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Here is a fairly "frank" explanation, see if it makes sense:

Most of us who apply for Canadian citizenship have mixed feelings when we make the decision to do so. We may do it for various reasons or a combination of various reasons. A lot of us do it for practical reasons. Some may think once they have a Canadian passport they can travel all around the world with ease (until later they realize that alone is far from enough). Some others may think it is some kind of assurance against the uncertainties they may face after their return to the homeland, and we all know there ARE uncertainties. I see nothing wrong with these practical considerations. After all, we are human, we are just being selfish, that's all.

There could be many many other reasons why we want to have a Canadian passport. What I am trying to say is that applying for Canadian citizenship does not mean that you have to abandon our homeland or you have to stop loving her.

You are not dreaming, but you seem to be seeing things in only black and white.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 小弟最近刚回故乡上海休假1月,实在是失望的很,
    回到多伦多,阳光灿烂,空气纯净,天蓝水绿. 到处井井有条.一下子
    • Gladiator doesn't belong to China
    • 伙计,你这也太有点戴有色眼镜了吧,国内还真不至于差到你说的那地步。我就不想评论你文章里面那些东西了,你那口气就象是在一个县城(加拿大也就顶多算个县城)打工的民工回了镇里,见什么都想显摆显摆。
      • From my own experience, I feel China is quite mordern in those aspects of "hardware". But still long long distance to western countries on things about "software".
        • I think Hardware is easy thing to a developping country.
          load money and build some big building is not a hard thing.
          Think about Thailand, southeast asia.These counties look so mordom and were rich before,but without true technology and good education base, they are nothing but a modern outlook.
    • I'm sorry to say I can't agree with you. We went to shanghai this Chinese Spring Festival . Actually I like it so much, I think shanghai getter better and better these 2 years.
      If We can get good job offer or future in Shanghai, we must go back after we get canada passport. It's different feeling in here or in China
      • that is weird---since SH is that good, and u like it that much, why need Canada's passport? be frank, give an explanation pl.
        • only one reason, MAKE MORE MONEY!
      • you are really a silly lady, the day when you obtain Canada passport, you are not aChinese any more technically, you still have the same feeling ?
        • You will understand after you have spent enough time here. Right now you are still dreaming. And try to refrain yourself from calling other people silly, you might find yourself stung back by this word in the future
          • then YOU give a frank explanation
            • It's a big topic.
              For short, I have been back to china a couple of times for business. I found out there are a lot more opportunities in China, especially in hi-tech industry. I can't reveal details because we have signed NDAs. Anyway, There are very active markets, fast developing
              infrastructures and low expenses.
              • i have no oppsition to what you described, but i am not draeaming!
                you shun something---are you a canada passport holder? if yes, what does Canada's passport represent in you mind? be frank.

                your biz is not my concern, when i talk "silly", i meant china dosnt acknowledge dual/multi citizenship, you are not a Chinese any more (admit or not!)! the affection you bear toward china is ofc good forever, if i can understand the lady's mentality as patriotism, why need a canada passport?

                you stood out, but did not answer my question
                • Here is a fairly "frank" explanation, see if it makes sense:
                  Most of us who apply for Canadian citizenship have mixed feelings when we make the decision to do so. We may do it for various reasons or a combination of various reasons. A lot of us do it for practical reasons. Some may think once they have a Canadian passport they can travel all around the world with ease (until later they realize that alone is far from enough). Some others may think it is some kind of assurance against the uncertainties they may face after their return to the homeland, and we all know there ARE uncertainties. I see nothing wrong with these practical considerations. After all, we are human, we are just being selfish, that's all.

                  There could be many many other reasons why we want to have a Canadian passport. What I am trying to say is that applying for Canadian citizenship does not mean that you have to abandon our homeland or you have to stop loving her.

