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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 郁闷,今天拿鱼翅和海豹说事,西人告诉我:这个就是你们不对了,你们华人都不组织下,40多50万集中住在GTA,团结点的话,按说市长都可以拿下了~~
    • 市长拿下 then what - turn it into another China?
      • 大家能做到,也支持,有何不可。先把BLOOR改名中山路,YONGE改名解放路。
        • 好不容易逃离中国,又想掉进同样的坑?
    • 关于鱼翅,我有个疑问,为什么要割了鱼翅而把整条鲨鱼扔了?这不是浪费吗?鲨鱼肉不能吃吗?
      • .
      • Fishermen are only interested in the fins because shark meat is of low economical value and takes up too much space in the hold. It also contains urea, which turns to ammonia once the shark has died and contaminates other fish.
        • 猫兄,你又来了。鲨鱼分很多种,有的肉好吃呢。不好吃的鲨鱼,人家也不扔,拿回去做工业原料的。扔的是少数,比如蛮仓了装不下
      • 能吃呀,西人就吃,但不吃FIN。就好象他们吃鸡不吃鸡头鸡脚~~据说割FIN又把鱼扔回海里的,只是极罕见的孤例,而且不是中国人干的(中国人可省了,那么大妥肉你让他扔了他不跟你拼命)。于是反对者称:有人醉酒驾车,难道就应该所有人禁驾么。
      • Q&A about Shark Finning
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Sharks are harmful to humans. We are better off without them.

        Although occassionally someone does get injured or killed by a shark, the number who do is actually incredibly small. You are sixteen times more likely to be hit by lightning than to be bitten by a shark. Although the number of human deaths caused by shark attacks is very small, these incidents are widely reported in the press due to their sensational and unusual nature. Sharks also have an image problem, partly because of films like Jaws, but also because they don't have the "cutesy" factor that animals like dolphins and pandas do. Also - contrary to popular belief - only a very few species of shark ever attack humans - the others are totally harmless.

        The idea that we might be "better off without sharks" betrays a detachment from nature and lack of understanding of how it works. In the natural world, all elements of an ecosystem are interconnected, and depend on each other in one way or another. Start taking away the "bricks" that hold up that ecosystem, and sooner or later it is going to collapse. This is particularly true in the case of top predators, such as most species of shark. Top predators act as the caretakers of their environment, picking off the weak and sick of smaller species, helping to ensure strong and healthy populations and a balanced ecosystem.

        2. We live on the land. Who cares what happens in the oceans?

        Although we live on land, we are not detached from it. 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean. Oceans contain 99% of the Earth's living space and a huge amount of biodiversity. Scientists believe that there are approximately 240,000 marine species. We also rely on the oceans for much of our food. If we do not practice sustainable fishing methods and manage marine resources responsibly, we will leave an impoverished ocean for future generations. The fact that sharks have existed for 400 million years is testament to their success as a top predator and an ocean caretaker. If sharks are doing such a great job looking after the oceans maybe we should make sure that they are able to continue doing it!

        3. If you ban the trade in shark fins, it will just lead to a black market trade.

        While it is possible that some black market trade in shark fins may continue, as it has with ivory, it is extremely unlikely that the scale of trade after a ban would be as high as it is now. While large numbers of people are willing to risk punishment for the consumption of drugs, it is very doubtful that they would be willing to do this for the "pleasure" of a menu choice. Despite people's best efforts, there will always be those who will stop at nothing for material gain, but the response of responsible society should be to take all the measures it can to stamp out activities that are detrimental to other species and the planet. A black market in slavery still exists in some parts of the world - does that mean it should not have been abolished?

        4. Only rich people can afford shark fin soup so it's not such a big problem.

        The increase in wealth of the Chinese middle class means that ever greater numbers of Chinese can afford to eat shark fin soup. The demand for shark fins has increased massively in line with China's increased prosperity. Sharks take 7 to 14 years to reach maturity and stocks therefore take a long time to recover from overfishing. And just a few bowls of shark fin soup accounts for one dead shark, so it doesn't take much imagination to see the devastating impact that this menu choice is having on shark populations.

