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No not necessarily. The best thing is to find those cars certified at big dealers. They cost a bit more than small dealers but more often than not...

you'll get a better car. The large dealers usually save good used cars only for themselves and sell the less good ones to smaller dealers. And the interest rate, they are not that high either, like 6-7 % for accords, which is not bad. And, of course you can get financing for second hand cars. The thing is, you are getting the best deal when you are getting a 3-4 year old, low mileage and well maintained car. You are not paying the premium for a new car, and the truth is, for 40000 kilometers, that IS a new car, especially when you are getting a honda or camry. They last forever as long as you maintain them well. Good luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 大家出出主意,买新车下面哪一款更好:HONDA CIVIC LX,NISSAN GXE,TOYOTA COROLLA?
    • 都好,再加上马自打。中国人里最流行这4种车
      • 对,加上马自达的福美来就更完整了
        • 买一送二?带那两个美女吗?要是带我立马就买,借钱也买
          • 家里还有空地吗?我记得刚数完日子,,,,现在女朋友不在吧?没关系,我们会好好up的。
            • 没事,她不来这里:#
              • 呵呵,怎么听着底气有点不足啊。
                • 天使在麦克马斯特吧,哪位给他女友捎个话,,,
    • nissan 什么 gxe?
    • Nissan Sentra. 庸俗点儿讲, Corolla太小气, CIVIC价超所值, SENTRA居中正合适
      • nissian是日本车里贬值最厉害的.
      • 为什么说civic物超所值
        • 价 超所值。
      • 嗯。。。(狠狠点头!)
    • 朋友有辆Sentra,据他说很不错。一直怂恿我,不过后来还是选了civic,也不错。
    • Corolla is better. The newly designed 2003 Corolla is bigger with very good options. Plus if you go to some driving schools, you will find they are all using Corollas. You know what that means? tough cars.
      • driving schools用COROLLA是因为车小巧吧?03的是要大些,但是有哪个学校在用?
        • 很多了现在,很多教练都换成2003年款了。
          • 才知道。落后了。
    • 其实,很多人不喜欢COROLLA可能是他太大众化,太没个性了.其实他的工艺是很先进的:丰田VVT-I技术,TIMING TRAIN,DOHC发动机 130HP(CIVIC是SOHC,而且只有SI版本才有VTEHC).如果不考虑造型的喜好
    • I just helped my friend bought a Corolla 2003. $1000 less you can get a Civic 2002, which looks smaller than the Corolla and without CD and keyless entry.
      • 谢谢大家捧场:D 发了几次帖子都没人回,谢谢!言归正题:- 如果买上述车,FINANCE的利率分别为CIVIC 5.8%, SENTRA 1.8%, COROLLA 7.8%。您会选哪一款?
        COROLLA 太飘,高速上不稳;
        CIVIC 不错,利率又太高。
        。。。 。。。

