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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I won't agree with your opions, but I guess if she is happy, than it is more important than how other people feel. Because it does matter to her, but doesn't matter to anyone. If she is happy, we should just bless her and wish her good.......

I have bf, we date for 8 months till now. He is a white guy, nice, clean, sensitive, smart, and caring. Both of us work for IBM. There has some problems between us due to the culture backgroud. But I will say these days are the best time in my life.
One thing, I really feel different about communication is: Chinese usually are quite than white people. Specially, when we have problem or upset, we usually don't want to talk about it right away, but each time he told me, when I am upset, he feel upset too, he want me to talk to him. He can always feel what I feel. Sometimes, I feel upset because I misundertood him, not because he did something make me upset. Graduatelly, I know how to express my feeling and more relax than before.
I am happy that both of us grow up with the relationship.
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  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 泡鬼子之一 (From bbs.mit.edu)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛现在是第四讲,咳咳,我来谈谈泡鬼子的问题。

    “孔雀开屏是好看,转过去就是屁眼儿了。” (「一点正经也没有』〕


    出汗时候金色肌肤上面美丽的汗珠,真的十分性格 - 这是我在gym里面

    Believe me, 别以为鬼子看见亚洲女孩就扑。


    说得很不流利,对于what's new, what's cool and what's hot很不清楚,
    对你喜欢的体育运动很不了解甚至很不屑也没听说过,而他or 她的父母与你





    至于rape,是另外的issue,哪国没有rape? 我只是说从大学里面我比较看得上的

    sorry...someone is coming...I will continue whenever I have time.
    别又开始骂我,我就是说说从自己的经历总结出的实话而已。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 昨天我看了之后还想转回来呢, 后来嫌太长了:P 还是这位老兄有体力呀.
      • Why need stamina? Just copy & paste.
        • 我连copy, paste的力气都没有了.
    • Another post from bbs.mit.edu (sorry for bad indentation)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛: 我是喜欢鬼子,我以前在中国的时候就喜欢x-files里面的mulder探员达
      : 4年之久,现在我还喜欢他,嘿嘿。别告诉某些人。

      Chinese MM don't do anything to me. I feel full of hormone
      whenever I see a pretty white girl, but I have seldom seen
      an Asian girl who can turn me on that fast.

      : 鬼子是好看,我就喜欢他们希腊雕塑似的表情还有毛丛丛的褐色毛头发,
      : 出汗时候金色肌肤上面美丽的汗珠,真的十分性格 - 这是我在gym里面
      : 来回观察的结果。

      Agree. They have more flesh&blood. I don't care about skin,
      I love a firm, curvy butt, which most Chinese girls do not
      have. (cause they don't work out). and I love their healthy
      fresh look... makes me want to get down on them any time...

      : 但是,鬼子并不好泡。
      : Believe me, 别以为鬼子看见亚洲女孩就扑。
      : 倒是某些中国GG在某些BBS上有“看见中国女孩available"就扑的现象,比如前
      : 一阵似乎看见过“为什么北大女生总是被科大独狼叼走”之流的topic.

      Generally speaking, it's much harder for Asian guys to pick
      up white girls. For Asian girls, all you have to do is to
      take a little care of yourself, be a little flirtatious, and
      there will be a bunch of guys drolling on you. If that
      doesn't work, just hang out in the engineering school ;)

      : 其实,真正很好的很漂亮的很nice很有家教没有变态的鬼子是很不容易和
      : “外族”女孩走在一起的

      This is the middle class people, you have to be one of them
      to score, which means: dress expensively, talk about snoby
      stuff and behave more proud than they do.

      : 我不是说他们瞧不起亚洲人,只是一个家庭背景,一个门当户对,一个文化
      : 传统的差异。
      : 试想,这个人是和你要待一辈子的终身伴侣,如果她or他连你国家的语言都
      : 说得很不流利,对于what's new, what's cool and what's hot很不清楚,
      : 对你喜欢的体育运动很不了解甚至很不屑也没听说过,而他or 她的父母与你
      : 的父母根本就不能交流,更别说将来两家的团结问题,你不觉得很weird很
      : 不舒服吗?
      : 门当户对是必要的,这对于每个种族,每个社会,每个家庭都是一个不可回避
      : 的问题,无论此民族的思想有多“解放”。
      : 我始终认为,门当户对是幸福爱情有幸福结果的奠基石。是安定团结的必要条件。

      Very true. Before you can score, you have to learn the rules
      of the game. If you don't play by their rules, they would
      think you are playing a different game. So, the things you
      have to teach yourself if you want to score white

      1. English
      2. English
      3. English
      4. Dress well
      5. Dress well
      6. Dress well
      7. Be confident.
      8. Keep talking about things she likes, be a good listener.