        5. It's hypocritical to ban shark fin soup and not other types of meat like chickens and cows.

        Vegetarians and vegans would agree that no type of animal should be eaten. However the shark finning issue is different in a number of ways. Firstly, finning means that the main part of the shark is wasted, only the fins are used. On top of this the act of finning a shark while the creature is still alive is barbaric and cruel and is a practice that would be illegal in most countries' slaughterhouses were it to be practised on a farm animal (for example if a lamb's legs were cut off and it were left to bleed to death in a crate). Another big difference is that sharks are not farmed animals, they are part of the marine ecosystem, and so many of them are being killed that their very existence as a species is being brought into doubt. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 143 shark species (where there is sufficient data to determine conservation status) are at high risk of extinction either now or in the near future. That's over 55% of shark species.

        6. Shark fin soup is a part of Chinese culture and shouldn't be interfered with.

        It is true that shark fin soup dates back to China's Ming dynasty. However it was traditionally only consumed by a very exclusive and wealthy minority. To say that it forms a part of traditional culture for the majority of Chinese is disingenuous, as most Chinese were not in a financial position to ever consume this dish. It is only in the last few decades that consumption has risen rapidly. For example, according to Wild Aid "The number of consumers who can afford, or have access to shark fin, has risen from a few million in the '80s to more than 300 million today." It is also ironic that those who supposedly have a cultural interest in shark fin soup often display no concern for the conservation status of sharks, which after all would need to be maintained at sustainable levels in order to continue the supply of shark fins for the dish.

        What's more the shark fins used in shark fin soup come from all over the world, which means this is not just a Chinese or Asian issue. As well as threatening the survival of sharks in all the world's oceans, the irresponsible consumption of shark fin soup threatens other businesses such as dive centres which require a sustainable approach to marine life.

        7. Banning shark fins is bad for business.

        We would rather that restaurants offered alternatives to shark fin soup on their menus. There are plenty of other things to eat. A business that is founded on an unsustainably sourced resource is doomed to fail sooner or later. Businesses which are concerned that a shark fin ban may affect their income should start to look for alternative revenue sources before a ban comes into place.

        8. Why don't you ban fishing for the whole shark?

        For many species a ban on continued shark fishing would be beneficial in order to allow species to recover from years of irresponsible overfishing. However a ban on the trade in shark fins would be effective in reducing supply and demand, as the main reason for recent falls in shark populations is the demand for shark fins.

        9. Why are you picking on the Chinese culture when shark cartilage is also used in health food capsules?

        Shark cartilage is used in shark cartilage capsules. Claims have been made that shark cartilage helps support joint mobility and repair, however none of these claims have been substantiated. What's more there are alternatives available which do not contain shark cartilage. Many ocean activists are also against the use of shark fins in capsules and so-called health treatments.

