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1.Was there a formal engagement ceremony?我没有摆酒席,也没有任何吃饭的照片?是不是只能答NO

2.Where did marriage take place (Please submit a photograph of your marriage ceremony)
Who was present是不是指登记的时候谁在?

3.Was it a religious or civil ceremony?什么意思?如果答NO的话,是不是
Who performed the service就不用答了
Was a receptionheld?
(If yes, Please submit a photograph if available) 我是不是应该答NO,因为我没有照片证明,但是在If no reception was held, do you plan to hold one at a lat late date?中答YES

4.Position or nature of employment,我现在没有工作怎么答?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 飞雪浮冰等各位有填配偶申请表经验的,请教几个问题
    1.Briefly outline the circumstances of the first meeting between you and your spouse中的 Who was present?我们认识的时候没人在场,答NOBODY有没有影响?
    2.When did you begin dating and how long did you date before deciding to get married是什么意思?怎么答?
    3.When and where did the proposal take place当时我在加拿大,我们是在电话里决定结婚的,怎么答这个问题呢?
    4.Why did you/spouse propose?能不能答I LOVE SHE。
    Was there a formal engagement ceremony?我们没有举行婚礼,答NO有没有什么不好的?如果这里答NO的话,那么Where did marriage take place?怎么答呢?是答登记的城市吗
    5.Was your marriage an arranged one?是什么意思?是不是应该答NO
    • 我结婚时没有办酒席,只是登记了然后我马上回国了。
    • 回答移民局的问题,一般来说以诚实为上,否则容易引起不必要的麻烦. :-)
      1. 你的介绍人是谁?写他就可以了.
      2. 是问你什么时候开始约会的,约会了多久才决定结婚的 :-)
      3. 实话实说
      4. 你可以回答你爱她,不过别写I LOVE SHE, 要写成 I LOVE HER.或者怎么肉麻怎么说, 比如没有她你的生命失去光彩,毫无意义等等......
      5. 哈哈,这个是问你是否指腹为婚吧?我想当然是NO啦.

      • 还有几个问题。我没有婚礼照片,没有来往信件,因为我们用EMAIL联系,没有电话帐单,因为我们用MSN,天哪,我都觉得我是假结婚了。
        1.Was there a formal engagement ceremony?我没有摆酒席,也没有任何吃饭的照片?是不是只能答NO

        2.Where did marriage take place (Please submit a photograph of your marriage ceremony)
        Who was present是不是指登记的时候谁在?

        3.Was it a religious or civil ceremony?什么意思?如果答NO的话,是不是
        Who performed the service就不用答了
        Was a receptionheld?
        (If yes, Please submit a photograph if available) 我是不是应该答NO,因为我没有照片证明,但是在If no reception was held, do you plan to hold one at a lat late date?中答YES

        4.Position or nature of employment,我现在没有工作怎么答?
        • Q&A
          Q1, but you can give more detailed explanation, be honest and be confident

          Q2, i think this is to refer to witness

          Q3, religious ceremony=mu shi zheng hun
          civil=to government for 登记, u should answer this, give the title and name of the serviceperson, do u have marriage certificate?

          4, n/a or unemployment, but give explanation.

          i must say this, TNND, is a special 'diao nan' to chinese. good luck
        • 哈哈,握手握手,我也觉得自己是假结婚了 :-)
          1. 没有摆酒席,也没有吃饭的照片,那你只好实话实说了,好在你的第三个问题里有问是否准备以后补办酒席,赫赫 :-) 看来只好回答 NO 了.
          2. 这是问你在哪里结的婚,请你寄结婚酒席的照片,present是指谁是你的证婚人或介绍人.
          3. 是问你是宗教仪式的结婚还是公民式的结婚,换句话说,就是你上教堂让神父宣布你的婚礼,还是上民政局让政府官员登记你的结婚,我想应该是后者吧.后面又是问是否有招待会(酒席),如果有请寄照片,如果没有以后是否准备补办,以你的情况看来,只能说是没有held reception, plan to hold one later.
          4. 没有工作就直说,如果隐瞒反而不好,万一背景调查与事实不符,麻烦就大了.

        • 三无婚姻。呵呵。