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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛High school is just a school after middle school right? Wrong! In grade 8 high school is already in motion, full speed, like a locomotive, it will be heading towards you like a freight train, and there are only moments to decide. You have to pick really quickly, with a bunch of options thrust towards you; which school? Which classes? Transportation? Friends? Special programs? Bullies? Teachers? All of these options and questions are spilling out, but they will be answered one by one.

First of all, all these schools, most likely there are only 2 or 3 that are actually real options, the rest are just small incentives when there is a big picture that you must see. There is you obvious answer, your home school, which is just there if you do not want to apply for some special program one way or another, and of course your home high school can have a special program too, but if you do not make it you can still apply for the normal program, actually, most school guidance counsellors will automatically hold a spot for all students at their home schools. That narrows it down a bit. There are also French immersion/extended where these students have few schools, in fact for my region, there are only 1 French Immersion and 2 Extended French schools as far as memory goes, so if you want to continue in either, then you really do not have a choice other than to quit the program. Finally there are the special programs that get thrust in your faces, these are the schools that are mostly up and about trying to get people to sign up, as they are sometimes even prestigious, Gifted, Sci-Tech, Arts, IB, just to name some are the most common ones that appear, and are often only 1 or 2 are really a choice for you, but that adds a bit, then it's up to you and your parents to decide, but there is always a chance that you end up stuck in your home high school, but turn that frown upside down, it cannot be that bad right?

In grade 9 there are only 2 classes you can chose really, you have science, history, geography, mathematics, English, and gym mandatory, leaving you with a choice of visual arts, musical (both instrumental and vocal) arts, dramatic arts, business, and technology. For the most part, people will take the one art that they are good at and tech/business, for the most part, people take dramatic arts, because they think it is the easiest course, but it is actually not.

Mostly you will have to walk/bike/drive/get-driven to school, or of course if it is farther away (say you live in port credit and want to go to Clarkson you will take a bus or drive/get-driven) you can take a bus, if you go to your home high school, then you will be within walking distance, so most of the time, you will walk, but if you are in a special program away from your home high school, you are going to have to find alternate arrangements, and so thus is life.

For friends, bullies, and teachers, life is just like that, there are good, the bad, and the ugly (though not necessarily in that order) and you can always make new friends, not always are teachers dorks, and you can always avoid bullies if you try, and try to avoid getting in too much trouble to stay on the teachers good sides.

Special courses, while there are many to choose from such as the arts if you are good at music, dancing, acting, drawing, whatever, and those are most likely the schools for you. Also there is the Sci-Tech program, which is for the computer savvy, you will do a lot of computer and technology things such as programming, metal/electrical/technical/wood working projects and the such, it is said to be one of the most entertaining courses.

Intellectually Gifted is another one as well, there is a prerequisite, you need to be in the enhanced program before enrolling in this program, however, the enrolment is just handing in your gifted papers, this is a lot different from the middle school program as everybody in your class is gifted so there will be a lot of smart people in your class so you must keep up with your peers. Also there are the French Immersion/Extended programs which require you to have taken immersion/extended starting grade 1/4 respectively and they take multiple classes in French and are pretty difficult.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 儿子的周记,关于初中升高中(全英文)
    • very nice
    • 谢谢分享,转孩子阅。
      • 哈哈,怎么听着拿孩子当领导似的。
        • 可不是,这么重要的内参,红头级的文件。开头那部分写得很有深度。
    • 多大的孩子啊~~~蛮有想法的~~~
    • nice. easy to read.
      • 我懒了,哪怕给加几行间隔也好读些。本来贴出来是想建议家长们督着孩子们多写的。写作不是教的,是练的。从去年起,每周至少一篇。现在发现不光是写作有长进,还是家庭沟通的好渠道呢。
    • 你家孩子现在八年级还是九年纪?我女儿今年八年级,现在还在home school 和 IB program之间徘徊。
      • 8年级。不知道他哪来的这么多信息。听老师面谈时说9年级课没什么可挑的,就放手了。我以为home school就成,有花在路上的功夫干什么学什么不成。反正最后都Waterloo。
        • 这么烂的英文,最多也就上个滑铁卢了,很有自知之明
          • 英文不烂,不过想的太多了,这里不是国内,竞争压力还没有这么大吧,好歹也能混个学上。
            • 这个倒要争一下。就说习惯,对孩子本身来说,想多一点好,还是想少一点好?我觉的多想总好过少想不想。
          • 正好碰上英文好的,请教个词,TROLL,什么意思?
            • 这种单词也拿来问,难怪还有人觉着写得好
              • 早知如此,我该去钓鱼的。就是觉得不太人道。
                • No worry. That's just a little bug :-)
                  • 我儿子当然不是什么天才,不许批评的。我只是瞧不惯这种troll,专门给人添堵为乐。各位如果觉得我太矫情,引颈受砖,绝无怨言。
                    • Not at all. Your son is an excellent boy, well informed and an active thinker. You should be proud of him.
                      • 望子成龙,人之常情。一介俗人,难掩舐犊之爱,让刺哥笑话了。
                        • 我刚看了,挺好的,我欣赏对事物有自己见解的孩子。
          • 对一个八年级的孩子, 要求有点儿过于苛刻了吧? 怎么说也不是"这么烂的英文" 吧?
            • 是啊,我儿子写个300字的短文,我看着都很高兴,而且越看越高兴。他还用第三人称客观的给自己写了个作者简介,我觉得写得太好了,简直跟那些BEST SELLER 封页上的Z自我简介不相上下。
              • Excellent!
                • thanks!!
              • 贴将出来呗?
                • 没来得及抄,他发出去了,参加一个短文比赛的。
              • 哇,很棒啊
                • 妈妈都会觉得孩子写得好的,哈!
              • 让他发给你。然后你一本正经,跟出版社似的给他回信,说好的为主,你儿子的年纪,重点夸他写的好的句子就成。也提一两条改进意见。比如文法,用词什么的--切切,千万别多。积腋成裘,一年下来,一定看出不同来。
                • 好建议,谢谢!
                • 说句老实话,你都能够提出改进意见的,其水平可想而知。
          • 嘿嘿,讲话太难听了。
          • 上一篇好的我们看看
          • Then show yours. If no, be nice.
          • 世界上还有这样的人,真开眼了