        10. Shark fin soup is good for you.

        Some people have claimed that shark fin soup has health benefits. These claims are unfounded - in fact shark has a very high level of mercury and the United States Environmental protection agency advises women and young children to avoid it. What's more, shark fins are often treated with hydrogen peroxide in order to make their color more appealing to consumers. Not really the type of thing you should be eating if you are concerned about your health.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 不是中国人干的,更不是在加拿大和toronto. 其实保护鲨鱼是对的, 不吃鱼翅对大部分中国人也不会怎么样。 只是觉得 其中的政治成分太多了,还有公平与否。
        • 不住在多伦多搞不清你们的状况,看了一眼杂手新闻,好像提出禁鱼翅的还是一个华人议员,他爸是开餐馆的,所以说主流歧视华人说不过去吧,顶多华人歧视华人,是不是这样子?
      • 为什么割鱼翅,而把整条鲨鱼扔掉?因为鱼翅的价值和鲨鱼其余的部分相当。一条渔船出海,货仓容量有限,如果保留整条鲨鱼,就相当于收获了两条鱼翅的价值。但是如果扔掉鲨鱼只保留鱼翅,那么一次出海,就可以收获1000条鱼翅的价值。从经济效益上渔民如何取舍,不是很明显么?
        • 谢谢老猫和光辉的解释。我总算明白了,禁鱼翅会断了某些人的财路,难怪有人要急。这跟华人没关系。
        • 和加拿大有一毛钱关系吗,加拿大联邦早就立法必须整条鱼进口,华商的鱼翅生意必须是在此基础上进行的.那些公海上非法行为和加拿大多市华人的饮食习惯没有一点关系.拿来单禁华人这一项,公然是种族歧视.
          合法进口的鱼整条切割后,鱼肉,鱼皮,鱼头都加工后在超市,餐馆买卖, 哦,唯独华人饮食中用的鱼翅被指控破坏生态?! 这是什么狗屁道理?
          • 这个也有道理。应该禁止的是割翅丢鱼,而不是吃鱼翅。如果是整条鲨鱼的买卖,不应该禁止。
            • 有些人包括那些提案议员,故意避开重点和实际情况,用煽情的来源不明录像.达到自己目的.这手段最拿手的就是纳粹和GCD.老外都看出来了,我们自己还迎合那些心怀歹意的歧视人士天真谈鱼翅的确没营养.都被别人政治操弄还帮别人.很多人在不明真相前就仓促表态,这是很现实的一堂课.
              • 不是他们煽情,而是一小撮人,像是被踩了尾巴一样,到处煽情:这是政治阴谋,是对华人歧视。
                • 兄弟你标点划的清楚一点,你这句话我看不清你是说谁煽情嘛. 是在风雨中捍卫自己权利,为生计抗争的老人家们, 还是拿着来源不明的不合国情的录像带在议会理到处宣拉票,鄙视国人陋习的人在煽情?
                  • 别国人国人的,好不好?从鱼翅中获利的不就是那么个小范围的人吗?连去抗议争取自己的权益,都投机取巧,让老人妇女儿童去抗议,你们圈子的那些大男人都干嘛去了?
                    • 他们会自己生计而四处奔走, 我同情, 予以支持,怎么不可以了? 要捐钱帮他们打官司也出. 怎么了. 你看不惯? 我的行为要你来管?
                    • 对一个民族的伤害都是先伤害一部分A,再伤害一部分人B. 看到你们自己不帮自己人,再来整个的害,最好还叫两个你们族人中的败类自己先动手. 你今天觉得他们被伤害了冷漠, 明天他们对你的权利被剥夺也会冷漠. 到头来被洋人耻笑我们的劣等和不团结.洋人现在就提醒了, 你还在麻木.
                      • 看看这个坛子里,你是属于大多数,还是一小撮?
                        • 请摆事实拿出道理讲, 别拿一小撮一大撮来说事, 事实道理在台面上摆清了, 一小撮也会变成一大撮. 相反靠欺瞒煽情的人, 就算一开始可以笼惑人心, 最终真相败露会遭世人唾弃.
          • 有立法,就个个守法么?版权法那么严厉,盗版光碟还不是通街卖?什么叫单禁华人?难道白人黑人就可以吃鱼翅了?只顾自己的哪一点蝇头小利和贪嘴,无视生态和子孙的未来,不被人歧视也很难。
            • 别人压根不吃鱼翅,就像我也可以从此不吃鹅肝酱,小牛肉,海豹心,你教老外把这些禁了试试?而且这个事件重点你还没看出来?华人合法的鱼翅生意和餐馆的鱼翅被禁是最大的直接受害团体.和根本没有这种文化习惯的黑人白人有什么关系,你这样讲没有道理.
              • 这位大哥,节哀顺变。你讲了个民主社会的绝活:嗓门小没人会帮你。有本事你去议会去,禁止吃海豹心和鹅肝?我的立文就是检讨这个事件:民主不代表公平更不代表正义。它就是简单的多数民意的体现。你也知道,西人素质很差的。
                • 节哀有个P用, 自己的族群的任何一点合理的权利被剥夺,都要始作俑者加倍返还,这才是民主政治的真谛.
                • 不能这么说,我看福特市长就不错。可惜多伦多是个左派城市,外加一些伪右派,地下种族主义者。
              • 如果你有合理的原因要求禁止鹅肝酱之类,会不会有人说你种族歧视?而且餐馆不卖鱼翅,就不能卖别的了么?立法总要从社会最大利益出发。不能因为有人利益受损,就什么都不能做了。

