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我就是一位PARALEGAL, 原来在北京做律师。因为加拿大不承认大陆法系的法学院,我又不原意从头再读法学院,现在就开了个PARALEGAL公司。我有一个法律免费咨询热线416-358 9377。

有人把PARALEGAL翻译成律师助理, 或助理律师, 这位"无知无畏” 的意思应该是" 残疾律师"。 实际上没有合适的中文翻译, 因为中国根本没有这个职业. 美国有, 但法律不同, 从事的工作不同, 也不能按美国的意思翻译。 据说一位高级翻译曾经做过考证, 说翻译成"付律师" 比较合适。

我的客户都知道我是PARALEGAL, 但他们还称呼我是"刘律师"。 实际上称呼并不代表水平, 我在法院为人伸张正义的时候,现在挂排的一些华人律师估计还在读小学. 我很多小额法庭和人权法庭的案子, 对方都是律师, 我根本没觉得水平高多少.

选择的原则是, 你财大气粗, 你就请律师. 但如果你的案子律师能办, PARALEGAL 也能办, 你如果觉得律师比PARALEGAL强, 你就是那个冤大头. 举个例子, 对轻微的刑事犯罪, 比如家庭暴力或者盗窃, 我们的收费要比律师便宜三分之二, 而且效果还好.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 问一个找律师的问题
    事情经过简单如下:今年五月,看中一栋房子,下了OFFER,要求卖家在8点前回复。但是卖家在8点过后才回复,这时我们在咨询过我们的经济后决定不买。卖家七月降价卖出,现在卖家雇了一个律师,发了一封律师信给我和我的经济,要我把差价补上。看来我得找个律师或LEAGAL HELPER,问题是我如何找到,和该找哪方面的律师或LEAGAL HELPER?大家知道的话,能否给个信息?谢谢。律师,LEAGAL HELPER和PARALEGAL有什么区别?
    • 你需要找一个律师,一个好律师。paralegal 跟paralympics一样,是残疾律师,只能打交通告票之类的。这种案子是loser pays all。所以你一定要赢。赢了你的律师费就由对方买单。
      • 楼上的回答太有才了,我不得不说两句。
        我就是一位PARALEGAL, 原来在北京做律师。因为加拿大不承认大陆法系的法学院,我又不原意从头再读法学院,现在就开了个PARALEGAL公司。我有一个法律免费咨询热线416-358 9377。

        有人把PARALEGAL翻译成律师助理, 或助理律师, 这位"无知无畏” 的意思应该是" 残疾律师"。 实际上没有合适的中文翻译, 因为中国根本没有这个职业. 美国有, 但法律不同, 从事的工作不同, 也不能按美国的意思翻译。 据说一位高级翻译曾经做过考证, 说翻译成"付律师" 比较合适。

        我的客户都知道我是PARALEGAL, 但他们还称呼我是"刘律师"。 实际上称呼并不代表水平, 我在法院为人伸张正义的时候,现在挂排的一些华人律师估计还在读小学. 我很多小额法庭和人权法庭的案子, 对方都是律师, 我根本没觉得水平高多少.

        选择的原则是, 你财大气粗, 你就请律师. 但如果你的案子律师能办, PARALEGAL 也能办, 你如果觉得律师比PARALEGAL强, 你就是那个冤大头. 举个例子, 对轻微的刑事犯罪, 比如家庭暴力或者盗窃, 我们的收费要比律师便宜三分之二, 而且效果还好.
          • Choosing the Right Legal Professional---From Law Society of Upper Canada (多学点知识总是没坏处。)
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Law Society regulates the lawyers and licensed paralegals of Ontario in the public interest by ensuring that they meet appropriate standards of learning, professional competence and professional conduct.

            Lawyers are licensed to provide legal advice with respect to all Ontario laws. Paralegals are licensed to provide legal advice on specific Ontario laws. In some situations, either a lawyer or a paralegal would be entitled to help you. In other situations, you must choose a lawyer. You may also choose to represent yourself. The information below will help you understand your options.


            Lawyers' professional qualifications include:
            •An undergraduate Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree or the equivalent
            •Successful completion of the Law Society's Lawyer Licensing Process including Licensing Examinations, and Articling Program, including completion of an on-line professional responsibility and practice course.

            When do you need a lawyer?

            Lawyers are licensed to provide a full range of legal services that include:
            •Family matters, such as divorce, separation and child custody
            •Criminal matters in all levels of court
            •Civil litigation matters in all levels of court
            •Wills, powers of attorney and estate matters
            •Real estate matters, including buying and selling personal or commercial property
            •Administrative law matters, including appearances before tribunals.


            Paralegals' qualifications include:
            •Completion of an approved legal services program in Ontario
            •Successful completion of the Law Society's Paralegal Licensing Process, including Licensing Examinations.

            While lawyers can represent you in all legal matters, paralegals are licensed to provide certain specified legal services.

            You may choose to have a paralegal represent you in:
            •Small claims court
            •Traffic court for charges under the Provincial Offences Act
            •Tribunals, such as the Landlord and Tenant Board or the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
            •Minor criminal charges under the Criminal Code heard in the Ontario Court of Justice.

            Under legislation and by-laws, persons in certain circumstances may provide paralegal services without a licence from the Law Society. Since the Law Society does not regulate these individuals, they are not subject to the rules, by-laws or disciplinary procedures of the Law Society. For more information, please see Exemptions under the Paralegals section of this website.

            The Law Society has created Lawyers and Paralegals: Helping You With Your Legal Needs, a brochure to help guide you in choosing a lawyer or paralegal to meet your legal needs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 我打了 N 个 CIVIL 的 SUIT 了。从没用过 PARALEGAL。可能 REVIEW DOCUMENTS 用过,基本是 0。不过我在美国,没有像 ONTARIO 那样 TREAT PARALEGAL DIFFERENTLY 的。如果是我,看到你写的帖子,我就另找别人了。对不起。我个人的意见。
              • 我就奇怪你为啥用“ATTORNEY”,因为美国人才这样称呼律师,加拿大叫“Counsel”。
                • 都用。混着来。COURT 上好像用 COUNSEL 的多,其他时候想用那个就用那个。
        • 这里有更好的解释。
        • 完全理解。我一个朋友就是这样的,国内第四军医大学毕业,某大医院胸外科主治,结果到多伦多只能在医院里作动物实验,因为没有加拿大行医执照。我知道您水平一定不差,就差那证。
      • 我点了一下该论坛“法律”精华区,自己写的那三篇普及法律知识的文章还在那里,但愿对华人朋友有帮助,尤其是那些病急乱投医的朋友。http://www.rolia.net/f/post.php?f=0&p=7171082
        • 借个方便:请网友找律师的时候,最好至少找 3 个,就是货比三家的意思。都面试了之后,再做决定。