        • 为什么不买一辆4年左右新的ACCORD, CAMRY 类的大一点的房车.就: 1.不飘,高速上很稳, 2.保值; 3.利率又不太高。 。。。 。。。 买车是件头痛的事,尤其对穷人来说买二手车最实惠:(
          • Good idea if you don't have enough cash.
          • You got it my friend. This is the best deal, much better than buying a new compact car, paying the premium which will lose 10% of its value by the time you drive it off the dealer's lot.
          • 听说旧车的贷款利率高啊,大都要一次付清吗?4年的旧车要到dealer那里买的吧。
            • No not necessarily. The best thing is to find those cars certified at big dealers. They cost a bit more than small dealers but more often than not...
              you'll get a better car. The large dealers usually save good used cars only for themselves and sell the less good ones to smaller dealers. And the interest rate, they are not that high either, like 6-7 % for accords, which is not bad. And, of course you can get financing for second hand cars. The thing is, you are getting the best deal when you are getting a 3-4 year old, low mileage and well maintained car. You are not paying the premium for a new car, and the truth is, for 40000 kilometers, that IS a new car, especially when you are getting a honda or camry. They last forever as long as you maintain them well. Good luck.
              • 40000 kilometers honda or camry? around $20K. 4-year car with 40K? Unlikely.
            • 完全同意RMB的观点. 您还可以去银行开一个LINE OF CREDIT帐户,利率也不会太高. 通常贷一个10K没问题,干啥都行
        • 我一直开CORROLA,不明白什么叫太瓢。
          • 高速上120,有什么感觉?
            • 我开过civic,觉得比A6稳多了,A6才叫飘
              • 俺老土,A6是什么车?
                • Audi A6啊,国内满街跑的 :)
              • 忍不住了说一句:有没有搞错呀!
                • 我只想说我感觉悬挂比较软会感觉飘,遇上一点点起伏就像船似的
            • 我去滑铁卢,一路保持一百二、三十的速度,个别时到一百五,没觉得不稳。倒是在路边停车时,有车以八、九十的速度从身旁掠过,我会感觉到有风。另外,大风天开高速也能感觉到风力,这就是瓢吗?大车感觉不到吗?
              • 我开过两年corolla的Wagon,现在开的是Camry ce,感觉camry确实比corolla稳很多。
                • 不可否认, 您讲的这句话肯定是废话.
                  • 那您呐?
                  • 礼貌。
              • 我的civic到150就觉得很飘了,过了160就觉得不行了,路少少不平都觉得整架车飞了起来,超飘。
                • 废话,150,160,除了坦克,是车都飘,关键是常开的110,120, 小车要感觉飘些,尤其有风的天气,超车时觉得不安全。
                  • 我经常开160-180, 从来不飘. 对不起, 不是抬扛
                    • 你开的是truck
                      • Jetta 在180 也不飘呀.
                        • 好车
                          • 你别和楼上这位争,他有没有车都两说的。他开始说他开着一辆大奔,结果网上一查,是未来型号,还不存在呢;又说他开杰达,后来又说他开neon,再后来又说他就是天天坐车,不开车。他的朋友也神,都3个3个的卖同样的车:) #667754
                            • 拿 $5000 放在桌上, 我2个小时内把人含齐, 怎样?
                              • 别激动,咱们都说着玩的。我估计你要是让他请你顿SLX还差不多,$5000块够租一个礼拜S 430了
                • 您现在还能在这灌水已经是个奇迹了. 请安全驾驶.
                  • 有时候赶时间,没办法。
              • 您已经超速了.
                • 我知道。
              • 举个例子,在高速上,你120的速度超1辆集装箱的大车,有没有感觉你的车有点不稳,需要用点力把住方向盘?大一点的车就没这个问题,尤其是美国车。
          • 飘就感觉车的方向不好控制。不是悬挂的问题。是车的气动性决定的。Corolla的是设计是在110以下,高于这个速度,车子的抓地就开始下降。到150就有点危险了。你可以去car review的网站上看看。
            • 明白了, 谢谢. 我保持在 110 吧.
        • 既然想买新车,为什么不买又便宜,又没有贷款利率,又实用的车那?何必多花那么多钱给银行那?你的钱多吗?你的财产多吗?
    • 为什么不试试美国车,象PONTIAC,MALIBU,OLDMOBILE这种MEDIUM SIZE的车,V6的ENGINE,车身重,开着稳当,高速上也不太耗油。
      • 但马力不够。美国车一个通病就是排气量很大,但马力不太相配。不如日本车,更不要说德国车了。X5, 4.6的发动机能有340马力,Grand Cherokee 4.7的发动机才有265马力。
        • 想当年!Chrysler 的NEON 2.0L 的132 或150HPdohc I4 @1995年.TOYOTA的烤肉@1999 1.8L 115HP.谁的发动机更有劲?
          • hohoho, honda的2.0做到240HP, 120HP/Litre
            • 忘了说了,自然吸气的引擎
          • 嘿嘿,你也挺较真。我说的一个普遍的情况。那我修改,大多数(不是所有)的美国的发动机再同排量情况下,比日本车,尤其是德国车的马力要小。这行了吧。另外,忍不住告诉你,Neon是道奇的,不是chrysler的。:P
            • dodge和plymouth都有neon, 加拿大的neon现在都打chrysler的牌子
            • Dodge is one make of Chrysler. Dodge Neon and Chrysler Neon is the same. New neon's make is Chrysler.
              • Even Benz is one make of Chrysler now.. lol
                • BENZ和CHYYSLER的合并被认为是业界的一大败笔.因为两个企业的文化完全不同.BENZ注重的是质量,而CHYSLER重视的是如何把车弄的花哨些.至于质量,他们从不考虑.
                  • 看看这,CHRYSLER有2个车上了榜
            • plymouth also have Neon. they are both belong to chrysler
          • 谁说COROLLA 1.8 115HP的?去TOYOTA.CA看看,130HP! HONDA CIVIC SI 2.0 160HP, RAV4 2.0 也有148HP.贴数句要弄准了再来.
            • history!!! COROLLA from 2000 or 2001 model. the Engine HousePower increase to 125HP! Now 2003 model increase again to 130HP. 老大!下次看清在发镖!!没错吧?
              • Corrola 2003 has 130 HP
              • 我只知道新车(现在市场上的)的资料是NEON 2.0 132HP,corolla 1.8 130HP.你说COROLLA 99年1.8L 115HP,NEON 130hp,麻烦你贴出出处.
                • here!
                  compare 1995 Plymouth neon(same as dodge and Chrysler )and 1999 Corolla. (here say 131vs120. this is googd place to compare used car).
                  • 还是我直接把数据贴出来(来自EDMUNDS.COM)1999 COROLLA 120HP
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1999 Toyota Corolla Compact Sedan Overview

                    The Toyota Corolla has gone through many changes since it was first introduced in 1968. Over the course of its long life, the Corolla has appeared as a hatchback, coupe, wagon and sedan. The world has seen enough people fall in love with this car to make it the second best selling vehicle in the history of automobiles.
                    Last year the Corolla was totally redesigned in an attempt to increase its global sales record and become the standard against which all small cars will be compared. That's a tough goal to achieve with cars like the Honda Civic and Mazda Protege filling this same segment.

