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不要太自责。看看这个。2003年九月,美国一颗卫星在即将发射前,由于人员疏忽,运输中倾倒,这一摔,修理费高达1亿3千5百万。 Ouch!


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  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / Confession - marked
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I love my previous firm, actually, very much, and it is so far the most satisfied place I have worked. The reason I left, was actually embarrassing.

    Once during tax season, I was reviewing a very low profile client’s personal tax return, who was a single mother with two kids, earned minimal salary. Actually, my previous boss keeps quit a few clients like this and charge them next to nothing for the services, we call them “goodwill clients”.

    Despite it was late at night, after 12 hours working straight in the office, I quickly scanning through the file, without wasting my time thinking, I signed as reviewer, and sent the file to my boss for the final review.

    The next morning, my boss showed up in my office, with the file in her hand, asked: “tired?” Quickly I knew there must be mistakes in that file.

    My boss gave me back the file and told me: “You know, our job to some people is very important, and I am not talking about our high profile clients, but clients like this. You could never imagine once a mother crying in my office because I told her there would be tax penalty for her to pay while I knew she had used up the last penny in her bank account buying foods. Oh, by the way, I think you missed some tax credits for this one, and could you please fix it.”

    I was sitting there for long time after my boss left. It was just not easy to find any excuse for myself.
    After that tax season, I handed in my resignation letter. Partially because I thought it was a punishment to me, but mainly, I couldn’t handle the stress and guilt from imagining a crying mother in front of me, so I chose to run like a coward.

