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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


去walmart做transmission service, cooler line放不回去了,因螺口滑掉,拖到另一shop,从100元开始慢慢build a project 到1300元,换了一个transmission横切面(有螺口的一块大板)。
pay后找walmart,只肯出300,恐吓我不要300就找independant appraiser 让我一毛没有。
气难平,找independant appraiser ,来拍照,作很无辜状博取同情,他觉得是walmart错,(螺口被shop drill 过,不知是否也帮了我忙,另call shop叫他们不可以讲谁错谁对,至少不要害我,)

1。transmission 一定要到专门店像Mr. Transmission之类
2。千万不要给shop build a project 的机会,没有书面估价绝不同意动手。参见网上。
3。做保养还是要去大店,要是去小店估计非上court不可(independant appraiser 讲)
4。keep a record of everything that happended, details including who you talk to, what they say, time, etc.
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 鸣谢专家等dx, transmission的问题解决了,兼告所有有旧车的。
    walmart 赔偿我全部修车费(¥1500)+租车费,肯定是车行宰我,不过让walmart跟他搞去。这算大公司的一个好处吧。

    • Very good!
    • ??事情开始是怎么回事?
      • 打字太慢,详情来了。
        去walmart做transmission service, cooler line放不回去了,因螺口滑掉,拖到另一shop,从100元开始慢慢build a project 到1300元,换了一个transmission横切面(有螺口的一块大板)。
        pay后找walmart,只肯出300,恐吓我不要300就找independant appraiser 让我一毛没有。
        气难平,找independant appraiser ,来拍照,作很无辜状博取同情,他觉得是walmart错,(螺口被shop drill 过,不知是否也帮了我忙,另call shop叫他们不可以讲谁错谁对,至少不要害我,)

        1。transmission 一定要到专门店像Mr. Transmission之类
        2。千万不要给shop build a project 的机会,没有书面估价绝不同意动手。参见网上。
        3。做保养还是要去大店,要是去小店估计非上court不可(independant appraiser 讲)
        4。keep a record of everything that happended, details including who you talk to, what they say, time, etc.
        • 一般都不去walmart, 据说他们的技师都没有证书的.
        • 什么车,什么症状?
        • 千万不要相信专门店像Mr. Transmission之类, 天下乌鸦一般黑 修Transmission的惨痛经历
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My situation is:

          When speed of my car exceeds 40km/h, car loses power. I brought it to a dealer of Mr. transmission(4900 shepper ). After initial check by service advisor(Jimmy), he told me that it's the problem of transmission, and he also told me that to repair it would cost about $700 to $800, while if they could not repair it, they had to rebuild it, which would cost about $1,200-$1,250 included parts and labor.

          I sent my car to them after I transferred the car warranty from previous owner, and filled out an application form.

          The next day, another person(the owner RAY) informed me that the cost would be $2,320, which was about twice the price I had supposed. He listed the labor fee, rebuild fee, TC fee, and oil fee. He explained why the fee changed was that the $1,250 only covered changing oil, and some little parts, not included labor and hard parts. When I required a formal quotation, they just wrote down a draft quotation on an informal paper. Finally I told him that I had to think about the cost and would call him the next day after I made decision, he was rude and said to me that what I had done was wasting his time, and I had to pay for the repair labor before I pick up the car regardless whether I had it repaired or not. I left very angry.

          The third day, I went to Mr. transmission and negotiated with the owner. The service advisor(Jimmy) disavowed what he said before. The owner told me that I had to pay the labour and the car storage fee($25/day) plus tax ($590) before I bring the car back. I called 911, 2 polices came, he said to poice that I misunderstand the car warranty could pay the total repair fee first, so I agreeed with the first quotation, after I realized that the warranty company just paid part of that, I denied. The police believed I was true, but they couldn't help me for getting the car without pay the labor money. After I took back my car and paid the labor fee, I found that the car worst than before. But I don't know how to proof it.

          Could you tell me how to find independant appraiser ? Is that helpful for my situation?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 以前听行内人说过,修变速箱是修车厂最赚钱的,也是最黑的行当。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛有些臭名昭著的专业公司(恕我不直接提名)会先给你一个报价,譬如是1500。但只要他们打开了你的变速箱,就会一件件的和你算钱,最多可以多达4-5千。如果这时你决定不修了,那对他们是最好不过了,你的变速箱里的最好的部件都可能会被更换。因为他们的生意大多不是换整个变速箱,而是某些小部件,所以从废车场搞来的变速箱会有很多没用的坏东西,这时就都到你的变速箱里去了,你的好部件就给他们用来赚大钱了。据说这个过程只需要半个小时到一个小时,你是防不胜防的。至于labour则是照收你不误的。



            一句话,加拿大的修车行业已经是非立法整顿不可了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 为什么不说,让大家有个低也好啊.
            • 请教怎样可以鉴定车行对我车上的transmission作了什么手脚呢?我想上小金额法庭控告修车行,讨回公道,有没有前辈有这方面的经验?
            • 我是觉得吞不下这口气,不仅是因为被骗,而且觉得不想让鬼子觉得中国人好欺负。
    • 根据楼上给的网址找到以下内容, 推荐给大家: 安省政府的 Guide to Car Repairs
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Guide to Car Repairs

      Car repairs continue to be a major concern of Ontario consumers. Partly it’s because most of us know little about what lies under the paintwork of a modern vehicle, and we feel vulnerable. The complexity of car repairs can also lead to honest misunderstandings between consumers and garage operators. Then there are dishonest car repairers -- a minority, thankfully -- who take advantage of a consumer's lack of knowledge.

      All of this can help to create an impression that getting your car repaired is like hacking your way through a jungle. But it doesn't have to be that way. As a consumer, you have a lot going for you when it comes time to take your vehicle in for repairs -- probably more than you think.

