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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

explain what is 失态 first


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 俺挖坑水平见涨,先自夸一下:). 再来一个:有没有人为你在众目睽睽下失态.
        • 有。把人惹火了,跑掉了。
          • Who
    • 还挖坑水平见涨呢,哎。。。想跳都困难
      • 俺一向是进一步退三步,曲线运动 :)
        • 哦,慢四,我也会
          • 黑灯你都会,pfpf
            • 黑灯舞?8几年的时候,是要坐牢的
              • 不是吧,兔子真会吓人~~~
                • 这个是真的,那时候
                  • 高干子弟小资怡情无妨;小老百姓耍流氓严打 ~~~
    • explain what is 失态 first
      • 他想看别人在众人面前声泪俱下,抱着大腿不让走的镜头。
        • then my answer is YES
          once upon a time....................

          when i was still in Beijing, a group of kids beggar held my legs and sit on my feet, asking for money, i didn't have a second choice, i got my wallet out, and gave all my cash to them until they let me go.
      • LZ也怪可怜的。。。。刚想骄傲就撞墙咧。。。。俺亲自帮顶。。。。。彪妹进来看看这个算不算师太。。。。

        • the question is 失态 for you..... er sister was this kind of 失态 for you??
          • explain explain explain explain what what what what what is 失态 first -lilianliang(彪妹); 12:02 (#6890673@0) reply
            • you 結巴 le, that means you see someone you like? :p
              • 遇见你。。。。不结巴都不行了。。。。
                • 表白了!
                  • 鼓掌!!!
                  • 是在众目睽睽下的失态吗?
                    • 我怎么感觉忽悠表白了,你反而失态了!
                      • 哦?我去面壁
                • my pleasure. LOL
        • 这就是俺,一骄傲 就退步。。嘿嘿
      • 失态就是语无仑次。你有经验的, 忘了?
        • oh........... then i have to say YES, too. (#6890709@0)
          • you got it, hahaaa :)