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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 歪 ~ 幽怨值钱么? 歪 ~ 同情有趣么?
    • 值。无。...
      • 一直以为人都喜欢开开心心滴呀,何来幽怨值钱呢? 不是开心才值钱么?
        • 西子捧心,夫差神魂颠倒。东施效颦,那就差点意思了...
    • 不值。。。。木趣。。。。
      • 忽悠大哥可否是宝哥哥呀
        • 他?老装摹做样的唱:林妹妹我来迟了
          • 哈哈~挺像的
          • 他是等着确认是林妹妹才出场,怕认错人 :-)..
            • 你们这戏小喷油总拿俺开涮。。。。俺这个嗓门见了林MM都不知咋说话咧。。。。一嗓子她就得歪过去。。。。
              • 歪哪了?
                • 歪脖树底下那堆花瓣上。。。。
                  • 跟你这每次都是歪脖子树
                    • tyra晚上喝滴是牛2。。。。?
                      • 没。。。能怪我吗。。。是你啊。。。
    • 这个。。。看人啦。。。。有时候work 咯。。。。。。
      • 好像也不work啊,多久才work啊
        • 以前应该work 过一排瓜
    • 那看谁幽怨了. 林妹妹的幽怨对宝哥哥就很值钱..
      • 据说宝哥还没出场,林妹妹还在唱
        • 唱啥?葬花吟?
          • 唱这~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            • 比忐忑好听点
    • NO,,,,, NO
      • 你不懂了吧. 要是一大美女把PP一贴, 然后天天在这幽怨, 那效果绝对不一样...
        • 这个我信, 但是对我不起作用 :)
    • 憋着 -- 幽怨没价,同情无趣;放出来 -- 幽怨有趣,同情是心。
      • 好奇,放出来~~没选好地方,在山谷里面盘旋着,还荡气回肠的,听众能撑多久多久?
        • 我不 WHINE,无从知道别人的心态。但想凡事都有原因。好多原因非常的 DEEP。可能事主都不知道。像龙龙的那种下意识的,就是大蛇说的禅味。我们 DUMP 一个需要帮助的人是我们的事。事主自己找到答案满意而去是她的事。我以前也烦过,不过她的韧性还是打动了我。
          • life is just a game. that is getting boring.
            • 取其长,补吾短,善能善。
              • I am starting to wonder if it is within our capacity now.
                • humans don't have limits. ha.
                • good night, all. let go. we have done what we could have done. no guilt.
          • 晕倒~~好多年了呀。。还要多久啊
            • we are not shrink. maybe that's what is needed.
              • we all are providers and receivers one way or the other here for mental health balancing.
                • sometimes you need tools and methods to help her - which we may not possess as amateurs.
                  • but she opened up herself to us, not prof helpers. what can you do? say beyond your capacity? i laughed at her once, but observed that had not had changed a little.
                    • it is all about attitude. opening up is not real if you hide back to your shell on the first sign of difficulty.
                      • i think she did open up and flood us. but the cure is in herself, not us, and she might not have realized that unfortunately. bye now.
                        • sweet dreams.
    • 别人笑她太痴颠,她笑别人看不穿...........
      • 济公。。。。?
      • 有道理~~~呵