      : 所以,虽然欣赏某些漂亮的鬼子,但我只能忍痛割爱。因为,我不能改变自己
      : 的种族,也不能改变我生在中国,长在中国,或多或少需要中国文化土壤的事实。
      : 当然,在美国的欧洲人就好得多,因为同样的,双方都来自异国,所谓异国逢
      : 知已,自然更加珍惜,欧洲的GG虽然generally不如美国GG油墨“好玩”cocky,
      : 但都长得十分耐看,很高,挺可爱的,教育程度比较好,对MM特别有礼貌,很绅士
      : 的。欧洲文化传统自然和中国有相似的地方,因此美国在这方面就会和暴发户
      : 似的。
      In my opinion, Europeans are 10 times better than Americans.
      Yes Americans are good looking, but once they open their
      mouth, they go right into the 'f**k $ dump* category.
      McDonald culture... My best expereiences have all been with
      European girls. Europeans are much more sincere and
      cultured, and they don't have this bitchy shield which most
      American girls have by default.

      : 总而言之,我觉得,在美国泡鬼子是一个十分艰辛十分危险十分无奈的过程,
      : 你想失身?你以为鬼子真看得上你啊?
      : 这话是有点mean,但是是事实。

      It is hard, true. But it's not that hard. It's definately
      not harder than scoring 2300 GRE and getting a fellowship in
      some top20 schools. It takes a lot of practice, rejection,
      toughening. But the reward, damn! I don't think I will ever
      be attracted to a Chinese girl again (no offense here, just
      personal taste)

      Many guys are worried about their performance in bed (size,
      etc). Let me tell you again, size does NOT matter. The size
      of your dick doesn't even cross a woman's mind when she
      decides if she likes you or not. Our mind, our intelligence
      is the most powerful weapon to date white women.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Good artical.
      • interesting.
    • very objective. Many western men want to date me. older professsion. handsome black salesmen. old business men in benz... but, no one is at my age with comparative appearance and brain.
      Since I am born in china, the best men i can have is chinese. I think that it also apply to chinese men. All the girl they are dating is "third class", which is a popular classificaiton in high school. no offense here, just personal opinion. cherish what you have and blieve what you have is the best. equal cross-culture marriage only happen in romantic moives. maybe there are exceptions.
      • Hehe, you must be a PPMM...
        • Not sure, Westerners have different taste. Once I had dinner with my Canadian friends in a resturant and saw two Asian girls. My friends said they are pretty, while in the common sense of Chinese people, they are deadly ugly.
          • It is decent way to praise every woman. However, seldom men will approach not good looking girl in street or lab. men in world are same.
            but western don't pay much attention to other's views, if they think girl have other merits to compensate their outlooks, they will go out with her.
            Not like many chinese men pay too much attention to "mian zi".
            • No!!! It is against the law to say that whites are garbage collectors.
            • the westners who don't care about "mian zi" are "third class", like you said.
        • Not as many as chinese men praise my beauty as western do. chinese men like my white skin, western like my sweet smile. Only my boyfriend like my humer and intelligent. Thank god for giving me him.
          • who's your boyfriend? is he white or black? ...
            • If he loves her, does that matter?
            • sorry for logical error he is yellow ha ha
              • so your boyfriend is not chinese? confused...
          • "Not as many as chinese men praise my beauty as western do." when chinese men say it, they mean it; when westerners say it, they're bullshitting. do you like a lot of bullshit?
      • So many rich Chinese men here. If you can obtain a rich Chinese in Benz, no bother with westerners, of course.
        • people must give up many merits for rich. I am not judging anyone. maybe the merits I appreciate are scoffed by others.
    • I am astonished to see how much effort the shameless girl has made just in order to get fucked by a Westerner.
      I am also bewildered that why she doesn't simply come to our Toronto because at here she can achieve what she wants at Javis Street and plus, she will get paid.
      • Javis Street,, Humm... nice place to kick, at corner of carlton... wooo....
      • The girl is said to be in Cornell. I do not see anything wrong if a Chinese girl wants to be loved by white. Do not use mean words as "fuck". Actually, every wife is fucked by her husband. Do you see anything wrong in that.
        • I know a girl who are clever and well-educated but just have a not good face. Almost no Chinese boy will pursue her because of her face. Finally, she fell in love with a nice Canadian. There is no reason in railing about it.
        • Yes, you are right. I respect the right that people posseses to choose if she would like to be a bitch. It is protected by the law.
          • Hehehe... You've must been hurt by that in some way? Did your college GF left you for laowai?
            • Not really.
              • If you are pursuing a white girl (suppose you are male), you do not want other Chinese comment on you in that style.
                • You know what? I am different. I can't get paid at Javis street.
                  • Do you think a Chinese girl from Cornell University will make a living in Javis? Love is not payment.
                    • I know a girl who is a MBA student at Winsor University but used to work in Toronto as a massage girl. Life is as complex as world and world is as complex as life.
                      • Come on. Do you know the difference btw. UofWindsor and Cornell?
                        • No. I only know difference between decent and cheap.
                          • Do you say it is indecent for Chinese girls to have white BF? Not all Chinese girls with white BFs are like what you described at Pearson.
                            • Off course! I am sorry. I have admitted that I like to go extreme, which is a bad habit.
                              • hey, you're so nice and modest. some people would never admit their mistakes. there is nothing wrong with your expression. i like it. don't worry anything, just express yourself freely. thanks
                                • thanks, man.
              • Hey, I have the ill feeling about that too but you seem are liitle too emotional. So ...
                • Totally agree. I like to go extreme.
                  • it's all right to go extreme. this is a forum, express anyway you prefer. it's nice to add some emotion into the message. otherwise, the reading could be quite dull.
          • The worst Chinese girls are not those who fall in love in white guys.
            It is those who give you false indication and then make use of you. They ask
            you do all kind of things and spend on all kinds of things on them. When
            they find you are eventually valueless, they kick you off. They
            are far more dangerous. It is a shame there are more and more like that nowadays.

