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First I want to make it clear that I am not an civil engineer. I can not tell you that without knowing some details about your deck.

I want to know how heigh is your deck? and what dimensions, such as 32's along the wall (parallel to the all) or the 16' side. Regarding as to attach to your house or not, it is your choice, if it is high, then, I would suggest to attach to the house because that would provide you extra strength for your deck, if it is low( lower than 2' at the highest point, and you do not need permit for it, i think), a free standing deck is ok.

As finding level, depending on the height of your deck, You could use 4X4 and attach beams to 4x4, this way, you have lot room to play with. If your beams are going to sit on the concrete footings, then, you might have some difficulties to find level because you have to find level before you pour concrete.
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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 我也分享一下我的DECK工程吧, 砖头的欢迎,只是轻点最好。
    LD 吵着要做DECK好久了,一开春就着手规划了, 本人土木专业出身, 放样,画个小图还没忘记。院子不大,只想做个12X12的,省得锯料,为了美观及方便本人自己的爱好,切了个4X4的角。 因为地下室的墙较高,可以钉一道梁,所以只另设两根梁,现在开挖。。。。。。 Photobucket" border= 0 > 问了一些高人,建议挖48寸,因为桩不多就照做了,我家的劳力两个,小子给累坏了, 他爹也累的够呛。 Photobucket" border= 0 > 这是灌完桩的样子,Photobucket" border= 0 > 找平的方法很多, 自己想办法吧。春天水位高, 挖完孔后,应快点灌。我当时赶上下雨,孔里面都是水,孔壁塌方,一听到青蛙跳水里的声音就心紧一下。 桩灌好,下一步装墙上的梁,12英尺,10个螺丝,打好孔装上去,一个孔位不偏,梁还是完全水平,赞自己一下。Photobucket" border= 0 > 然后将DECK下面的草翻了个底朝天,目的就是要杀死它们,想想都心疼, 好不容易养护好的。还稍微找了点坡度,尽量让水远离墙根。在上面铺了一层LANDSCAPING PAPER,因为买了一大捆铺了两层,现在还有一些闲置呢。 Photobucket" border= 0 > 接下来 是架构了。这个就简单了。Photobucket" border= 0 > 我那个后院的水龙头在角上。我为了以后使用方便,给改造了一下。装了根套管(这个是当时买中央吸尘器给有没用完), 这样水管就来去自由了。再赞自己一下。Photobucket" border= 0 > 接下来装板子 就没什么技术了,预计好买的板子, 没有用半板的情况 ,只钻坏了一块,还退了一块, 再赞一下,唯一的败笔出现在那个切角的那条边,两个135度的角,简单的想是45+90,这是 对的,应该是67.5度, 这样两个边才一样长。BS自己一下,浪费了一根2X8。Photobucket" border= 0 > 椅子的架子是买的,尺寸是自己改了一下,原来有见过朋友家没改尺寸的椅子,不太满意, LD这样改一下,自己觉得好多了,不想做梯子,又没地方丢那个水泥块,就放在这里当踏步正好, 那个水龙头的管子从DECK下面的套管延伸出来, 非常方便。那根墙上的套管是自己装了一套监控系统。 现在的DECK是这样子的。Photobucket" border= 0 >汇报完毕,砖头的欢迎,还想盖个什么的。 那块钻坏了的板子被做成了这个小茶几。
    • 不给砖头,给鲜花,做得很棒。。。
      • 谢谢你的花, 我家LD也很高兴,这就是我最大在回报,话说回来, 她有主意,我只是将好的主意实施罢了。
        • two words, well done ... I already picked up a rock and held up high, after reading it, I put it back softly to the ground, and picked up my only flower in my backyard. Really nice job.
          • 十分感谢你的家花,没想到呀,没想到,大家还这么的肯定我的工作,看来可以考虑改行了。
            • maybe my deck can be your first comercial one?
        • 好厉害!
        • 请扫盲,LD是什么?
    • 很漂亮!!~~~~能人!~~~
      • 能人,不敢当,刚才说了我是负责施工的,
    • 佩服!我只有女儿,没有儿子干这力气活呀!
      • 这个我就没法了, 估计你得自己辛苦了
    • 相当不错啊!请问总耗费?用时?我也想自己做呢~
      • 总耗时这个嘛不好说, 我是周末时间做的,有三个周末吧,但有时候傍晚也做一点。
        • 其实是要一套好工具,电钻是自己的,电锯是借的。哈哈哈,能借就借吧。
          • 恩我也这么打算的。材料是人给运来的吧,主要是木材和碎石自己没法运。
            • 在这里要特别感谢一下我的邻居 VINCENT,他才是个能人,除了不会一件事, 其他都会, 有他作技术指导,心里就有底了, 胆子就大了。
              • 还有,他有很多工具可以借,有此高邻,此生何求,可惜又搬走了。
    • 水头胶管冬天要收回室内,卸下来后容易安回去吗?材料是 cider wood 吗?墙上的10个螺钉钻多深?要不要钻到里面的joise木头上?
      • 你的问题还真不少, 水管冬天要收回的, 下面有根套管,旋松后一拉就出来了,开春只要往里管里送就过去了, 我那个钉子是打在水泥墙上, 用的是4寸的,梁用的是处理过的材料,其他是用ceder
        • 好!这么好的deck,我想你可能很快就后悔做得太小了。前屋主留下个36x16的,俺在上面安个水sink,一快stone counter, 放个bbq炉, 一套桌椅,一张摇摇椅,爽!
          • 关于,这个这个,实属无耐,院子不大,LD要种点花木,我要一块小练习场,所以折中就这个尺寸了。
    • 做得相当好,中规中矩。还铺了黑色的布防野草。两层梁之间还用了链接件连接。
      • 谢谢你的: 中规中矩, 这用得很精准,高人呀, 是你的贴子激发我的念头,我才将我的小作品贴上来的。还是你的想得周到,还有射灯,造型,望尘莫及呀。
        • 向你学习,每一步都做得跟教科书上的那么精准。我是差不多就凑合了。
          • 过奖,哪有那么严重, 只是想时间都花了,就做个尽力吧 就这水平了。
        • 也可说是止草布
          • 现在哪里还有卖的?我们也要开工了。今天去申请permit了,building 部门 的人说deck attached到墙上应该不会对墙造成危害,因为打了48"的水泥 桩,deck不会移动的,本来我们要打12个桩的,他说最边上4个就可以了 里边和墙链接,
          • i bought the paper from Costco, I think homedeport and some garden center may have it too, for the number of post depends on your size of the deck and the beam size you would like to use.
            • 12"X32" this is deck size
              • 你这个不小呀,看你写的, 你应该是墙上有一道梁,另外再设两道,32的跨度,按你的计划8根桩。每道梁四根桩,分三跨,两头悬挑一点,每跨距至少8尺,那你的梁用什么尺寸的,要不要一尺以上?个人觉得桩少了点。 Mr tree 请给点专家意见。
                • 是呀,我们原计划是12个桩的,但city的人一说4个就够了, 还是没底,仍是倾向于12个桩,你说12个桩的话还
                  用不用和墙连接呢?谁是Mr Tree?恕我才疏学浅,
                  • City 的人说够,那一定是有他的道理的,关键是你用什么样的梁,多大截面的?如果两根 2X8的合并用,可能是够。Mr.Tree 是P.ENG 现在正潜着呢, 就看他老人家出不出手了。其实你要是多打两个也不费什么事吧?
                    • 那我还是打12个吧,就是多花几百块钱。你们都是行家 我还真不懂这些,如果我打12个桩,该怎么排列好?还需要和房子连接吗?
                  • what city? from Mars? Four posts for a deck size 16' x 32', You could do it, but, materialwise not economical.
                    If you use ledgerboard (attahced to your house), you will probably need 6 more posts (two in a row, for three rows at about 10 feet (jost span) apart), the last row you can over hang by 2 feet to hide the post. I would not go beyond 10' joist span. The post span (the distance between the post in a the same row ) can be 10', and overhang 1' at each side ( a total of 12').

