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Nothing wrong with girls pay, if she dates a Chinese guy, will you still make this comment?

I have bf, we are dating for 8 months. we go out 4 or 5 times a week, I usually pay on Tuesday, sometimes on weekend, but most of the time he paid. Actually he don't want me to pay the bills, each time he say he is a boy. But you know what I feel, when you really love sometime, you will care about him, nothing about money, when you see he need to pay condo, car, and each time he still buy the bills, I really don't want to give him any pressure any more. So I start to find reason to pay the bills. Really, nothing about money, I do care about him. He is a white guy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 今天, 我气愤无比.............
    看了泡鬼子的贴子, 跟公司的一个white man聊天, 聊着聊着, 他严肃的对我说, 你知道有"yellow cab"这个单词的还有另外一个含义吗? (特指中国和亚洲的女孩子.) 我气愤ing, 可又无言以对........

    我不反对中国女孩子找其他民族的人, 但是如果人家只是把你当yellow cab的话, 请给中国人留点尊严.......
    • OK, let's find some "WHITE BUS"
      • 自己阿Q有什么用?
        • ok, just do it.
          • plug and play!
            • you ㊣流水, do not overflow
              • what?
                • ;-)
    • 这有什么好气愤的,满大街都是白BUS,曾几何时,那BUS还是white only,我就没看过亚裔能比白MM更加slot的。
      • 就算有white bus, 但也是white only, 但是yellow cab可是不管什么人都能上, 而且对white people还免费.
        • 这个,我到是在多看到过不少黄美眉在社交场合抢付账,不知她们为什么不能坚持妇女解放的旗帜和白哥AA制,大概天生喜欢白哥,那就没治了。
          • really, shoot! cheap
            • why is it cheap? if I like a girl, no matter white or yellow, I will pay for her as well.
              • 我的观点而已。在我们讨论的这种环境下,至少AA。又:是“抢着”,出租车司机会不要你钱,反而为你付帐吗?
          • Nothing wrong with girls pay, if she dates a Chinese guy, will you still make this comment?
            I have bf, we are dating for 8 months. we go out 4 or 5 times a week, I usually pay on Tuesday, sometimes on weekend, but most of the time he paid. Actually he don't want me to pay the bills, each time he say he is a boy. But you know what I feel, when you really love sometime, you will care about him, nothing about money, when you see he need to pay condo, car, and each time he still buy the bills, I really don't want to give him any pressure any more. So I start to find reason to pay the bills. Really, nothing about money, I do care about him. He is a white guy.
            • Exactly. Well, I guess there is a age gap between our thinking and the older generation.
              • 没错没错,代沟代沟,春树那样的没准还是少女英摸呢,也只有俺们老一辈才看不惯。其实说你泡不泡鬼子,被不被鬼子泡关俺个P事,俺就在这这么一说,你就在那那么一乐,真正的无关痛痒,最后的爱情之路不是您自己在走吗?走好:)
            • 唉。MM啊,俺知道,俺已经看到能够表达你的爱情的影集了,可俺没有说你是不是,你说你付账没错,那就是没错,但我还看见不止一次一伙子一块出去,一堆白哥夹一名黄妹,最后也是黄妹买单,那也是因为爱情?:)
              • That is different scenario then... To be honest with you, in my opion, She won't be Chinese, either from Hongkong, Singpore, or some other Asia Country. Do you think Chinese MMs are brainless? Sigh...
    • 呼吁:中国女孩一定架中国男;中国男努力娶外国女!争取尽快实现顺差!!
      • 您这口号是呼国内呢。还是呼海外老中?没听说海外有逆差啊?:)
        • 行,那就算了吧,怪我忧患意识太强
      • 俺说了, 俺不反对真的嫁给老外, 但不要让人当成yellow cab好不好, 这个单词太难听了, 就象"华人与狗不得入内"一样.
        • much worse!!!
        • 兄弟,你这个比方不太对,他们在说黄八四,又不是说华人八四,怎么肯定跟俺们老中有管,多伦多多得是朝鲜美眉越南美眉和日本美眉,不能与“华人与狗”的事并列吧,最多也就是个“亚洲人与狗”的情况。:)
      • "中国女孩一定架中国男;中国男努力娶外国女!" 嘿嘿,中国男艳福不浅嘛!
    • 建议所有对中国女人找白人义愤填膺的,重温PINGLE的文章。
    • 至于吗?你要是因为这个生气,那国内傍大款、找老外的女孩子更多啦!说句不好听的,就算ROLIA上诸位DX回去,都会被当作是海外成功人士对待,相亲都多个砝码。呵呵,我不赞同女孩子那么做,只是希望你别因为这生气啦,不值。:)
      • 他是着急呀。
        • 发现你啊,一涉及女性话题就忒兴奋,吼吼
          • 彼此彼此
        • 哦,这么回事啊!:P