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Why don't you try Chitosan

Chitosan is an all natural product which is derived from the polysaccharide chitin. Chitin is found in the exo-skeletons of shrimp, crabs and other shellfish. Chitosan has the unique ability to attach itself to lipids or fats. There are no calories in Chitosan since it is not digestible.

Chitosan attaches to fat in the stomach before it is metabolized. Chitosan traps the fat and prevents its absorption. Fat binds to the Chitosan fibre and is then eliminated. Chitosan fibre differs from other fibres in that it possesses a positive ionic charge. This positive charge gives Chitosan the ability to bond with negatively charged lipids, fats and bile acids.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 是不是有位叫“萝卜秧”的?又有Yves Rocher里的Patch System系列的Resculp'Stick的问题请教了:那个stick每次需要涂多少才有效呐?我刚涂了2次,每次都是身上还没什么感觉(跟涂body lotion比),stick就少了好些了。
    • 这个很难说那么精确的,我也没有涂2次,开始还是,现在就1次了。我是从半盒之后开始有感觉的,也许就是心理作用。头半盒是下的快。
      • 谢谢,我涂完了之后腿上啥感觉也没有,而且只能站在那儿不敢坐,怕给擦到板凳上去了。
        • 你是说皮肤上啊,那什么感觉都没有,吸收很快,我涂完就该干嘛干嘛去了。我说的是效果在半盒之后才有点儿出来。
    • 呵呵, 我也买了,也涂了3个星期了,要命的是我把以前量的的尺寸给弄丢了,到现在我也不知道有没有效果。
      • 和我一样。用之前也没量尺寸,所以就老觉着有作用,嘿嘿,自己安慰自己呗。
        • 我老公看我天天这么折腾都嫌我累, 说:好啦,瘦啦,要不下辈子咱俩调过来吧,我不怕胖。。。
          • 哈哈哈!绳儿真有趣! 哎~
          • 游泳啊,根据俺的经验最好的办法了,一天一小时,正常食量,包瘦还均匀,唯一后遗症是肩膀变宽,无法做古代美女状。
            • 这个我不怕,我的肩膀是塌肩,以前穿衣服都要垫肩的,可惜我不会游泳:(
              • 游泳多了,腿就更粗了 :(
      • 咳,我跟bf忙活了半天把各个尺寸都量了,结果发现我们忘了记下来。
        • :-D :-D,:-D
    • Why don't you try Chitosan
      Chitosan is an all natural product which is derived from the polysaccharide chitin. Chitin is found in the exo-skeletons of shrimp, crabs and other shellfish. Chitosan has the unique ability to attach itself to lipids or fats. There are no calories in Chitosan since it is not digestible.

      Chitosan attaches to fat in the stomach before it is metabolized. Chitosan traps the fat and prevents its absorption. Fat binds to the Chitosan fibre and is then eliminated. Chitosan fibre differs from other fibres in that it possesses a positive ionic charge. This positive charge gives Chitosan the ability to bond with negatively charged lipids, fats and bile acids.
    • 请教萝卜秧,你们好象提过网上邮购比较好,请问货品从美国入境是否要付进口税?谢啦!
      • 我没有记得这里有人从网上,从美国买这个,不要自找麻烦啊。我们都是打电话定购的。
        • Thanks a lot.