            For those girls who have white boy friends, they do not hurt you at all, if
            they do not insult you by excessive showing off. They do not waste your emotion,
            do not waste your money. They take responsibility for themselves. Moreover,
            they may look ugly in the eyes of Chinese men, and maybe you do not even have
            interest in them at all even they are available.
          • hoho...I think you over reacted...The post is just for fun...Our Chinese guys can watch white gals. Why our Chinese gals cannot watch white guys?
            • haha, sorry!!!!!
          • As a women, I also sniff at such kind of girl. but not all girl who hang out western is as you described. There are also such kind of men. pls pay attention to your tone.
            • Sorry for that. Thank you very much pointing it out.
      • 激昂,此言差已,她们只是放弃了从从本族寻找伴侣的努力而已。
        中国女孩,说实在的在北美洲要找满意的中国男孩拍拖,要花的努力可能比等白人男子向她们献殷情要多的很多。和中国男孩拍拖,无形中是高要求很多, 而和外族拍拖, 许多的优缺点都被语言,文化和各种因素屏蔽了,更多的想像,反而更宽容和忍耐。

        那天我到机场送人,就见到一个中国女孩, 有一个五大三粗的白人秃顶胖子开一个象货车一样的GMC送她,道别的时候先握手,后来又来了个紧紧拥抱,看的我实在难受,不是我要看,是因为那个混蛋把他的车顶在我的VAN屁股,搞的我开不了后门拿行李,本想发作,却目睹了这种情形,我忍不住扭头向送行的人笑。
        • Sorry for bad words. I tried to modify it but the system doesnt let me do so.
          Last time, I met a same senario at the airport. A poor, cheap, bald and old white holded a young chinese girl at the parking lot and touched her body in public just like what you can see in an adult video and lasted for more than an hour. Yes, I had seen them doing so when I parked my car and I still saw them when I left. I don't think a decent man in any race should do so. But the girl seemed enjoyed a lot. She is qualified to be called a bitch
          • Maybe she is a CBC and not different from white girls. In Canada, if both persons agree on it, there is nothing wrong for that. In Ontario, it is even legal for a girl to walk in streeet topless, if she wants to do it.
          • 有时候我见到有中国女孩和很不错的白人一起,男孩子衣着得体,举止文雅, 两人一起实在好看。
            而如你一样,见到另类的表演时, 极为生气。But don't you think those girls are getting their pubishment?
            • Totally agree!!!!
              • 所以,如果她们是真正和谐的一对,周围人,无论是什么族的人,都会感到感动,如果是演戏或苟且的一对,肯定会坏了观众的心情。
                • I just wonder what the pair at Pearson have to do with your business. They do not waste your time and money. And the girl may be much uglier than your wife or girlfriend. Why waste your writing on them? Maybe it is improper...
                  Maybe they are improper. Nonetheless there are more improper things in the
                  world. Do you have time to be angry at all of them?
                  • Do you know that you get idea about people from people's behavior? Do you know discrimination comes from people's behavior? People talk about things which make them happy , make them upset, make them angry? So what is wrong we talking about that?
                    • Not wrong, but not necessay. Even a lot of ugly things in China.
                      • Yeah, agree with you. Right, we shouldn't talk too much on what other people do here.
                        • it's all right to talk about others. i liked your messages. you're quite frank and open, i'd like to know people's feelings towards some things. thanks...
              • 她和他
            • Yes. If you see something in the Movie "Hong2 Gao1 Liang2" and you can accept it, you should not curse the behavior btw white and Asian. If you hate both, it is not a racial problem at all.
            • by the way, when did you see the ugly senario? Was it last October at Toronto airport? Maybe we saw the same.
