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Example #2
(you are fully responsible - with optional
Loss or Damage Coverages)

Your car has an actual cash value of $12,000.
You are involved in an accident and are 100%
responsible. Your car is a total loss.
You receive nothing under your Direct
Compensation - Property Damage Coverage.
You have the optional Collision or Upset
Coverage and your deductible is $300. Under the
optional coverage, we will pay $11,700 ($12,000
less $300, the deductible).
In sum: You receive $11,700. You are
responsible for $300, the Collision deductible.

(合同没写, 但你的保费从此将大增)
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 不能加新贴,只能在这问一下。我买的是第三保,车停在路边被人撞了,保险公司怎么跟我说我还需要付deductible呢,是对方的错我也要负责吗?请教大家,谢谢。
    • yes, you have to pay the deductible. Check the contract you signed, you can find the information about it.
      For example, if the deductible is $500 and you cost $1200 to fix your car,
      the insurance company will only pay you 1200-500=$700.

      if the deductible is $500 and you cost $200 to fix your car, the insurance company won't pay you because the cost is lower than your deductible.
      • 嘿,拜托弄清人家问的是第3保情况下
        • sorry, didn't read it carefully. I was talking about my situation.
          • That's OK, go ahead please. Any idea is highly appreciated.
    • 有点奇怪。按说只有是你的错的时候,你才需要付deductible的。如果对方付全责,你不应该付任何钱的。和你的保险公司在确认一下。
      • ?? the air bags of our car were stolen several weeks ago. I assume it was not my responsibility. But the insurance company said that we should pay the deductible for it. why? TIA.
        • 你是买的第三方还是全保。我没碰上过。我的一朋友一辆Accord的气囊被偷了两回,保险公司都赔了。他买的是全包。Accord的气囊最为贼喜欢.
          • comprehensive. the company is Monex. :-( what should I do now? FYI, our car is still in the body shop.
            • You have to pay the deductable, no matter whose fault it is. Hope this helps.
              • I see. I am so sad. Thanks for your answer, anyway.
                • 只要是你的保险公司需要为你支付费用,你就要付deductible的那部分钱。如果比如说对方的保险公司支付,那么你就不付,由对方付了。
                  • that means I don't need to pay deductible if only I could caught the thief. hmm, don't think I can do that. :-(
          • can you check with your friend please? maybe the deductible of his policy is zero?
    • 谢谢回答,不过我真的是糊涂了,我的deductible是300, 如果修了300,那撞我们车的那人的保险公司什么也不用管了。保险公司正在联系那人确认细节,等会再问问他们,事实上已经问了2遍了。
      • 安省汽车保险是NO-FAULTY-SYSTEM,也就是说,不管是不是你的责任,你都要付deductible。
        • 真是惭愧,保险买了很久,还不知道是这样解释的.那意思是,如果出了小毛病(<DEDUCTION)都是自己掏钱?对方错,俺也掏钱,那对方掏什么?掏给谁?
          • 如果是对方的错,你只掏deductible。如果是你的错,而你保了全保,你也只要付deductible,但你的保费从此将大增。下面举个例子:
            Example #1
            (the other driver is entirely responsible)
            Your car has an actual cash value of $12,000.
            You are involved in an accident for which
            someone else is 100% responsible. Your car is a
            total loss.
            Your Direct Compensation - Property Damage
            (DC-PD) deductible is $300. We will pay
            $11,700 ($12,000 less $300, the deductible). We
            will also pay for reasonable alternate
            In sum: You receive $11,700. You are
            responsible for $300, the DC-PD deductible.
            • 前面的例子是你没有责任的情况,下面再举一个你有全部责任(100%)但买了全保的例子
              Example #2
              (you are fully responsible - with optional
              Loss or Damage Coverages)

              Your car has an actual cash value of $12,000.
              You are involved in an accident and are 100%
              responsible. Your car is a total loss.
              You receive nothing under your Direct
              Compensation - Property Damage Coverage.
              You have the optional Collision or Upset
              Coverage and your deductible is $300. Under the
              optional coverage, we will pay $11,700 ($12,000
              less $300, the deductible).
              In sum: You receive $11,700. You are
              responsible for $300, the Collision deductible.

              (合同没写, 但你的保费从此将大增)
        • You can select 0 ductible for your car. I discussed with my car insurance company, if $500 detuctible, -$60 one year; if $1000 detuctible, -$95 onea year.
          • You surely can select 0 ductible. But it comes with its price. Generally it makes sense to increase Deductable to a certain level, since you won't file claim for every single (even little) damages.
            • I want some detuctible, but the insurance gave me 0 ( I don't know at first). Even though you aren't at fault in any accident, you still have to pay the detuctible.
        • 还是很puzzled,自己没责任,但维修低于deductible,也得自己掏?肇事方反而没事?
          • 见 #663045 。如果对方坚持不肯私了,不肯支付费用,那么就只好报保险公司了。也许最后你还是要出Deductible, ,但对方的保险恐怕就会涨了。所以很多聪明人都会选择私了。
        • 你这不是胡说八道吗?
      • 如果是这样,你还不如不报险,自己掏了钱算了。否则就要有不好的纪录,保费上涨。
        • 如果你确信自己没有责任,那么还是应该报险。保费也不会上涨。(当然是在保险公司确认你没有责任的情况下)
          • 我们停在路边,没有启动,他要出发倒车时不小心撞了我们的车,应该是他的问题吧。
            • 一般情况,如果你知道不是你的责任而且价格不超过1000刀,没有必要立马通知保险公司。正确办法是:
            • 从保险的角度说, 你是要付DEDUCTIBLE, 不论谁的错. 但我想你可以要求肇事者赔付, 甚至不用报保险公司.
    • Yes, you must pay your deductible if the other side is at fault. That's the rule.
      • I do NOT think so. I think the guideline is that if your insurance company needs to pay, you have to pay the deductible first. So ...
        if the other driver is at 100% fault, you do NOT need to pay deductible since your insurance company pay nothing.
        • Please see #663017 and #663029
        • 安省保险法规规定, 两车卷入事故, 不论责任如何, 各自找各自的保险公司索赔. 保险公司相互之间也不追偿. -- 照抄报纸, 一字不差
          • "保险公司相互之间也不追偿" ? -- 会是这样吗? 能给个出处吗?
        • Yes. I think you are right.
    • 就此事我特地问了我的保险公司, 得到的答案如下: 发生事故, 对方全责, 己方不用付deductible. 楼上所说的无论如何自己也要付deductible, 似乎于理不通.
      • OK. Here is the website you could refer to. I believe this is at least the 2nd time I post it.
        • URL上说得很明白呀, collision 不是你的责任, 你不用付deductible,
          URL上说得很明白呀, collision 不是你的责任, 你不用付deductible, 你的保险公司付给你.只不过它不能向对方的保险公司要钱, anyway, 对你来说是一样的. 你无责任, 不用付deductible. 我copy了原文在下面, 难到我看错了不成? recover 可不是 cover.

          In Ontario, "under Direct Compensation, you will recover the portion of your deductible, to the extent that the other driver was at fault, from your own insurer."
          • NOD.
      • 对呀。楼上的看得我也是一头雾水。当初我的保险agent也是说,只有是你的错的时候,才需要付deductible
    • 对方hit&run,你要付deductible,否则对方保险公司全赔。
      • 兄弟,你说的话好象前后搭不上啊?
        • You pay deductible in Ontario and Quebec, read in...
      • Absolutely Correct!