                    We think the most exciting aspect of the Corolla is under the hood. Nestled between the grille and the firewall is a 1.8-liter, all-aluminum DOHC four-cylinder engine that cranks out 120 horsepower and 122 foot-pounds of torque. This high-revving engine not only provides the Corolla with more power than the previous generation's motor, but it is 10 percent more fuel-efficient. When glued to a five-speed manual transmission, this engine will reward drivers with 31 mpg in the city and 38 mpg on the freeway.

                    Equally impressive is Toyota's newfound commitment to safety. Beginning last year all Corollas were available with four-wheel antilock brakes and side-impact airbags. Those with kids will be happy to know that CE and LE models can be ordered with an integrated child seat.

                    The car's latest body style is into its second year and we still think the look is attractive but, in typical Toyota fashion, not very exciting. Aesthetics aside, the Corolla's new shape does a good job of reducing the car's NVH level, thanks to flush-mounted side windows and sound-deadening techniques borrowed from the Lexus magicians. Also improved by the new body is the Corolla's torsional rigidity, an important factor in making this car more fun to drive than the previous version.

                    Toyota is on a roll, offering up fine products faster than an Amway salesman at a flea market. The Corolla is sure to be a hit with the just-starting-out crowd as well as empty nesters that simply don't need a large sedan anymore.

                    看清楚,1999年的COROLLA是120HP,而不是你说的115,我可不是乱发标的.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 你给的网址再次说明你原来贴的数据是错的.就算你是笔误把.从这个比较中,我看不出你说的优势在那里:NEON的排量比COROLLA大10%,但是,最大马力多大概8%,最大扭里最多多4%(估算).
                    更重要的是,COROLLA的蜂植功率是在较低转速下得到的. 131@6000
                    • 有一点能混淆了!
                      1. 115HP 是CIVIC 1.7L的.和COROLLA的120HP能混淆了.
                      2.NEON 2.0L 130HP 是不是1995 年就使用了.
                      3. 实际上我的第一份帖子里我还想说一句话,因不爱输入汉字,固为打.
                      最大功率不是特别有意义,而要在一般诸如2000转或3000转时功率更实际些. 不知你是否有感觉:115HP CIVIC 加速MUCH BETTER 120HP 的COROLLA呢? (这点是补充,不是转移话题).
                      • 不要混淆概念.CIVIC发力好,但是不代表什么都好,COROLLA起跑可能不如他,但是中后成,那130HP未必是吃素的.好比SUV起步比CIVIC慢,但是拖东西谁厉害?
                        • 这里是2000年款这个档次车的performance 测试结果.....
                    • 看这个比较!!!
                      • 不说CIVIC好不好!
                        • 为什么?
                          • 不想转移话题!看了比较后有何感想.1995 NEON 2.0L 130HP VS 1998 CARMY 2.2L 130HP
                            • 拜托,你的数据又错了.能不能准确些
                              • ok! 1995 neon 1996ML 131HP VS 1999 carmy 2164ML 133HP. This is excet number! 俺这次看您怎么说?热烈欢迎大家参观!
                                • CAMERY的最大功率转速比NEON低800转,而且最大扭力大很多(相应的转速也低很多),这就是大排量的优势.因为,你几乎没有什么机会把车开到6000转以上.
                                  • HEhe,this is also my idea!
                        • 好好,我支持你,呵呵
        • 马力是一方面,不过实际上谁没事儿把车开到快得不能再快以发挥最大马力呢?另一个重要参数是扭力,这才是衡量加速性能的标准,扭力和发动机容积息息相关,小发动机可以把马力做得很大,但是扭力一定比不过大发动机的。
      • 你们也再看一下价钱, NEON可要便宜多了, 也是一个卖点.
    • 为什么不看看HYUNDAI的Elantra 2002? 用户的评价很不错 2.0DOHC 0%Financing
      • 买日本车,主要是考虑SALE-VALUE。否则,买美国车也不错呀。
    • 小妹呀,以后别在这儿讨论考肉拉了,这在rolia上是禁区. 更不要说它飘,你一定要说不飘,开200都不飘,稳的跟坦克似的.
      • 说这话没意思,所谓飘是纯粹个人感觉,你觉得飘,人家就不能觉得不飘?COROLLA本来就不是飙车用的,凭什么要求他到160,180?(好象转速表最大才180),想飙车,就别买COROLLA.
        • Corolla最大的缺点是其音响差. 只能听FM, CD PLAYER成了摆设, 实在不能忍受其音质.
      • 不飘,开200都不飘,比坦克稳多了。
    • 最好的还是永久26,凤凰28,无比省油1