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有同感!看上个月另一起雷人案子 --强奸犯免于坐牢,法官的原因:女的穿着过于挑逗! (这个引起很多人抗议,要求该法官辞职)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Rape victim 'inviting,' so no jail
Judge rules woman's clothes, conduct ease blame on attacker

By: Mike McIntyre

A convicted rapist will not go to jail because a Manitoba judge says the victim sent signals that "sex was in the air" through her suggestive attire and flirtatious conduct on the night of the attack.

Kenneth Rhodes was given a two-year conditional sentence last week which allows him to remain free in the community, in a decision likely to trigger strong debate. The Crown wanted at least three years behind bars.

Queen's Bench Justice Robert Dewar called Rhodes a "clumsy Don Juan" who may have misunderstood what the victim wanted when he forced intercourse along a darkened highway outside Thompson in 2006.

Rhodes and a friend met the 26-year-old woman and her girlfriend earlier that night outside a bar under what the judge called "inviting circumstances." Dewar specifically noted the women were wearing tube tops with no bra, high heels and plenty of makeup.

"They made their intentions publicly known that they wanted to party," said Dewar. He said the women spoke of going swimming in a nearby lake that night "notwithstanding the fact neither of them had a bathing suit."

The foursome left the parking lot and headed into the woods, court was told. Rhodes began making sexual advances towards the victim, who initially rejected him but later returned his kisses. Rhodes then forced himself upon the woman once they were alone.

Rhodes pleaded not guilty at the trial on the basis he thought the woman had consented. Dewar rejected his defence -- but said aspects of it can now be considered in sentencing.

"This is a different case than one where there is no perceived invitation," said Dewar. "This is a case of misunderstood signals and inconsiderate behaviour."

Dewar said he didn't want to be seen as blaming the victim but that all of the factors surrounding the case must be viewed to assess "moral blameworthiness."

"I'm sure whatever signals were sent that sex was in the air were unintentional," he said.

The Crown was seeking at least three years in prison for Rhodes, who has no prior criminal record and works for the City of Thompson. They cited numerous precedents from the Manitoba Court of Appeal suggesting the "starting point" for a major sexual assault involving intercourse is a penitentiary sentence.

"This sentencing will raise a number of issues relating to public confidence in the sentencing process," Crown attorney Sheila Seesahai told court. She said the victim was at the mercy of her much larger attacker and his "repugnant and reprehensible" conduct.

In a victim impact statement, the woman described her ongoing fear related to the attack.

"I'm a prisoner in my own home," she wrote. The woman said she bears a permanent reminder of what Rhodes did to her -- a scar on her knee.

"This is a very serious rape case. The harm to the victim can't be underestimated," said Seesahai.

Defence lawyer Derek Coggan told court it's clear alcohol was a factor for both his client and the victim in terms of their ability to make good judgments.

"She had a very different understanding of what was in the accused's mind than he did," said Coggan. He said Rhodes never threatened the woman, didn't have a weapon and was simply "insensitive to the fact (she) was not a willing participant."

Dewar said the case was not "typical" of ones the courts often see and shouldn't be viewed as a precedent.

"There is a different quality to this case than many sexual assaults," he said. "Not all guilty people are morally culpable to the same level. This difference is not to be reflected in conviction. It can be reflected in sentencing. Protection of society is not advanced one iota by putting Mr. Rhodes in jail."

Rhodes will be under a 24-hour curfew for the first year of his conditional sentence, with exceptions to allow him to work and attend to medical appointments. His name will also be placed on the national sex offender registry. The judge also ordered Rhodes to write a letter of apology to his victim.


Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition February 24, 2011 A3更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 加拿大世事漫谈:加拿大雷人的官和雷人的官机构
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加拿大世事漫谈:加拿大雷人的官和雷人的官机构

    2月21日,老牌杂志《经济学家》(The Economist)集团名下的经济学人智库(Economist Intelligence Unit),公布了世界城市宜居排行榜的2011年版,头十名城市,加拿大占三:温哥华五连霸,继续独占鳌头,排第一,多伦多第四,卡尔加里紧随其后,老五的地位。







    如何避免性骚扰,他给出的劝告之一居然是:别穿得像个骚货(Don’t dress like a slut) 。



    加拿大司法独立,法院只管依法维护社会公义做出判决,不管这笔罚金的来源,最近安省政府专门管理规范全省供电供气市场的机构安大略能源局(the Ontario Energy Board, OEB),又无法推翻法院判决,也算是行政独立吧,居然同意各地供电局为这笔罚金涨电费,俗话说,羊毛出在羊身上,把这笔罚金从全体用电户那儿再榨取回来,从今年三月起,未来两年之内,每个客户每月,大约要多付30到40分的电费。



