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Rattling from under the car: There is a loud rattling noise coming from under the car. The noise may or may not change with engine speed or bumps in the road.

Rattling from under the car:
There is a loud rattling noise coming from under the car. The noise may or may not change with engine speed or bumps in the road.

Possible causes:

The heat shields around your catalytic converter or exhaust pipes are loose: Repair or replace exhaust heat shields.

One or more of your exhaust pipe clamps are loose or damaged: Tighten clamps and hangers as required.

Some part of your exhaust system is hitting against the car's frame or suspension: Locate where exhaust is hitting and adjust for proper clearance.

Your exhaust system needs to be repaired: Repair or replace exhaust parts as required.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 93年TOYOTA CAMRY V6, 加速时底盘传来沙沙的沉闷噪音,持续2-3秒后恢复正常,是否有人知道可能的原因?谢谢先。
    • 是在某个速度的时候才有这种声音?如果是,可能是 catalytic converter 的散热片和 converter 连接处开焊或者锈蚀。而又没有完全断掉,在某个特定速度下散热片会因为震动发出类似你形容的声音。
      • 谢谢,也许我该去车行检查一下。网上的资料说的的确有点像:
        At a specific speed, or when the car is cold, it's likely the heat shield will resonate like mad and cause you to go completely wacko. Most of the rest of the time, it may only sound like a rattle coming from the exhaust area, or the noise may disappear entirely. Get it fixed before it falls off: not having a heat shield is a bad idea--just ask your local shuttle astronaut. Besides, you might start a brush fire.
        • Rattling from under the car: There is a loud rattling noise coming from under the car. The noise may or may not change with engine speed or bumps in the road.
          Rattling from under the car:
          There is a loud rattling noise coming from under the car. The noise may or may not change with engine speed or bumps in the road.

          Possible causes:

          The heat shields around your catalytic converter or exhaust pipes are loose: Repair or replace exhaust heat shields.

          One or more of your exhaust pipe clamps are loose or damaged: Tighten clamps and hangers as required.

          Some part of your exhaust system is hitting against the car's frame or suspension: Locate where exhaust is hitting and adjust for proper clearance.

          Your exhaust system needs to be repaired: Repair or replace exhaust parts as required.
        • 我说的只是我自己的经验而已,以前碰到过类似的问题。用 u-bolt 加固断开的一边就可以了。
          • *O*
            • 什么意思?
              • 这么晚还在泡,名不虚传的熊猫------眼哪!
                • 还没睡啊?! 明天去camping。北部一个很不起眼的park。
                  • 米吐,连夜上路
                    • 哦?不错。你去哪儿?
                      • 说不准能碰上你哪,说,你的帐篷啥颜色?
                        • 呵呵,不瞎扯了,要睡了,good night
      • 查到的另一个可能:Thumping and Clunking :There is a rattling noise from the engine when you accelerate:
        Thumping and Clunking

        There is a rattling noise from the engine when you accelerate:
        Your car runs well all the time. But when you press on the gas pedal to accelerate or to go up a hill, the engine rattles like the cylinders are full of marbles.

        Possible causes:

        The ignition timing may be set wrong: Adjust ignition timing.

        The engine is overheating: Check and repair cooling system.

        A vacuum line is leaking or disconnected: Reconnect vacuum line. Replace vacuum lines.

        Incorrect grade of fuel: Fill with the correct, or higher, octane fuel.

        There is an excessive amount of carbon built up in your engine: Clean carbon from valves and combustion chamber. (Not a DIY job)

        There may be a fault in the computerized engine control system: Check engine control systems with a scan tool. Test circuits and repair or replace components as required. (Generally not a DIY job)
    • 今天查看左前轮胎旁边的挡板,上面贱满了黑色油泥状物,是否润滑油泄漏啊?麻烦大了。
      • 前车悬挂系统有不少地方有大量 grease,比如 balljoint, CV boots, tie-rod end 等等,把轮子卸下来以后很容易检查是否有破损。那几处的皮囊如果摸上去软软的,就需要补充grease。如果破损的厉害,油脂会漏掉。