                    For a stronger sturcture, you could use 2 x (2 X 12) or 2 x (2 X 10) for beams, and 2x8 for joist at 16" at center.
                    • 就是我申请permit的地方。谢谢,请多指点一下,如果我打12个桩 的话该怎么排列?用什么样的横梁?还需要和房子连接吗?另外怎么 找平?找平是我们最大的难题
                      • First I want to make it clear that I am not an civil engineer. I can not tell you that without knowing some details about your deck.
                        I want to know how heigh is your deck? and what dimensions, such as 32's along the wall (parallel to the all) or the 16' side. Regarding as to attach to your house or not, it is your choice, if it is high, then, I would suggest to attach to the house because that would provide you extra strength for your deck, if it is low( lower than 2' at the highest point, and you do not need permit for it, i think), a free standing deck is ok.

                        As finding level, depending on the height of your deck, You could use 4X4 and attach beams to 4x4, this way, you have lot room to play with. If your beams are going to sit on the concrete footings, then, you might have some difficulties to find level because you have to find level before you pour concrete.
                      • 上面的回答已经很具体了,怎么做要看你自己的具体情况了。找平的话如果这么多的桩,还是建议在柱头上找平,你会轻松得多,如果你不是贴地建的话。
                  • From previous messages ( I did not read them before). I guess the long side is against the wall and project 12' deep. I was thinking otherwise.
                    If that's the case, then the city people say 4 posts are enough is correct on the condition that you need to use ledgeboard which means it has to be attached to your wall.

                    if you use ledgeboard, the footings can be placed about 10' from your back wall/ledgeboard, and leave about 2' overhang for joists. and the post span will probably 10', that will leave one feet overhang on both sides.