                • 鹅肝的制作过程比猎杀鲨鱼的过程残忍度有过之而不及.而且禁鱼翅,不禁整条鱼买卖,根本就救不了一条鲨鱼, 还白白浪费鱼翅. 还有打死未被哺乳的幼海豹生吃海豹心是原居住民的习俗. 从没有议员敢反对.相反还大力推广.事实就是这样历历在目,摆在眼前.
                  华人鱼翅宴席中的狗鲨,是繁殖力最快的品种, 根本不在保护鲨鱼品种范围内.你如果知道更多的事实真相, 再做判断不迟.
                  • 如果你是慈悲心肠,那你应该支持禁止鱼翅,然后呼吁禁止鹅肝酱和海豹之类,那我一定会支持你。但是你是拿这个来做挡箭牌,完全是没有说服力的。不要假慈悲了好么?
                    • 我自己从前不吃鱼翅, 但我要所有人尊重我们华人的习俗和拥有自己习俗的权利.我绝不假慈悲.我只是为自己人捍卫权利和喊一下,警惕华人中的败类和小人而已.
                      • 你这个权利就是为所欲为,无所顾忌的吃。蝗虫一般的吃。吃光了,看你怎么拥有你的习俗,捍卫你的权利。
                        • 咦,不是已经说了,加拿大鲨鱼管制早有国会通过控制, 不是造成滥捕鲨鱼的主因,你也是个不讲理的主吗?捍卫自己的习俗和蝗虫般滥吃有什么关系.
                        • 华人在正常鲨鱼进口配额下,保有自己的习俗吃鱼翅这个部位怎么算滥吃? 这个指控根本没有逻辑嘛.
                    • 请看看游行老人们贴的字, 叫UNFAIR. 我们要的只是公平. 现在却得不到. 和慈悲根本没有关系. 民主社会底层劳工们由于感到被歧视造成的unfair. 而我们多读过书的同胞却在冷漠看之.
            • 再次提醒, 鲨鱼是整条进口的,现在唯独鱼翅被禁止在多市这个特定的华人众多的地区被禁, 明显就是冲华人来的.这是个于法于理都极其牵强的提案. 华人不反对, 难道要等西人来说这个过于武断立案我们才大呼主子圣明?
              • 的确是个莫名其妙的BAN。说是中国人有钱了,吃鱼翅把鲨鱼吃到要绝种,所以,要保护鲨鱼呢,就得把中国人嘴给管理好。我觉得捏,这个真的有点种族侮辱成分在里面。要禁,你禁捕鲨鱼呀。
    • 和同事聊,说既然要禁,也要先禁烟,it is all politics
      • "既然要禁,也要先禁烟", 要禁烟,先要禁毒;要禁毒,先要禁黑社会;要禁黑社会,先要禁华尔街巨贪,要禁华尔街,先要禁连环杀人狂。堕落无极限,要比贱,总有更贱的。大家就为所欲为吧。
        • 知道什么是优先吗?什么叫效率?
      • 祥林嫂又来诉苦了。你没有跟你的同事聊聊,你那么多老乡在mall里卖盗版光碟的事?那是人家本来就有的立法,可是你们遵守了吗?太古里面,卖假冒伪劣的人,有多少是你的老乡,他们遵守法律了吗?
    • 华人团结,你在说什么啊?提醒禁鱼翅有种族歧视嫌疑的已经被有人给归为共产党了。按说,只要华人去抗争,对了对华人有利。错了别人白忙,这些人激烈反弹个什么劲呢?
      • 让外族裔看的起,自己就先要站的直。如果华人齐心,全体罢吃鱼翅,谁见了咱们都得挑大拇指。
        • 是不是把中文都禁掉大家都说中文才能让人看得起?
          • 两码事。中华文化里的“仁”是很重要的一点。我这么呼吁,也是在宣扬中华传统文明。 看到没,在越南最后一头爪哇犀牛被杀死取角了。现代人类的贪婪没有止境,没有任何怜悯。残酷的杀戮从来不应当和中华文明联系在一起。
            • 好人啦,你居然还是这么耐心对他讲道理,佩服!
            • The world is not that simple,you don't know western rule, you really should learn more.