                  You are not dreaming, but you seem to be seeing things in only black and white.
                  • good!
          • thanks, numnum, you got it! ^_^ 其实每个人都有自己对将来的打算和设计。在这里生活工作一段时间后,观念真的和刚来时不一样。无论别人认可或否认,嘿嘿,我才不管呢! DO WHAT I WANT TO DO! Go where I want to go!
            • after you get Canadian citizenship
              and live in Shanghai again, don't you need to renew your visa constantly, and aren't there restrictions to you as a foreigner? won't you be treated differently? have you thought about these issues? do you know anyone who holds non-Chinese passports lives in China? he, he, not that simple ...
        • Diffrent culture or background. She, Shanghai Lady ,have no obligation to explain her plan to you. You are silly cause you want to know that.
          • *ss-licker, taste good?
            • you're son of bicth!
              • No, I am DSB.
      • fully agree with you!!!
    • 我的一个朋友来了两年,也是回上海探亲三周,回来说的话和你的一样。
    • 没这么夸张吧?
    • 诚然,以上90%都是事实,但反过来想想,正是在发展中的环境中才有无数机会和挑战。大量台湾香港移民回流就是佐证。各人出发点不同,结论亦大相径庭。
      • 是啊,有一次我做香港人的出租车,他听说我是大陆来的,就很奇怪我们为什么离开那么好的地方。在他们眼里,中国现在遍地是黄金。
        • 以前有个移民公司的律师也曾对我说:北美遍地黄金、美女啊!
          • “肥美啊”!!!到了北美才知道这个词的原意。;)
    • Good or bad.It depends on what you are chasing, p.s. some guys should stop saying others silly. We just say out opinion here.
      • 很多说别人傻的人往往自己最傻,因为他的思路还没有跟上。
        • open up your eyes, read the posts twice, what is your 思路? you think you can lick (or self-lick) SH ppl's *ss? teach you a word: dogf*rt
          • the only thing show us is your mouth is so dirty, so your brain is dirty too. I can ingore this kind of dirty **
    • 国内的确有很多缺点, 可是也有很多情在这里是找不到的. 相信迟早有一天,我们也可以让我们的国家赶上其他国家的!
    • 从来就没觉得上海有什么好。可能只有上海人才觉得上海最好吧。
      • i am not a shanghai ren2, but i love shanghai
      • 如果让我在中国的城市里选一个做居住地,我应该会选上海。北京气候干燥了点,广州又小又脏,相对来说上海还好一点。
        • You really know of GuangZhou? What you know good point of GuangZhou?Practice, can contain everything and everyone,these are ShangHai can do?
          • 每个人都会认为自己的家乡比别人的要好,这是人之常情。一个广州人肯定认为住在上海没有住在广州方便,反之亦然。所以没有什么好争论的。 对于一个另外一个城市来的人,一个城市给她的第一印象非常重要。
        • actually guangzhou is much better than shanghai, I promised it to you. It is a typical civilian city. Everyone could have his own living style and in fact, there is more opportunities to earn money.
          • 我朋友刚下火车在广州,就被抢!
          • 也许对你来说,广州是更好的。但是我相信,对大多数上海人或者喜欢上海的人来讲,上海更好,just like
            you said,It is a typical civilian city. Everyone could have his own living style and in fact, there is more opportunities to earn money. 哈哈!不是要跟你争论。
        • I like guangzhou also. It gave me LP and money.
      • it's too crowded, too much noise, too many people in shanghai, no open space. i don't like it either, although it looks like modern.
    • 从没去过上海,所以也不便妄加评论,可是看了这个贴子,心里面忽然觉得不舒服
      • 爱之深,责之切也!
        • 怎么不说说你的汕头?
      • 其实都没有过错,只是...
      • 说得好!这也就是每次游人道听途说一些个别人的消息就一下子引申到整个中国人,我都特别反感。
    • 我从上海出来刚刚三个月,上海就变成这副样子了?无法相信!
    • 我觉得你说的是事实,上海的确就是这样的。虽然这两年城市建设不少,可有些地方没有规划,杂乱无章,更重要的是软件跟不上。我们不应该回避现实,有差距就有了改进的目标和方向,一味沉浸在大好形势中有什么好处呢?
    • "小弟"就是“小弟“,说出的话太经不起推敲。本人去年回上海,只是感到上海比1999年我离开时要有进步,如果要我将来选择一中国城市去工作和生活,我还是选择上海,尽管我不是上海人,只是在那儿学习和工作了十年。
    • 本地人都好,外地人吗.....暂住证,计划生育证明,出外务工证,稀里哗啦一大堆,看你还说好不好.
      • 那么,中国的哪个城市不要这些?那里没有户口管理,那里不要计划生育?
    • 上海有些高档奢华的地方是全国最好的,连一些外国人都羡慕和自叹不如;而你要住在象闸北那样在全国也属最差的地方,对上海不会有好印象。不管怎样上海不是你我就可以下定论的。
      • 按你的逻辑,加拿大更不是你我这样的人随便可以定义的。
    • 其实,我非常非常喜欢我现在居住的城市海口,她有非常好的自然环境,人在小城里也没什么心里压力。我一直在wonder,我的选择是否是对的。