    Until now, my used-to-be-my-boss still joked about that I should go back to the firm , she just doesn’t know, deeply inside me, I still call myself a selfish coward, because I just can’t over come the fear of another mistake like that.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Who has the softest and most considerate heart and mind?
      • I think that person should be my previous boss
        • You should not have resigned, I think.
          • +100。把砖头藏起来,默默的走了~~~
            • hehe~~~thanks, you're nice~~~
          • I agree~~~I admit that I was and still am a chicken
            • You should come to FL one day. I would love to be your company.
              • I'd love to~~~for sure I'll let you know up-front, any plan for summer vacation little bit up north?
    • Then you might have to be mentally prepared to quit other job(s) in the future, sorry, if my comment sounds very harsh to you. I just hope that everybody can face the reality; we are not living in LaLa land.
      I will make the same comment, it does not matter who tells the same story. Hopefully you will not take it personally, 龙龙, have a nice weekend.
      • thanks topspin, you're totally right, those words are not meant to be harsh at all, it is what I really need to hear. I am still trying to face the reality totally, and I am sure I would. you too have a nice weekend
    • It is okay. We learn, we grow, we fulfill as the pain heals. I don't think you have done something terribly wrong. If there were to be a penalty, it would be still reversible? Errors happen. What we could do
      for the coming ones is to be more prepared. I think you are.
      • thanks 云角, I thought I was prepared to, just finished chatting with my previous boss, surprisingly, I still have that fear. I guess it's a process that still need some time to be completed.
        • 我突然想起一个网友说过的话 -- 写 EMAIL,成稿了,要反复看 3 遍,确定无误了再发出去。很有道理。但还有个问题,就是多 CAUTIOUS 是 CAUTIOUS?从 JUNIOR 到 SENIOR 哪里是 OVERNIGHT 就行的呢?
          • 有时,overnight之后,我都会把email改得面目全非的。。。。。
            • 经常的。而且好多时候都不发了,哈哈。
        • You never know how long it would stay. ^_^ Often we are amazed by what we discover in ourselves. But I am pretty sure the more you find out about yourself the more you would say to that FEAR,
          "Hey, you! I know you already", then comes the moment when you start saying to yourself, "It is not a big deal."
          • hehe~~~I'll try my best :-)
    • 不要太自责。看看这个。2003年九月,美国一颗卫星在即将发射前,由于人员疏忽,运输中倾倒,这一摔,修理费高达1亿3千5百万。 Ouch!
      • hehe~~~thanks coolmao, that's indeed a very expensive mistake
      • 这个太搞了
    • 龙一向善良。你老板大概也是夸大了事实,一个minimal收入,带两个孩子的母亲,能有什么tax liability 和penalty 呀。而且应该怪老板买的软件不好,否则会提醒你漏掉的credit by comparing to last year,哈哈,你就不要自责了。
        • 我不知道美国的税法。加拿大是不管你账面的depreciation的,只认CCA。CCA的beginning 是以税局last year ending为准的,它才不管公司们爱怎么玩数字游戏。
      • haha~~~you're just so kind 小鸟, I guess she just wanted me to pay more attention toward "good will clients" but she doesn't know I am such a chicken
        • 当然,犯了错也是要承认滴。。。-:)))
    • 龙,我觉得你的心思很细密!人这辈子这么长,怎么可能不犯错误,没有遗憾呢!而不犯错误又怎么能进步呢,接受了教训,进步了就放开怀抱吧,别太钻死胡同了,任何事情都会被时间冲淡的。。。要不就试试多跟我这样没心没肺的人多呆呆。。。
      • hehe~~~sounds like a very good idea, I like it~~~thanks 鱼
        • 我就是在想,你是不是印证了老郭的那句话:从哪里跌倒,就从哪里躺下!咱可千万别哈,咱还是爬起来,把两只绑一块儿的鞋带解开,继续往前走,不要回头看哈。。。
          • hahaha~~~I am trying to untie my shoelaces
    • We all make mistakes here or there, that's how we grow :). I know you are very responsible and kind person, but just don't push yourself hard and take it too seriously ~~~ BTW, can't the credit simply be adjusted later?
      • thanks 小小鸟, and yes, it can be, 云角 and 小鸟 also know that. I was scared by my own imagination, or I just scared to face a situation like that which caused by myself.
    • I like your ex-boss. If you stayed with her, you could learn a lot more (no to say you're not doing good right now).
      • hehe~~thanks, yes, she's the best, I did learn a lot from her and still do, actually lucky me, she and I are friends now
    • 没看明白,如果是你们的错,为什么要client负责呢?
      • you're right, if we made mistakes, we'd cover the cost, and in my case, I supposed to think ahead of clients to maximize client's benefits which client may not ever realize such benefits exist, and I failed to do so, and it was indeed my fault
        • 如果这样的话就不应该有什么FEAR, 因为最多是CLIENT在钱财上有些损失,而且不是什么影响生活的损失. 而且随着经验的增加, 这种事不仅是可以避免的,而且能帮助人, 属于在掌控之中的事. 真正的FEAR应该是来自不可掌控的事.
          我不敢学医的一个原因就是因为不能忍受眼睁睁的看着病人失去生命而自己无能为力. 那种超出自己掌控的无能为力才是真正的FEAR.
          • 其实,最近看一个书评,写书的是一个心外科医生,写评的也是个医生。有句话写得印象深刻,意思大概是,医学之所以进步,要感谢那些无畏的病人,也要感谢那些勇敢的医生。含义深远。
            • "要感谢那些无畏的病人,也要感谢那些勇敢的医生"...indeed...
            • 确实是这样. 所以医生拿高薪也是应该的. 他们所承受的那种心理压力不是一般人能承受的..我自认在这方面绝对不是一个勇者.
            • 这。。。医生勇敢是无疑的,病人无畏就说不上了,为了生存,他们没有别的选择。
              • 那天广播说第一个试管婴儿的试用者,当时是很勇敢的,舆论压力大。你想想,她可以领养,可以丁克。等等的。
                • 是的,医学的进步少不了cooperation and collaboration.
                • 那毕竟和亲生的是不一样的。有时候,也许没孩子的压力更大,那些悲剧我们见过很多。
              • 为了生存可以是个目的。也有其他的。有些病人,还是在make history...
                • 我同意有那么些敢于牺牲自己的人,包括很多发明新药的科学家,用自己试药,他们的确是勇敢的。但那些是特例,不是普通病人吧。
                  • 其实,那些勇敢者也很普通。真的。:-)
              • 尝试从未在人身上试过的新的方法需要勇气...
                • 可是以普遍情况,不到绝路,谁会去尝试那些没有证明过有效的方法呢?比如,只是得了不会致命的病,人们会接受那些高风险的治疗吗?I doubt.
                  • true~~~
                  • +1
            • I respect doctors with all my heart, if a desperate crying person in front of me, I'd just turn into a totally useless idiot
          • hehe, yes, you're right, I guess my biggest fear is to deal with client's emotions, I rather there is only money involved
        • 即使做错了,事后也可以更正吧?...虽然我觉得你老板是好人,不过好象太煽情了一些...
          • hahaha~~~thanks 飞鱼, I'll tell her that she is too good at 煽情, and that scared me
    • delicate little dino... you never failed to remind me of that " little girl alone in my little world who dreamed of a little home for me" :))
      • hehe~~~thanks 若初, we're alike, in my mind :-)
        • attracted by each other's "smell"?? We are indeed alike...:-)
          • indeed~~~interesting, eh, but I haven't met you yet, so, we need to meet up, I think~~~ :-)
            • :-)np.....let's wait for that moment... we shall meet one day!
    • 龙龙界个算检讨还是悔过书。。。。?虽然俺坚信可怜之人必有可恨之处。。。。能帮多少算多少吧。。。。
      • 呵呵,都算吧,你回来了?
        • 还要折腾几天。。。。下礼拜回。。。。
          • 呵呵,玩儿的开心,注意安全
    • Don't blame yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Your boss should take reposibility as well since she is the final reviewer.
      This mistake is very easy to tell from two years comparioson numbers.
      • hehe~~thanks 朱莉娅, which exactly the part I didn't do
    • oh, what a sad story!
      IF, I said IF, one paragraph was like below, it will definitely be selected to Reader's Digest:

      My boss gave me back the file and told me: “You know, our job to some people is very important, and I am not talking about our high profile clients, but clients like this. You could never imagine once a mother crying in my office because I told her there would be tax penalty for her to pay while I knew she had used up the last penny in her bank account buying foods.”
      He got away, leaving me a smile and a cheque on my desk.
      • 发现我的英语要写这种文章真的还差很远的路
        • how do you know, have you tried? you might be surprised by yourself :-)
          • 我就写最后那一句时,颠倒了好一会儿。看的技术书很多,但没读过一本小说。读十本小说几本就能提高一大截
            • hahaha~~~then just try to get a novel, may I introduce the book "Into Thin Air", I think you might like it
              • i'll take a raincheck :) 'oz I always feel I have other more important things to do
                • hahaha~~~yes, of course
      • haha~~~if that's the case, I'd feel a lot better~~~thanks 葱
    • 这个。。。要做一个完美的人,是要付出很多很多的
      • hehe~~~thanks 兔子, I guess no one can be perfect, isn't it