            • 歪曲别人不代表你正确
        • 等50万张铁票可以决定大部分选区的结果时,您却呼吁大家挥刀自宫,您这不是拿民主当笑话嘛
          • 如果我们50万人能齐心作到罢吃鱼翅,那时绝对没有任何一个政治人物还敢小看华人。
            • 50万华人拒绝给加拿大交税,我看还有可能~~不吃鱼翅,没有共同利益呀。不过,真的明年大家都团结起来拒绝交税,我看政府也怕了。
            • 这倒是个主意。我支持的。只要政府废止那个禁鱼翅法,我们华人鼓动同胞自觉拒吃鱼翅。鼓动饭店自觉拒售鱼翅。甚至可以到菜单上还有鱼翅的饭店门口示威。就一条,必须废止这个法。
            • 简直胡扯, 别人吃着鲨鱼鱼肉,提着鲨鱼包的唯独说你吃鱼翅的野蛮, 你听进了完全听从还要号召50万华人改? 等下别人说你们族群小孩素质差, 给社会拖了后退(也附个录像和统计数据), 您就立马挥刀把JJ割了表决心? 你去Jane&Finch去站头上挂个这样的牌对黑人这样讲讲试试?
              现在是那个议员公然以来源不明和本国情况完全不符合录像来欺骗其他议员和世人, 达到歧视华人习惯和行为的目的, 浪费社会资源和成本. 华人团体是该正面Say No. 这种议员立刻滚蛋!!!.
        • 老猫,请你在这个坛子里找出一个人来,说是要坚持吃鱼翅的。支持吃鱼翅的权力,但并不支持吃鱼翅的行为。跟那句“我反对你说的话,但我捍卫你说话的权力”不是一样的吗?民主啊!
          • SO NAIVE, TOO SIMPLE
            • 说错话不怕,就怕连自己都不知所云,还不停嘴的胡搅。没得让人瞧不起。
        • 您太理想化了。华人全体罢吃鱼翅,西人只是认为你改掉了你犯的错误而已,没什么大拇指称赞华人的。怎样算是站得直,人腿肯定有弧度,弯得方向各不同,要有合理的标准。
          • 然也,齐心钻套子,绝对要不得,留几个活口。华商应该得到补偿。
        • 最烦这种号召/强迫别人学雷锋的了。俺本来不吃鱼翅,现决定开始吃,争取天天吃,吃到市警队累死,鲨鱼完全禁止进口为止。
        • 要别人挑大拇指干吗呀?他们是我们家长?还是我们的老板?。。。做到问心无愧不就行了?
          • 憋了好几天,实话让你给说出来了。最恶心的一首歌就是"外国人管那京剧,叫作北京欧赔啦"典型的没有自信和自尊的殖民地思维。
        • 你这个观点就像一个善良乡下老太太的观点,根本就不知道什么是“政治”。
    • 以后熊掌,燕窝,凤爪,乳鸽等等,或人参,若有人提议,尤其是黄慧文类,肯定能再通过禁令,因为禁得是少数中国人的传统食品。我真为中国人不团结感到悲哀。
      • 太多愁善感了吧?为啥非要大家去满足一小撮人的不良嗜好呢?
        • 奇了怪了,为何一个民族的习俗要改来满足某些人的歧视心态呢? 这不是法西斯暴政思想吗?
        • 人家说华人吃鱼翅是说一小撮华人那?加拿大华人吃鱼翅并不多,但讹传华人把鲨鱼吃绝种,扣华人的大帽子下也有你啊!郁闷。
          • 这些人本来就不是来讲事实和逻辑的. 一讲事实和逻辑连自己的话都在自扇耳光.
          • 郁闷啊,莫名其妙地就被人代表了,一会被人代表说我有吃鱼翅的文化;一会又有人代表我会把鲨鱼吃绝种了。怎么好事就没人让我代表了呢?
            • 只能证明你头脑太简单,政治不适合你
              • 正因为不懂政治,才被别人政治操弄.在这个社会生存不懂政治根本不行.你看这些论坛上自以为道德高尚的ID就是活生生的被愚弄的例子.
            • 赶紧换肤吧,再带上蓝色隐形眼镜,就没人代表你了。否则的话,人家一说华人,你就要被代表了...太同情你了...