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If a person is short and not small, I' d sometimes say he/she is 4x4........


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  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / "There are no short guys in the world."
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Once during lunch hour in my previous company, we were chatting about my boss son’s hockey game over the weekend.

    I was surprised about one kid who was so small in the team and my boss told me that I’d better never call a person being short in the public.

    As confused as I was, I told my boss being short could mean high intelligence in Chinese culture. She laughed, and told me in North America, a person being short equals to very mean and/or aggressive personality (especially guys).

    As we were chatting, KA, a not so tall Irish guy asked: “So, does that mean I am a mean person?”
    My boss said to Kevin with a smiley face, ”Hey, KA, you are neither short, nor mean and aggressive, no, not at all. You are average.”

    And then, my boss turned to me, said: ”Remember dear, there are no short guys in the world, all the guys are average.”

    As everybody in the room giggled, KA stood up and said: ”Come on, you know that is purely BS!” suddenly, everyone was bursting into hysterical laughing.

    Until now, once a while, I still can be surprised by the culture differences on a person being short.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Short man syndrome
      • hehe~~~that was actually my first time heard about it
        • 姐姐我是深有体会啊。见过极品 SHORT MAN。要不我也不知道这个说法。
          • really? so it was not only a joke, eh
            • nooooo, short man can be devastating.
              • 准备接砖, 这里很多short man
                • 相对滴,相对滴 ...
              • wow~~, then, I guess it is indeed the cultural differences, cos' I don't think such characteristics are commonly seen among outside North America; or, to be fair I should re-statement the North American culture caused such problem exist.
    • 我原来以后不能说人short是因为容易被理解成身体别的地方short,不是身材。
      • 哈哈!六短?
      • really? uh~~~I don't know what to say
    • 妈呀,看完你的贴,吓俺一跳。。。赶紧找我老外同事求证
      比如,那天有事请示他,但找不到他,同事说他去trailer里面查东西了。回来我就问他:你真的去trailer里面了?他说:是呀!我说:不可能,trailer 那么高,你根本上不去。。。
      我说,你真是善解人意,那是不是意味着我能继续说你short 呀?!
      • hahaha~~~he is a nice guy for sure~~~
    • how short is short?~~~
      • 相对滴,相对滴 ... -c__wang(cwang); 15:44 (#7647364@0) reply more
      • average 奏是 short ~ but short is not average, 你懂的 ~ ~
        • 这么有哲理啊~~~~~
      • uh~~~it just meant to be a joke
        • 呵呵~~~我知道是个joke~~~但是,比如,就你自己而言,多矮你就觉得矮了呢~~~~要我,不说其他智力阿,人品啊什么的,男的低于175,我就觉得矮了~~~:P~~
          • I think maybe shorter than me~~~
            • 哈哈~~~你本来就很高啦~~~~要是shorter than me~~~就tooooooo short 啦~~~~~:))~~~
              • 有必要吗?就算是个2米的站在我面前,我也不会觉得他比我有优势。我觉得你过虑了。
                • 嗯哪,我瞎操心~~~
                  • 不好意思,回错了。。。我是想回表妹的高跟鞋的,不知道为什么跑你这来了。。。
          • 嗯,我也是这么觉得。女的1米65到1米68最好看,1米70以上就傻了,尤其是不瘦的
            • you .... you .... you .........
              • you...you...you
            • 啊?~~~170就傻啦~~~
              • 要看比例。如果腿长就很好看,上身长可能就傻吧。。。
                • 嗯哪~~it is all about 比例~~~~~
              • a?!,你不会1米70吧。LOL
                • i wish~~~~~:)~~~
                • 1米68
                  • 那我得再生俩~~~~~
                    • sounds good
            • 这话在rolia应该打击面不小吧
    • 我穿上高跟都不敢在一些人面前站直。
      • 站直了会怎样?~~~~
        • 怕人家心里不舒服。
        • 惊动党中央,军委宣布戒严,民主化再度延迟,谈天说地民主派大肆JJYY ~~~~~~~~~
      • hehe~~~you are tall
      • 那你还穿高跟鞋?
        • 还有另外一些呢~ ^_^
    • If a person is short and not small, I' d sometimes say he/she is 4x4........
      • hehe~~~that's right~~~I like this one
    • the short version of this story is
      size doesn't matter
      • If a person is short and not small, I' d sometimes say he/she is 4x4........ -borntobethe(云角); 16:46 (#7647570@0)
        • 4x4 is not the correct measurement in this case. i guess u mean 4x4x4, remember this is 3 dimension world. but still, size doesn't matter, in other words, don't judge the size of a person, no matter man or woman
          but unfortunately it is something people always do in reality.
          • In business world, we should not, in personal life, we may -:)
            • you may get surprise too
              • from a dating point of view, when we don't know too much about a person, we are more likely attracted by taller guys/pretty girls, that's human nature. size doesn't matter happens along with time going by.
    • 是不是short这词的多意性?
      • oops, I am not sure~~
    • we call it napoleon complex
      • chinese translation: deng xiaoping complex
        • Hehe, men who are not that tall are true "world maker"....
      • really, that sounds better, isn't it, hehe~~
    • My boss is a short man who has used his intelligence and personality to acheive great wealth.....
      I never judge a man by appearance. :)