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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

除了律师, 恐怕谁也回答不了这样的问题. 一点个人看法

有很多细节问题: 既然已经付清车款, 这辆车就应该是在你的名下的财产了, 有两种情况 --- 1) if dealer keeps it for you for his own interest, like a dry cleaner keeps clothes for his customer, he shall be respnsible for any loss of or damage to the car when it is being with him; or 2) if he's doing it purely for good will, which i believe might be exactly your case, i doubt there's very much you can do other than blame yourself, because you should have brought the car home and parked in garage until you get your license - you need a special short-term insurance during this period.
That said, you may still consult a lawer for his advice, who can play a great role especially when a case is not crystal clear.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 求助!我们是2月份买的车,因为车牌没有考出来,所以车一直放在DEALER 处,钱已经付清,昨天讲好今天拿回,可今天他打电话说我们的车在他仓库里被车撞了,前面的车弹簧断了,
    • 为什么要把钱那么早就付清?中国人一定认为车放在你那里,被你撞坏了,你应该赔偿,但他们肯定说,我只是给你一块地方放车,并不对任何损坏负责.所以我想问你,你把车放在他们那里,有没有交过管理费,委托他们管理,或有parking insurance或者同他们有协议的?
    • 除了律师, 恐怕谁也回答不了这样的问题. 一点个人看法
      有很多细节问题: 既然已经付清车款, 这辆车就应该是在你的名下的财产了, 有两种情况 --- 1) if dealer keeps it for you for his own interest, like a dry cleaner keeps clothes for his customer, he shall be respnsible for any loss of or damage to the car when it is being with him; or 2) if he's doing it purely for good will, which i believe might be exactly your case, i doubt there's very much you can do other than blame yourself, because you should have brought the car home and parked in garage until you get your license - you need a special short-term insurance during this period.
      That said, you may still consult a lawer for his advice, who can play a great role especially when a case is not crystal clear.
    • 1. 车的LEGAL TITLE在你的名下与否? 2. 你当初和DEALER有无约定. 3. 是谁撞的 4. 有无买保险...
    • 呵呵,还有这样买车的?看样子是高手阿。请教,为什么先买车后考驾照?出于什么样的原因和考虑?真的。
      • 不奇怪, 我在买车后两个星期后才拿到驾照 ---- 当初自信满满可以一次考到车牌, 不料要第二次才过. 不同的是我是将车开回家放起来, 而不是摆在DEALER那里
        • 那为什么要那样做那?如果两次不过,三次不过,甚至考个五六次,怎么办?是因为那个车就是那一辆?就是你日死思夜想的车?不至于吧?加拿大我看什么都少,就是车不少。不是和你较劲,而是觉得有意思,不知道你们那么做的动机是什么?
          • 动机就是“自信满满”嘛。
          • 没什么好处, 除了可以无照驾驶 ----- 不瞒你说, LD是开着它去考驾照的, 完后接着开去上班 ----- 不好意思, 教坏小辈.
    • 你的这个case有点怪。一般dealer在卖出车1个月内是对车有保险的。但你已经超过了,保险应该失效。但因为车是"被"撞的,所以撞车的应付全部责任。所以,你的dealer还是应该负责修的。
    • more detail please.
    • 买了车后, 买保险了吗?