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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Words for women to live by - my friend sent me this, I got to share it here, it's just so cool

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Aspire to be barber – the bitch has everything.

2. If the shoe fits buy them in every colour

3. Take life with a pinch of salt … a wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila

4. In need of a support group? – Cocktail hour with the girls!

5. Go on the 30 day diet. ( I’m on it and so far I‘ve lost 15 days)

6. When life gets you down – just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

7. Let your greatest fear be that there is no PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) and this is just your personality

8. I know I’m in my own little world, but it’s ok. They know me here.

9. Lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself.

10. Don’t get your knickers in a knot; it solvers nothing and makes you walk funny

11. When life gives you lemons, turn it into lemonade then mix it with vodka

12. Remember. Wherever there is a good-looking, sweet, single or married man, there is some woman tired of his bullshit!

13. Keep your chin up; only the first 40 years of parenthood are hard.

14. If it has tires or testicles, it’s gonna give you trouble

15. By the time a woman realized her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she’s wrong.

16. ‘Good friend are like stars……you don’t always see them, but you know they are always there’

17. ‘remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today’更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / Words for women to live by - my friend sent me this, I got to share it here, it's just so cool
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Aspire to be barber – the bitch has everything.

    2. If the shoe fits buy them in every colour

    3. Take life with a pinch of salt … a wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila

    4. In need of a support group? – Cocktail hour with the girls!

    5. Go on the 30 day diet. ( I’m on it and so far I‘ve lost 15 days)

    6. When life gets you down – just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

    7. Let your greatest fear be that there is no PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) and this is just your personality

    8. I know I’m in my own little world, but it’s ok. They know me here.

    9. Lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself.

    10. Don’t get your knickers in a knot; it solvers nothing and makes you walk funny

    11. When life gives you lemons, turn it into lemonade then mix it with vodka

    12. Remember. Wherever there is a good-looking, sweet, single or married man, there is some woman tired of his bullshit!

    13. Keep your chin up; only the first 40 years of parenthood are hard.

    14. If it has tires or testicles, it’s gonna give you trouble

    15. By the time a woman realized her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she’s wrong.

    16. ‘Good friend are like stars……you don’t always see them, but you know they are always there’

    17. ‘remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today’更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我笨,基本没看懂。
      • sorry, I don't have chinese input at work, but I can translate it once I got home for you.
        • Thanks a lot.
    • In need of a support group? – Cocktail hour with the girls! just attend one last week, had a great time with all the girls~~~~:)))
      • Girls? Good to be young 。。。 俺只跟mid-age women 有good time, 不过也蛮好。
        • 90岁聚会,也叫girl's party.
          • Great.。。。。Same to man? Boy's Party or Man's Club?
        • you are in my GIRL's list ~~~:)
      • hehe, yeah, call me when we need to, I know how to make martini :-)
        • make martini ?
          • yeah, have you ever tried?
            • no, i never tire to make it. at home normally, Scotch,or whisky
        • sure, that is great; if i am having one, you are for sure on my invetation list
        • Recipe, pls. :)
          • 狗一下。。。。一堆一堆的
            • 每个人的不同的....:)
              • 那是,我主要说你们懒。。。哈哈。问问本本的做法
            • 狗一个看看?
        • 俺admire 你们有精细感官知觉, 很小资唉。。。 俺喝红酒是因为它有助于睡眠和养颜。俺还嫌它口感太涩, 要兑雪碧或加话梅才可以。
          • 开始涩点...或者辣点...或者苦点....挺好......:D
            • 双关语? :)
              • 嗯...有变化...有过程......有回味...:D
          • 不如试试喝红酒吃CHEESE, 感觉挺好还减肥~~~:) 不是说你胖,我自己在试呢~~~
            • 吃CHEESE不怕醉吧...:D
              • 你也试试呗~~:D
                • 俺试过....然后看到别人醉了...:D
            • 什么cheese? cheddar 行吗?。。。减肥? 俺要试试。
              • 可以的~~:)
            • +1 ~~~~ 还减肥?
              • 嗯~~:)
        • let's have a try....:D
    • 后面部分,男女都适用。。。。谢谢分享
      • yeah, agree, I think it can apply to everyone
      • thanks to my friend :-)
    • some of them are really good, thanks !
      • which one is not that very good? LOL
        • you are challenging me, huh? :-) ~~~
          2. If the shoe fits buy them in every colour ~~~ basically I don't like the same style shoes with different colors
          • same here ~~~:), but sometimes i buy same cloth in different color :(
            • 有些还是一打一打买的。。。。
              • 那是袜子吧 :-)
              • 跟你们吃饭好象没穿过重样的衣服吧~~~
                • 每天都不会重。。。。
            • The main reason is I don't like colorful shoes, clothes is fine though :) ~~
          • 可能意思是...如果你发现合适你的东西...就变着花样去享受....:D
            • 嗯, 你说的对, 得意译...哪我争取吧~~~
      • hehe, thanks should go to my friend
        • Thanks to you, and through you to your friend.
          • yeah, indirectly :-) ~~~~
    • ‘Good friend are like stars……you don’t always see them, but you know they are always there’
      • yeah, indeed eh?
        • 嗯...你看不到他...因为他...
          • 哈,比黑豆子还黑么~~?
            • 嗯...:D
              有的朋友在最黑暗的角落扶持你一把....在最阳光的地方让你忘记... :D
              • 嗯~~
                • 嗯...

    • Lol,,,8, 9,11,12,14,16,17! Cannot agree more!
      • hehe, cool, isn't it
    • 有趣,学习
      • :-)
    • good to know:)
      • hi brother~~~
        • Hi~~~