    略感欣慰的是,判决此案的法官康明(Cumming),有鉴于一家一户退赔的困难,对供电局的罚金,除了支付律师费用之外,全部判给本地一家最大最正规的慈善机构United Way托管,低收入的家庭可以申请冬季取暖费用的电费补贴。那些集体诉讼的客户,从金钱利益来讲,其实一分钱的好处也没捞着。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 有同感!看上个月另一起雷人案子 --强奸犯免于坐牢,法官的原因:女的穿着过于挑逗! (这个引起很多人抗议,要求该法官辞职)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Rape victim 'inviting,' so no jail
      Judge rules woman's clothes, conduct ease blame on attacker

      By: Mike McIntyre

      A convicted rapist will not go to jail because a Manitoba judge says the victim sent signals that "sex was in the air" through her suggestive attire and flirtatious conduct on the night of the attack.

      Kenneth Rhodes was given a two-year conditional sentence last week which allows him to remain free in the community, in a decision likely to trigger strong debate. The Crown wanted at least three years behind bars.

      Queen's Bench Justice Robert Dewar called Rhodes a "clumsy Don Juan" who may have misunderstood what the victim wanted when he forced intercourse along a darkened highway outside Thompson in 2006.

      Rhodes and a friend met the 26-year-old woman and her girlfriend earlier that night outside a bar under what the judge called "inviting circumstances." Dewar specifically noted the women were wearing tube tops with no bra, high heels and plenty of makeup.

      "They made their intentions publicly known that they wanted to party," said Dewar. He said the women spoke of going swimming in a nearby lake that night "notwithstanding the fact neither of them had a bathing suit."

      The foursome left the parking lot and headed into the woods, court was told. Rhodes began making sexual advances towards the victim, who initially rejected him but later returned his kisses. Rhodes then forced himself upon the woman once they were alone.

      Rhodes pleaded not guilty at the trial on the basis he thought the woman had consented. Dewar rejected his defence -- but said aspects of it can now be considered in sentencing.

      "This is a different case than one where there is no perceived invitation," said Dewar. "This is a case of misunderstood signals and inconsiderate behaviour."

      Dewar said he didn't want to be seen as blaming the victim but that all of the factors surrounding the case must be viewed to assess "moral blameworthiness."

      "I'm sure whatever signals were sent that sex was in the air were unintentional," he said.

      The Crown was seeking at least three years in prison for Rhodes, who has no prior criminal record and works for the City of Thompson. They cited numerous precedents from the Manitoba Court of Appeal suggesting the "starting point" for a major sexual assault involving intercourse is a penitentiary sentence.

      "This sentencing will raise a number of issues relating to public confidence in the sentencing process," Crown attorney Sheila Seesahai told court. She said the victim was at the mercy of her much larger attacker and his "repugnant and reprehensible" conduct.

      In a victim impact statement, the woman described her ongoing fear related to the attack.

      "I'm a prisoner in my own home," she wrote. The woman said she bears a permanent reminder of what Rhodes did to her -- a scar on her knee.

      "This is a very serious rape case. The harm to the victim can't be underestimated," said Seesahai.

      Defence lawyer Derek Coggan told court it's clear alcohol was a factor for both his client and the victim in terms of their ability to make good judgments.

      "She had a very different understanding of what was in the accused's mind than he did," said Coggan. He said Rhodes never threatened the woman, didn't have a weapon and was simply "insensitive to the fact (she) was not a willing participant."

      Dewar said the case was not "typical" of ones the courts often see and shouldn't be viewed as a precedent.

      "There is a different quality to this case than many sexual assaults," he said. "Not all guilty people are morally culpable to the same level. This difference is not to be reflected in conviction. It can be reflected in sentencing. Protection of society is not advanced one iota by putting Mr. Rhodes in jail."

      Rhodes will be under a 24-hour curfew for the first year of his conditional sentence, with exceptions to allow him to work and attend to medical appointments. His name will also be placed on the national sex offender registry. The judge also ordered Rhodes to write a letter of apology to his victim.


      Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition February 24, 2011 A3更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 断章取义,这些案例根本跟宜居城市扯不上边。
      • 我觉得你应该仔细阅读
    • 最大最正规的慈善机构United Way? 就是那个给自己管理人员发高工资最正规的United Way吗?
      • 如果不是为了玩游戏避税,把钱给他们才真的是浪费呢.这又是游戏规则制订者给大富和这些吸血虫们的机会:一方面是投钱的可以玩避税游戏;另一方面是这些机构的乱来.据说就是法规也只规定它们的入款只要有不到40%花在它们认为需要的人身上就行了.
    • 楼主很可能是女性。我觉得警官说的没错,一个适龄男性在横陈玉体面前没有反应的,不是有病,就是有病
      • 穿什么都没用,还穿个P
      • 我觉得警察的意思是那么拽死的很容易被人当做站街的,从而增加被侵犯的机会。建议不要那么拽死
    • Because we had enough