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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

you...you.....where and where ah~~~


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 这人还是言而有信的好,尤其是男人。言而无信,不值得信任。
    • absolutely
    • 男人女人都得言而有信。
      • 对言而无信的男人我们也要言而有信吗?不能以其人之道还至其人之身吗?
        • 呃……我只是说,信誉,男女都得守……至于怎么对待先失信的人(无论男女),还是要看个人……有的人稀饭以牙还牙、有的人宁可别人对不起自己、也绝不对不起别人……
          • 感觉这里面有故事,你要学会疏导楼主把内心的委屈发泄出来
            • 噢,哄女人,我不在行……还是你们来吧……
              • 哄男人在行?
                • 逻辑没学好啊菜叔。哄女人不在行=/=哄男人在行哦。
          • 同意。我是后者,亏死了,但心中坦荡荡。
    • 咋啦?。。tyra。。
      • something went wrong ....
        • 还是你去问问吧。。
          • should PM or email ?
            • #6655551@0
            • 先PM。。不行。。再email。。。
              • 被轰出来怎么办?难围棋
                • 这。。不会吧。。tyra是很善良的人啊。。
    • 已经N年没有写信了...
      • 没写信,就不要撒盐。
    • 谁骗你了,给我们大伙儿讲讲
    • 沉默是金、讲多错多、、、
      • 说得对。我封口。
        • 我觉得呢,有的人,讲讲肉麻的话哄哄你,好过连甜言蜜语都不懂滴人呀。。。无信就无信呗,唔通他说去摘月亮你就真的让他去摘咩。。。
          • 对。。。。不能信!
    • 不是言而有信的好,而是言而无信非常地不好 ~
    • 开了房。。。。没来。。。。?
      • 我们说的“放鸽子”
        • 谁来给讲讲。。。。甩拖VS放鸽子。。。。的区别。。。。
        • 这个时候开玩笑开发火的就麻烦鸟
        • SM?
      • I love you!
        • 领导说:别恶心俺。。。。
      • 去了,
        • 一罐咸菜能有多少钱。。。。?那天俺木带钱。。。。从俺车座缝里抠出来的散碎银子居然吃了碗馄饨面。。。。还给了小费。。。。
          • 容易看成。。。从俺车座缝里抠出来碗馄饨面。。。吃了。。。
            • 木问给了多少小费。。。。多少让俺有点意外。。。。
    • pm pls
      oops, pm is not safe here. email then?
    • 发生什么事了?~~~~~~~
      • 同问~~
      • 瞎猜
        1. Harper 闹的
        2. Layton 骗的
        3. Ignatieff 气的
        4. 押错宝了
    • 要忍,不希望将来在《幸福家庭》看见你要死要活的。。。
      • 说得太好了
        • 老话怎么说来着?男人嘛,No one is good stuff。。。
          • 来人啦,把叛徒以大师拉出去!
            • then what?
          • absolutely~~~~
        • 天。。难道和你LG有关?。。。
          • Better not to spread salt on the wound。。。
            • you...you.....where and where ah~~~
          • no
            • 天。。难道和你LG无关?。。。
              • 这个问题就大了
        • 没有十全十美的男人,也没有一辈子不撒谎的凡人,妹妹别太认真了,不是啥原则问题就别较真了,开心快乐是最主要的,喜欢你像小女孩一样的调皮
    • 男人说话做事要有担当。当然,女人也该如此,但万一没有如此,也就容易迁就些。
    • 突然想起了那首歌:人变了心,言而无信;人断了情,无谓伤心……
      • 不是。。。是<猛回头>的姊妹片。
    • 孔子说了,言而有信那是傻蛋
      • 我怎么想起了:老鼠怕猫,那是谣传啊~~~~
        • 壮起鼠胆,把猫打翻!
          • haha~~~谢谢你给我带来好心情~~~
            • 这个是经典名句,我们这一代都背的出来。年轻一点的,不会知道。
              • 小瞧我??你去问我侄子,他也知道。。。
                • 你家小猪知道么?我怎么听她念成了
              • 天呀,我把名句,看成名包了。打开看Link,PP, 啥也没有,想了半天,什么包能“这一代都背得出来”,原来是背,四声,不是背包的背,一声
                • 天呀!
    • 楼主拿经历出来晒晒,让我们学习学习:)
      • 你说我写的时候,里面的人,是用真名呢?还是有字母?
        • 可以用火星文。
          • 我不懂啊
            • 没关系,写着写着就懂了。
              • 你不累吗?
                • 我怕累,所以建议你写呀。你就不同啦,
                  • haha~~~~
    • 如果完全不设心防,不会善意的谎言,你发现生活会很艰难,而你爱的人、爱你的人也或许会渐渐由此离去。
      Farewell To The Fairground :

      Lights still in our eyes, we're leaving this whole fairground behind, it's a dream that's going cold.

      Circus never dies, the act forever haunts these skies, i know we cannot stay.

      Farewell to the fairground, these rides aren't working anymore.
      Goodbye to this dead town, until the ice begins to thaw.

      This place used to gleam, i see it in my hopeful dreams, now i had to get away.
      We move towards the stars, and all that we touch becomes ours, lets keep warm till it's day.

      Farewell to the fairground, these rides aren't working anymore.
      Goodbye to this dead town, until the ice begins to thaw.

      We'll head south, just hold my hand now. I feel like i'm casting off my clothes and i'm running through the snow towards the sunset and i'm always with you.

      Keep on running, keep keep on running, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.

      Farewell to the fairground, these rides aren't working anymore. Goodbye to this dead town, until the ice begins to thaw.

      We'll head south, just hold my hand now, i feel like i'm casting off my clothes, and i'm running through the snow towards the sunset, where i'm always with you
      Lights still in our eyes, we're leaving this whole fairground behind, it's a dream that's going cold.

      Circus never dies, the act forever haunts these skies, i know we cannot stay.

      Farewell to the fairground, these rides aren't working anymore.
      Goodbye to this dead town, until the ice begins to thaw.

      This place used to gleam, i see it in my hopeful dreams, now i had to get away.
      We move towards the stars, and all that we touch becomes ours, lets keep warm till it's day.

      Farewell to the fairground, these rides aren't working anymore.
      Goodbye to this dead town, until the ice begins to thaw.

      We'll head south, just hold my hand now. I feel like i'm casting off my clothes and i'm running through the snow towards the sunset and i'm always with you.

      Keep on running, keep keep on running, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.

      Farewell to the fairground, these rides aren't working anymore. Goodbye to this dead town, until the ice begins to thaw.

      We'll head south, just hold my hand now, i feel like i'm casting off my clothes, and i'm running through the snow towards the sunset, where i'm always with you

    • 现在的社会,有几个能做到百分百的言而有信啊。能做到70%已是极品了。
      • 还要看是不是一贯的故意的,是不是有不可抗拒的因素,等等。总之,能原谅还是不能原谅,自己订一个标准,而不是一惊一乍。
        • 我发现标准是和年龄成反比的。
          • +1