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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

something about bank machine

I went to withdraw money from a bank machine.

When it was done, the bank machine slowly spitting out my card, and as usual, I grab the edge of my card, and pulling it out to speed up the spitting process.

Suddenly, a cartoon scene came to my mind. It was about me fighting with the bank machine over my card. In the scene, the bank machine and I both turn into knights, with one hand pulling the card and swords in the other hands, fighting.

It was funny and I burst into laugh, at the same time, the guy beside me turned and gave me a look. He properly thought I was a weirdo or a woman who saw money at the first time.

On the way back, I kept wondering, why bank machines always spitting out card so slow? Anybody knows?

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  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / something about bank machine
    I went to withdraw money from a bank machine.

    When it was done, the bank machine slowly spitting out my card, and as usual, I grab the edge of my card, and pulling it out to speed up the spitting process.

    Suddenly, a cartoon scene came to my mind. It was about me fighting with the bank machine over my card. In the scene, the bank machine and I both turn into knights, with one hand pulling the card and swords in the other hands, fighting.

    It was funny and I burst into laugh, at the same time, the guy beside me turned and gave me a look. He properly thought I was a weirdo or a woman who saw money at the first time.

    On the way back, I kept wondering, why bank machines always spitting out card so slow? Anybody knows?
    • sf~~~~龙龙有颗童心,真难得~~~~~~小丸子现身,哈哈~~~~~~~~~~by the way, 卡吐出来的不慢啊,基本上就是弹出来的~~~~~~~是不是各个银行的机子不一样呢?~~~
      • hehe~~~have you noticed it before
      • really? it's always been slow in my cases, hmm~~~maybe I should try out other machines
    • BD~~~第一次当板凳,好激动。。。
      • hahaha~~~you're just so cute~~~oh, btw, which 老郭的相声?
        • 我找找名字,回头给你PM,怕大家又多想。。。
    • 原因你自己说了啊,譬如你把卡放我这,我知道你密码,我也肯定慢慢的,很不情愿的还给你。
      • 太有道理了,估计我还得跟你来几轮“咏春”,拽着钱过上几招再放手呢,呵呵。。。
        • 我就捱着,然后用你的卡报销医药费,再加些妇科检查费,向国内医院学习怎么创收。
          • 红星。。你。。妇科检查。。。。
            • 不是创收嘛,不能做的也得写上去。
              • 吓我一跳。。我还以为你们夫妻共用这个名。。
      • hahaha~~~this is so funny
    • 都是那些IT的人干的。。。骂他们。。
      • no~~~ITs can only deal with programs, I think it should be machinists~~~
        • 完了。。沾包了。。
          • hehehe~~~~ :-p
    • hahaha~~~ you are so cute. Were you afraid the machine would bite your fingers when you try to pull your card out? ~~~~ It reminds me of "The Mouth of Truth" scene from Roman Holiday movie :)
      • hehe~~~truth to be told, I actually thought about this, do you find the slowness of it?
        • I don't, it seems ok for me :)
    • You don't need to try on the other machines, as I always do the same thing on different machines: grab the edge of the card and pull it out to speed up the spitting process.
      • hehe~~~thanks topspin, sometimes I'd worry about the chip inside the card
    • Maybe they did this on purpose...less worn out on both bank card & ATM...or if the speed is too fast, the bank card might shoot out like a bullet...you might need a shield before retrieve it...:)
      • hahaha~~~~you're so funny, yeah~~it makes sense for extending the life cycle of the card
      • haha~~~~那得练就一身的好功夫啊,接飞镖~~~~~
    • 瞎掰百科: bank machine spits out card very slow 是为了照顾老弱病残,太快了让他们头晕眼晕。。。酱紫。
      • this makes sense too~~