      How do I choose a reputable repair shop?

      In this area, as in all others, consumer protection starts with you. When you set out to have your car repaired, you have a responsibility to shop as carefully as you would when making any other sizeable expenditure. Begin by asking friends, neighbours and acquaintances to recommend a garage. Check any recommendation with the Better Business Bureau. Go to the repair shop and have a chat with the service manager or owner. Ask to see the mechanic’s licence if it isn’t posted in plain view and ask questions until you feel comfortable.

      Once you have found a repair shop you’re happy with, become a regular customer. Then you are in a position to make the recommendations.

      What protection do I have once I drop off my car at a garage?

      You should know that you have the law behind you when you take your vehicle into a shop. Repairs to cars, vans, trucks, motorcycles and motor-assisted bicycles are all covered under the Motor Vehicle Repair Act. This legislation applies to any establishment that carries out repairs -- dealerships, neighbourhood garages, used car lots, muffler shops, auto body shops, brake shops, paint shops and gas stations.

      Did you know a car repair shop must give you a written estimate if you ask for one?

      If a repair shop asks you to sign a blank work order, don’t do it. If you do sign, you’ll be liable for whatever work they choose to carry out. Insist on a written estimate before authorizing any work. Besides identifying the vehicle, owner and repair shop, the estimate must include:

      a description of the work to be done
      parts to be installed, and whether they will be new, used or reconditioned
      prices of the parts
      number of hours to be billed, with the hourly rate and total cost of labour
      total amount to be billed
      The total cost of repairs can't exceed the amount in the estimate by more than 10 per cent. To go beyond this, the repair shop must first get your authorization in writing or over the phone. If it’s by phone, the shop is required to record the details of the authorization in writing.

      The repair shop has a right to charge for an estimate -- but only if you have been told about this charge in advance. The fee can include the cost of diagnostic time plus the cost of reassembling the vehicle. It can also include the cost of parts damaged and replaced while carrying out the estimate.

      Under the act, the repair shop can't charge for an estimate if you go ahead with the work, unless you make them wait for authorization and they must reassemble your vehicle to make room for other work.

      Did you know a repair shop has to post a sign setting out charges and repair practices?

      It must be in a conspicuous place and must contain the following information:

      that written estimates are available on request;
      that replaced parts will be returned to you if you want them;
      how labour costs will be calculated (including the hourly rate and any flat-rate charges);
      whether there is a charge for estimates; and
      whether commissions are paid to mechanics.
      The sign must also include the telephone number at this ministry where complaints can be directed, if the number is not already on invoices.

      Did you know a shop must give you a warranty on repair work?

      For cars, the warranty must be for at least 90 days or 5,000 kilometres, whichever comes first. For motorcycles and motor-assisted bicycles it’s 30 days or 1,500 kilometres. The warranty must cover all new or reconditioned parts, as well as the labour needed to replace them.

      If your vehicle breaks down during the warranty period, or becomes unsafe to drive, take it back to the repair shop. If this isn't practical, you can take it to another shop. By law, the original shop has to pay back the money you were charged for the repair, as well as any reasonable towing costs involved.

      If the repair shop refuses, you can take your vehicle to another shop and ask for a written assessment indicating that the original repairs were not carried out properly. You are then in a position to take the matter to Small Claims Court.

      What if the repair shop doesn’t do a good job?

      Disputes can arise between car owners and repair shops over the quality of work carried out. The customer may complain that the mechanic misdiagnosed the problem or was negligent. Or the vehicle may come out of the shop with more problems than when it went in.

      It’s important for you to know that this kind of disagreement doesn’t fall under the Motor Vehicle Repair Act. Disputes involving the quality of repair work have to be resolved through complaints channels or through the courts.

      If you feel a repairer has not done a good job, the first thing you should do is send the shop a letter describing your complaint. If this fails to produce results, get a written assessment of your vehicle’s problem from another shop. If this indicates that the repairs were not properly carried out, write to the first shop with this new information and ask for an adjustment of the repair bill.

      If that still doesn’t work, your next step could be to call our ministry at the numbers provided below. Our complaints resolution experts in the Consumer Service Bureau may be able to advise you on a course of action. In some cases we might ask you to file a formal complaint against the repair shop, which could lead to an investigation and even to prosecution. Another possibility is to take the matter to Small Claims Court, bringing all your paperwork with you. This is not a costly option and you’re not required to have a lawyer.

      What if I disagree with a repair bill and refuse to pay?

      Before doing this, you should know about the Repair and Storage Liens Act. Under this legislation, a repairer is entitled to keep a vehicle, and sell it, if a bill is not paid.

      If you find yourself in a dispute and don’t want to pay what is demanded, your best course may be to make an application to a court and pay the full amount of the bill there. When you do this the repairer is required to return your vehicle to you. You can then make your case to the court, leaving it up to a judge to decide how much, if anything, the repair shop should be paid for the work.

      What can I do if they haven’t told me the truth about a repair, or charged for work that wasn’t done?

      Misrepresentation by a seller or provider of a service is covered under the Business Practices Act. If you can show that a repairer has misled you, the act gives you a legal basis for writing to the shop and demanding your money back. This is called a letter of rescission, and it should identify the section of the act you are using as the basis for your complaint. You can do this at any time up to six months after the agreement was entered into.


      If you would like us to send you a sample letter of rescission, or if you would like to know more about our consumer protection legislation, call our General Information Unit at (416) 326-8555, or toll-free at 1-800-268-1142. Special electronic equipment for people with hearing and speech difficulties is available at (416) 326-8566.

      ISBN 0-7778-9573-0更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 车行是摆设,炸你钱是实质,多看看manual,你自已能修大部分的故障。