                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ledgeboard

                    for post span at 10', it is suggested to use 3 x ( 2 X 12 ), and your joist can use 2 x 8 for 10' span at 16" apart.

                    if you do not want to use ledgeboard (free standing deck), add four more posts about 2' away from your back wall,

                    hope this helps.
                    • holy molly, good suggestion.that lots of materials,cost more than the post?
                      • trade off between labour and money
                      • well, costwise, not too much difference, if you are building a deck this size, the cost difference probably can be ignored. in my opinion , maybe 2 x 2X12 would do.
                        • wouldhappy的建议可行,但是Iflyingcat说过,他室内和室外就差两步,估计也就是16寸多些。如果用12寸加8寸的梁,基础就超过20寸高了。所以Iflyingcat只能用小尺寸的梁和小跨度来解决问题了。
                          • adding couple more posts would reduce the requirement for beam sizes. if post span is about 6', there are two options for beam, 1 x 2X10 or 2 x 2X8.
                            As I said before, I do not know how high is the deck. If too low, we could do following:

                            post row 1

                            post row 2

                            for post in each row, and hang joist between the beams, not on top. This should be good.
                    • 让我说什么好呐,太感谢你了,太有帮助了,只有 谢谢、谢谢再谢谢,做的过程中如有难题可否电话 向你请教?
                      • I sent your my number.
                    • 谢谢各位高手的指点,明天我把后门的高度拍个 照片上来,谢谢各位。
                      • maybe you can do a measurement as how high is from ground to your floor, you probably want to keep your main floor at least 3" higher than your deck.
                        • 有意思,又绕回来了。工程进展怎么样了?
                          • yeah, I jumpped in without reading previous messages. I was basically commenting on the feasibility of using number of posts.
                            like old saying, every road leads to Rome. There are many ways a deck can be built, just have to find a way suit you as long as the finished deck is structure sound and looking beautiful as yours, or even more beautiful.
                            • good man, good man, somebody should buy you beer.
                              • somebody = you ?
                                • sure
        • 止草布
          • Thank you
          • 有用吗?
            • Yes , it works. At least when you build your deck you are not standing on the mud
              • 我觉得没必要。我家deck比较高,下面放了个泳池filter,所以我经常要钻进去。建筑商什么也没放,石子也没有,光秃秃什么草也没长。你的deck这么矮,下面更暗,不会有植物能够生存。
            • 只管用一两年。如果平时没有修理野草的话。
              • 还行,目前还是管用的, 等过一阵子再看一下吧,但愿不要长什么东东出来,那就白费了。
    • 羡慕这手艺~~
      • 我们是挨打的
    • 太能干了, 佩服佩服~~~
      • 都是被逼的呀!
    • 真是能工巧匠!好漂亮!
      • 中规中矩,中规中矩。
    • 很不错,又一能人啊。
      • Thanks
    • 那地上放那么多鸡蛋,嘛用?难道是种瓜得瓜?
      • 你的眼光真犀利,鸡蛋都被你找到了, 确实是用来放样的,定个边界好挖土。
        • 玩笑了, 那个是塑料球来着。
          • 呵呵,还真可行,可以考虑deck下面改装成一小鸡窝
      • 我看出是放线,但是以为高尔夫球还有这用途,呵呵。楼主能干啊,这能不能叫“工欲善其事,必先利其器”---鸡蛋也巧用。DECK整洁漂亮!
        • yeah, LZ is a very resourceful, talented person.
          • 身材也不错。
            • really?
          • the guy is not me. soory
    • 支持一下, 虽然比我的难度小很多:))
      • Thanks, all the best to you
    • 很好很好。赞一个。我也做过篱笆、deck、patio,其中的辛苦有体会。
      • LI JiE WAN Shui
    • 茶几好,体量合适。腿是2x2的吗,甚么木料啊
      • Yes 2x2, cedar wood, the top part is using the decking board, I had one piece decking board drilled in the wrong place, so I cut it as the top of the table and the color matchs.
    • 不错。要是能加上几盏专用于deck的灯,就更好看了。
      • 请具体点?
    • 现场看感觉更好!赞一个。。。。特意注册个ID上来夸夸你,感动吧,哈哈
      • 你还现场看过, 我说怎么我家监控有拍到有人在我家后院探头探脑, 原来是坛子里的贵人呀。
    • 好强啊
    • 老老黄牛,请教你一个问题
      bench bracket是怎么固定到board上的?你是钻到下面去拧的螺丝吗?lattice不是档着了么?除非你是bench, lattice,和边条一起装?你懂我的问题吗?我的deck工程也到铺板子的成度了。本来想做无靠背的凳子。但看了你的照片,觉得还是有靠背会舒服很多。就是多花几个钱买几个bracket而已。
      • 对了, 这个想法是对的, 你那架子买回来没有,你看一下就明白,我是在底部多钻了两个眼,上螺钉,从上面钻的,另外它根部还有两个螺丝。还有就是它那个给的设计图,椅子太高了,椅子面又不够宽,我是高度减少了6寸,宽度挂了一条2X4.
        • 说实话,没太懂你的意思。等我把架子买回来研究一下,如还不明白再向你请教。