me to make love three times a day." Diaghilev nurtured the talents of many young men, among them his lover Vaslav Nijinsky.

                Nijinsky was born in March 1889 in Kiev, Russia. Both of his parents were dancers, and he and his sister trained at the Imperial Ballet School in St. Petersburg. After his graduation, Nijinsky began a relationship with Prince Pavel Lvov, who introduced the young dancer to Diaghilev. Nijinsky later recalled an encounter with the choreographer at his hotel: "I immediately allowed him to make love to me...My mother and I had to eat."

                As the principal male dancer of Diaghilev's Ballets Russe, Nijinsky soon won acclaim throughout Europe. Famed for his spectacular jumps and his sensuous, androgynous roles, Nijinsky redefined the image of the male ballet dancer. Under Diaghilev's tutelage, Nijinsky began choreographing his own productions. Among these was L'apres-midi d'un faune (Afternoon of a Faun), in which Nijinsky himself played the title role. Near the end of the show, the faun masturbates with a scarf, and Nijinsky's pelvic thrusts created quite a scandal.

                In 1913, Nijinsky married dancer Romola de Pulsky, which caused Diaghilev to end their relationship and dismiss Nijinsky from his company. Not long after, Nijinsky suffered a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. His wife had him committed to a mental hospital, and he lived in various institutions until his death in 1950.

                Not until a decade after Nijinsky's death would the dance world again see a male ballet star of his caliber. Like Nijinsky, Rudolf Nureyev also changed public perceptions of male dancers, who were often viewed as little more than adjuncts to ballerinas. But in contrast to Nijinsky's androgyny, Nureyev presented an athletic, masculine image.

                Nureyev was born on a train in eastern Siberia in March 1938. Despite his father's objections, he began dancing as a child, and as a teen attended the prestigious Leningrad Ballet School. Though an excellent dancer, Nureyev was a rebellious student and refused to join the Communist youth league. After graduation, he became a principal dancer with the Kirov Ballet.

                During the Kirov's tour in Paris in 1961, Nureyev eluded his bodyguards and defected to the west. His celebrated "leap to freedom" allowed him to openly pursue sexual relations with men for the first time. Nureyev went to Copenhagen to train and perform with Danish Royal Ballet star Erik Bruhn, 10 years his senior, who Nureyev said was "the only dancer who has anything to show me I don't already know." The two men fell in love, but their relationship was turbulent from the start - "pure Strindberg," as Bruhn later described it.

                Although Nureyev also had long-term relationships with director Wallace Potts and dancer Robert Tracy, he was renowned for his many sexual liaisons, and often frequented gay bars and bathhouses. On one occasion, he slipped out during the intermission of a performance and was detained by police for having sex in a public lavatory, enraging his famous costar, Dame Margot Fonteyn. Despite his enfant terrible reputation, Nureyev was a driven artist, performing with international dance companies into his fifties and directing the Paris Opera Ballet until his death from AIDS in 1993.

                In addition, many other well-known ballet dancers and choreographers have been homosexual or bisexual, including Jean Borlin (principal dancer of the Swedish Ballet, created by his wealthy lover); Jerome Robbins (who reported the names of friends to the House Un-American Activities Committee, purportedly to avoid exposure of his sexuality); Alvin Ailey and Robert Joffrey (both of whom also died of AIDS); and Rudi Van Dantzig (who wrote an autobiographical novel, For a Lost Soldier, about a Dutch boy's affair with a soldier during World War II). But at least as many have been heterosexual, including Michel Fokine and George Balanchine (both of whom worked with Diaghilev), and the latest ballet superstar, Mikhail Baryshnikov.

                Although often regarded as unmanly, ballet was originally based on the moves of fencing and requires great physical strength and endurance. Today, male ballet dancers' sensuous movements and costumes - which stem from an era when men, not women, wore revealing clothing - challenge conventional notions about the appropriate display of the male body. Even if ballet dancers are no more likely to be gay than straight, the art form has an undeniable homoerotic appeal.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 看过几期 so you think you can dance,里面有些男孩的舞跳得真好,有力量有激情,极富感染力。看跳芭蕾时,除了感叹一下他们的技巧,别的没什么。
      • 反驳你一下。我同老公也一度非常迷so you think you can dance,里面出过几个我爱极的极富感染力的男dancer也是跳芭蕾出身,那个基本功zhen不是盖的,一个飞身跳就能看出几斤几两。感觉很多跳现代舞出身的基本功跟他们比还是有差距。
        • 不晓得我喜欢的那一两个个练过不。看身架子骨不太像~~
        • 我女儿喜欢TAP,JAZZ,ACRO,BALLET因为是第3个小时,怕她累着,所以总想取消.可是看过以后就知道了,练的都是压腿劈叉等等的基本功,且最严格,还有优雅姿态,就打算一直坚持下去
    • 电影"Black Swan"里的男主角一点都不gay,挺迷人的