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a little entertainment for Friday

Once, a friend was telling me a story.

A lawyer was demonstrating to a group of students about how solid the sky rise windows would be to prevent people from jumping out when they got upset. So he ran with full gear and knocked the window. Sadly, the window popped out and he fell from 24th floor to the ground. (it is a true story)

After the story, I said to my friend,” The guy must be so embarrassed when he came to office second day, eh?”

My friend stopped for a second, and said to me with a big smile on his face: “oh, honey, I wasn’t telling a story about spider man, the lawyer has died, and by the way, I thought you are not a blond”

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  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / a little entertainment for Friday
    Once, a friend was telling me a story.

    A lawyer was demonstrating to a group of students about how solid the sky rise windows would be to prevent people from jumping out when they got upset. So he ran with full gear and knocked the window. Sadly, the window popped out and he fell from 24th floor to the ground. (it is a true story)

    After the story, I said to my friend,” The guy must be so embarrassed when he came to office second day, eh?”

    My friend stopped for a second, and said to me with a big smile on his face: “oh, honey, I wasn’t telling a story about spider man, the lawyer has died, and by the way, I thought you are not a blond”
    • SF
      • hehe, hello 兔子
        • 你好!
    • Ding ~! haha, funny you :-)
      • good afternoon, 小小鸟
    • ~ ~
      • hello, Blackbird
        • 萌龙,你好 !
          • 睡眼萌龙?
            • 要去看点中华民族龙文化史呀.....:)
              • 卧梅又闻花。。。。
    • this is nice one!
      • hello, 好心情
        • 你的粉很纠结。。。
          • huh, which 粉? I don't think I deserve any
            • iou123?
              • haha, I don't think so, I think I registered iou earlier
                • 他粉你呀。。。。当然你先了。。。。。
    • Honestly I don't know which part is more entertaining......the falling lawyer or your cute answer? ...:-)
      • I think her cute answer :-))))
      • oh, I was implying both me and the lawyer are pretty dumb, truly, I never thought he would die.
    • 这个有点黑色幽默噢
      • yeah, maybe it shouldn't be called entertainment
        • 记得有一次去downtown玩,有个金发美女,真的美到让人目不转睛那种,穿着非常漂亮的dress突然从马路边冲出来去拦截前面行进的taxi,后面的车差点撞上她。结果她眼看都没看后面的车一眼。我万分崇敬她的镇静,
          那时候还是我bf的他说: what do you expect? she is a blond.
          • hahaha ~~~~
    • because he did this so many times and the window never broke..............
      • hehe, 木匠, you are always very nice :-)
    • 英文里blond是波大没脑的代名词?
      • put all discriminations aside, yeah, sort of
        • 想起了金发女郎 ~ (#7324256@0) ~ ~;)
          • yeah, 彪妹's joke this morning reminded me about this one :-)
          • 看这个
            A person went into the office kitchen one morning and found a new blonde girl painting the walls. She was wearing a new fur coat and a nice denim jacket.

            Thinking this was a little strange, he asked her why she was wearing them rather than old clothes or an overall.

            She showed him the instructions on the tin,

            "For best results, put on two coats".
            • LOL !
    • 哈哈哈.....:)
      • pretty dumb eh (both me and the lawyer)
    • 说明小龙女是....乐观...心善..谦虚....豁达...不会嫉妒...不会记仇...的人...:D
      • 中肯。。。。
        • 就是你也同意吗...:D
          • 少了很多优点。。。。
            • 那你再补充...:D
      • gosh, I guess you are talking about god, but thanks, I like it :-)
        • 说你谦虚你还刹不住啦....:D
    • you are so cute!~
      • hehe, have you ever had such moment?
        • 那天幾個朋友拿著我的ipad看動畫人物,說其中一人像其中的一個動畫人物,我指著那個說"這哪是人物,這不是驴嗎"..........................被爆了幾個響栗子..........................說實話的人傷不起啊...............
          • hahaha~~~
          • 呵呵~~~
        • 一次和一些同事在餐厅吃饭....先上来小筐面包...俺拿了一个...说:怎么有点硬....然后每个都拿一拿捏一捏...然后好心说:今天的面包都硬......................结果他们都没吃...:D
          • haha~~ that's bad
            • 在饭店发现不新鲜的食物...是不是有责任告诉同桌的朋友呢...:D
          • 想起我老公跟我說他小時候把桌上所有的西瓜都先咬一口,然後再悠悠然坐旁邊慢慢吃
            • 我们吃饭的时候...是不是眼睛总会瞟一瞟别人的盘子呢...:D
            • 这个好事我弟弟也干过~~~:)
              • 还是你懂事....象灵灵一样吧...:D
        • give u a really good one. a real story.
          娃在家休息,娃爹抓紧时间进行中文教育,教了娃“懒驴上磨屎尿多”这个典故。晚上吃饭的时候娃爹说起来这个典故,为了让娃了解什么是磨,娃爹举了自己小时候全家用石磨磨粉做汤圆儿的故事。娃娘——也就是我——揶揄娃爹说“你是在告诉娃你就是头懒驴吗?”娃爹还没来得及接话,旁边一直在听着默不作声的娃来了句——“爸爸全家都是懒驴”。我笑到肚子痛,扔下筷子来facebook上发wall post~
          • 呵......“懒驴上磨屎尿多”这个典故俺怎么从来没听过呢....:D
          • 呵呵,娃他爹教的这句相当有难度呢~~~:)
            • 我丫頭可以很溜索地說+understands "喇嘛端湯上塔塔塌湯撒湯燙塔"
              • 俺刚试了几下...差点没窒息...:D
                • you need practice!
                  • 隔着窗户撕字纸,撕了字纸吃柿子。
                    • not a problem for me.~
                      • A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies
                        • that one is too easy~
                      • I thought a thought.But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.
                      • 牛郎恋刘娘, 刘娘念牛郎, 牛郎牛年恋刘娘, 刘娘年年念牛郎, 刘娘年年念牛郎, 郎恋娘来娘念郎, 念娘恋娘念郎恋郎, 念恋娘郎,
              • 你丫头的中文程度确实很好~~~你可以骄傲~~~:)
          • hahaha~~~ you were bad~~~
    • 呵呵,虽然是个黑色幽默;但是你真的太可爱了~~~~
      • thanks, 香香 :-) how's kid?
        • 小孩好多了...挺稳定的...谢谢...:D
          • ah?
            • 怎么...俺闹着玩的...:D
        • 谢谢亲爱的,他好多了;也谢谢黑豆子(啥时候当我发言人了,我都不知道:D)
          • 豆豆是真的好孩子啊.
            • 俺很小的样子吗...:D
              • 你是大才子哥哥,卷卷是小妹妹...
                • 黑豆子蹦蹦跳跳得意洋洋ing....:D