              • I saw that the day before Yesterday at Vancouver airport.
            • Love is their private issue. No matter whether it is decent or not in the eyes of others, if it is legal. Once I say dean of my department, a professor of about 60, kissed his young girlfriend out of car, at the gate of the department building.
    • Yes, I think it is true that western guys are less interested in Chinese girls. I feel more safe in Canada than in China(there is less temptation).
      • Some of them have. A professor in my department marry a Chinese girl. The professor is a shy white guy. I think he can not tolerate the capricious white girls.
      • most of the white men who like to go after chinese girls think themselves have some advantages in front of those chinese girls (not white girls though) and chinese girls are usually easy picks. also the dates with chinese girls could be very cheap,
        especially those new immigrants, who're desperate to learn English.
        • I was astonished by your message. Thanks for the alert. I am a new immigrant myself. And I do not want to be taken advantage by those white guys you mentioned. I will learn English by myself or attend the LINC or ESL classes. Thanks for your messages.
    • I love the post.Woman choose man is as same as man choose woman.At this point,when man is fucking a woman he is being fucked.Sometimes man get paid by service for woman.
    • let's talk dirty (not really)---my view is that
      white male/chinese (or more generallly, asian) female dating is basically a thing of sex. love rarely happens, all they have, at most, is electricity/chemistry:

      W-male, they want to touch silky skins of chinese female and intercourse with them, and they esp. like the submissive role she plays in bed---100% true.

      C-female, when they say whites are more handsome or anything like that, she has looked down on herself , in her sub-consciousness she is fantacizing that she will sleep with a cocky guy. i bet when she opens legs, she is more horny when facing a white JB, which might be true of "fill-up" feel.

      rough conclusion: w-male/c-female dating is largely kinky-sex-based-and-oriented. poor.
      • I won't agree with your opions, but I guess if she is happy, than it is more important than how other people feel. Because it does matter to her, but doesn't matter to anyone. If she is happy, we should just bless her and wish her good.......
        I have bf, we date for 8 months till now. He is a white guy, nice, clean, sensitive, smart, and caring. Both of us work for IBM. There has some problems between us due to the culture backgroud. But I will say these days are the best time in my life.
        One thing, I really feel different about communication is: Chinese usually are quite than white people. Specially, when we have problem or upset, we usually don't want to talk about it right away, but each time he told me, when I am upset, he feel upset too, he want me to talk to him. He can always feel what I feel. Sometimes, I feel upset because I misundertood him, not because he did something make me upset. Graduatelly, I know how to express my feeling and more relax than before.
        I am happy that both of us grow up with the relationship.
        • nice!
    • 泡鬼子, interesting ...
    • Where is the second one? Please continue. I like it.
    • 您老到是泡上了没有啊?
      • 楼上有一位小姐正泡着呢,你大概没仔细看:)
        • 哪位啊?
    • HO HO.INTERESTING.........假装做点儿饺子,穿个旗袍泡杯茶,一般可以搞定。
      • and cook some 川菜 for 鬼子
        • oh ya? keep dreaming...........