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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

A few points worth discussion

It is not true that all agents are not familiar with technology. For some agents, who have been in the industry long enough and specialized in one specific field (such as Java Programmer or SQL Server DBA etc), they know good enough whether you are qualified or not, not because they know the detailed technology but because they know from those previous successful and excellent candidates, i.e. via the talk with those candidates, an agent knows what to look for and what technical questions to ask.
Never under-estimate an agent, the job quality is in positive propertion to the quality of your agent. If you have respect for the potential job, then please have the same or more amount of respect for your agent as no employer who is serious enough for its position will trust a dis-qualified agent to represent on the employer's behalf.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 谈谈中介
    • 完全同意第二部分,对中介的心态就是应该生意人对生意人,当你的经验紧俏的时候,中介恨不得认你当他爹。第一部分的话,中介确实千方百计拉拢客户关系,千方百计塞人进去,但要知道中介手上的人很多,他们先筛选,再要送去供雇主筛选,找到中介可离找到工作还差很远。
    • 红卫兵的帖子,一旦不涉及“心态”问题,我就觉得好看多了。
      • 正解,同意!另外,个人感觉中介就是婊子,提起裤子就不认人。有些人自以为跟中介关系不错,其实你也就是个回头客而已。所以兵哥说的对,千万别感情了。
        • 我觉得说中介是“婊子”,应该是过了点。和中介搞好关系也是很重要的。能从中介拿到你想要的那部分就可以了,不能太在乎中介能赚多少。
        • 没见过这么爱婊子的俏佳人。不怕染上爱滋呀?
          • 哈哈,刺哥来了,我去打球了。
            • 别跑呀,俏佳人喜欢你!
        • 过了。难道不动感情,就要以嫖客的心态对待你的BUSINESS PARTNER 吗?
          • 时政里的网友,好像很多愤青。不知道是不是有什么规律。
      • 可能中介把找工的人或者雇主都当作婊子,他们是拉皮条的。
        • 这又是一个时政的网友吧?
    • 我不和任何有生意关系的人动感情,也不和动感情的人做生意。
    • 请教红哥,我的一个朋友有多年的本行业工作经验,找上门的中介很多,但每次见完中介就没消息了。就是连中介的那一关都跨不过,能给分析下是什么原因吗?
      • 到底是你还是你朋友啊?估计是经验还行,一看姿色不够。
        • 我要是这里的版主,时政的网友我一律封杀。
          • 个人声明:我从未访问时政。除了时政,哪里热闹哪有我。
            • 埃希
              • 还有这么拆台的啊。都这样较真的话,这共产党的官还怎么当啊?
      • 一个可能就是这些中介手里没货,拿你朋友练兵的。我的经验是,资深的中介一般都不跟candidate面试,顶多客户面试之前见一下。另一个可能是你朋友有问题,见面才能看出来的,比如穿着,言谈举止,修饰,自信心,英语,等等。
        • 啊,是资深的candidate一般都不用被面试吧?大拿们不是经常电话聊一下就拿到偶佛吗?
      • 如果是第一种情况(极有可能),找上门的中介就是噪声,不足挂齿。关键还是你朋友的简历,可能没有适应市场需求,没有得到资深中介的认可。要尽量做到人家要什么,你就“会”什么。中介是很简单的人,如果客户提了JDK而你没有,你就是十年Java经验他可能都pass。
    • 支持你继续写.你写文章是一流的,思想很适合我们打工仔用.
    • A few points worth discussion
      It is not true that all agents are not familiar with technology. For some agents, who have been in the industry long enough and specialized in one specific field (such as Java Programmer or SQL Server DBA etc), they know good enough whether you are qualified or not, not because they know the detailed technology but because they know from those previous successful and excellent candidates, i.e. via the talk with those candidates, an agent knows what to look for and what technical questions to ask.
      Never under-estimate an agent, the job quality is in positive propertion to the quality of your agent. If you have respect for the potential job, then please have the same or more amount of respect for your agent as no employer who is serious enough for its position will trust a dis-qualified agent to represent on the employer's behalf.