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Look at this beauty.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / is it so pathetic for a person not having a driver licence here? just curious
    • remember - driver's license is a PRIVILEGE, not a necessity.
      • I feel the other way around?
        • I am correct in this instance.
          • okay, I guess you are right. But for me, it is a necessity. cannot live without a car! darn it!
            • YEAH, 俺们能村连个公交车就见不着。但是老外就是这么说滴...
      • thanks, I thought so
    • no..but you will be set a lot more free if you have one.
      • I don't feel isolated even without one
        • 看你住哪儿了。如果是DOWNTOWN可能坐车反而更方便。如果你住近郊,不开车你未必感到不便,但开车肯定感到自由很多。
          • ok, I was just venting, but for the sake of argument, we have public system covers GTA and also taxi
            • 是,但是驾驶有时候也不只是为了方便,有没有想为什么孩子都喜欢打弹弓啥的,就是因为弹弓给人一种延伸自身能力(打击高远目标)的快感。开车也一样给你速度的快感。再说开车比公交,还是有省时,随时,远距和天气的优势。
              • 确实是这样。车延伸了生活。以前不会开车的时候我最爱房子。会开车以后才发现,房子是用来囚禁人的,车是用来解放人的,给人动感和自由。
              • disgree with you on this one, I am indeed a speed chaser, but from other sports
                • 还有各种玩车的乐趣呢。啥引擎,涡轮,轮胎,四驱,悬挂,操控,扭力,马力。。。连同一种灯泡都有十几种颜色和性能,多好玩呀。
                  • hehe, if only talking about driving not driver licence, I may not lose to you, I never said I can't drive
                    • 啊哈,叫板。。。等我十年,待我整个法拉利来哈!
                      • should be grand prix
                        • Look at this beauty.
                          • nice car, and I think BMW i8 spyder is pretty
                            • aha? 行啊龙龙。不过俺脚着,这种车,似乎只有意大利的才够味儿。
                          • 老色鬼,真牛叉!
    • 有了方便,没了也无所谓吧
    • not at all. I doubt the queen elizabeth has one... neither does stephen hawking.
      • come on, what are you trying to say
        • never mind...it sounded humorous in my mind. guess not in your eyes.
    • u will get it if you really needed, it's nothing to do with your personal ability at all, u just don't need it now.
      • I know you're the best in my heart. I have to accept it bothers me when people show sympathy to me over this matter
        • why they do this? it's not big deal at all.
          • no~~~it is just me, I just don't like to hear their tone, I guess this is my personal button, and I should fix it.
    • 虽说俺有驾照,但是非常不喜欢开车,当初考驾照纯粹是为了女儿。。现在出门能做公车就坐公车,能走路就走路,尽量不开车。。
      • hehe, you're good mother
    • kinda~~~~~~
      • I am just curious, in what way?
        • if you are not ready, meaning you won't be safe on the roads. if you are not even safe on the roads for yourself and others, what makes you worry about what other people say?
          • yeah, I guess this is just my button, I need to get it fixed
        • 我是来加拿大第十年才考了驾照的~~之前我不喜欢开车,也习惯了坐公车~~~但是没有驾照,在加拿大,是觉得有些pathetic~~~个人感觉~~~~~
          • ok, I see, thanks
    • Yes and No...depends on your needs...
      • yes, I just don't feel I need one
    • 希望不开车就好了。。。
      • hehe, I hope so
    • BIG PEOPLE they all have no DL. they use chauffeures. congrats!
      • 跟毛主席不认识人民币是一个道理。
      • ok, I was venting, and you're joking
    • 没什么~~~ :) ; 我来了快10年了,也是两年前才考的驾照,要不是为了儿子,我才不考呢~~~
      • thanks 香香, you are so sweet
        • 向我这样的连路都不认识的人有没有驾照都没啥区别,有的时候反而耽误事的~~~你知道的~~~:D
          • 现在有区别了。最便宜的gps才$100, 解救了多少女路盲啊 ^^
    • It really depends. For some people, it might not be necessary but it is definitely more convenient.... I only got my license after I've been here for 6 years, since I had to send my little one to daycare.
      • thanks 小小鸟, I am just been so spoiled I guess, I think I need to get my licence, for the sake of to get rid of the "button"
        • IMHO, it's better to have it ~~~ I used to have to stay in office for long hours as I had to wait for others picking me up :(
          • hehe, yeah, you're right
    • 是呀。半夜想出去兜风去不了呀,少了很多乐趣!
      • hehe, yeah, you're right. tax season finished, eh
        • 快了。但都精疲力竭了。大家脑都不转了,抢着替前台mm去做装订^^
    • 總覺得不用DL的都是有福氣的人,因為有專用司機。xmjd ~
      • thanks 十五, you are such a sweetie
    • 很喜欢开车,可以什么都想,也可以什么都不想,优哉游哉!赶快考驾照啊!
      • 呵呵,好,我准备着先
    • 女人没什么。 不过女人一般不喜欢和不开车的男人约会, 还得开车去接他。 倒 过来了
    • not really , but when you become a mom driving is almost a necessity.
    • driver licence 和快乐人生只有一点点关系...:D