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Based on my review of the results of this medical examination and all the reports I have received with respect to this applicant's health condition, I conclude that be has a health condition that might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health and social service. Specifically, this health condition might reasonably be expected require services, the costs of which would likely exceed the average Canadian per capita costs over five years and would add to existing waiting lists or deny the provision of those services to those in Canada who need and are entitled to them. This applicant is therefore, inadimissible under Section 38(1)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Before I make a final decision, you may submit additional information relating to this medical condition or diagnosis. You may also submit any information addressing the issue of excessive demand if it applies to your case.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 跪求解决方法,我爸在两年前做过肺癌手术,今年七月完成体检,一直没有消息,今天收到使馆的信,说有可能被拒。但给了我两个月的时间,可以提供一些资料给使馆。信的内容如下:
    Based on my review of the results of this medical examination and all the reports I have received with respect to this applicant's health condition, I conclude that be has a health condition that might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health and social service. Specifically, this health condition might reasonably be expected require services, the costs of which would likely exceed the average Canadian per capita costs over five years and would add to existing waiting lists or deny the provision of those services to those in Canada who need and are entitled to them. This applicant is therefore, inadimissible under Section 38(1)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

    Before I make a final decision, you may submit additional information relating to this medical condition or diagnosis. You may also submit any information addressing the issue of excessive demand if it applies to your case.
    • 有没有人知道这种情况下我可以补什么资料?我爸手术后恢复情况非常好,手术后两年没有服用任何药,现在跟正常人一样。但是我要怎么证明呢?
      • 把出院报告翻译有用吗?请问网上显示mer了吗?
        • 没有MER.我曾经提供了手术报告和半年前部分体检报告,因为当时通知体检时父母正在加拿大探亲,所以没有提供详细的近两年的体检报告。他们这个月底回国,可以多准备一些相关资料,但是希望有经验的同学给些建议.
          • 别着急, 建议要找mp了。一是要弄清what kind of documentation are they looking for
            • 怎么找MP?请告知方法,非常感谢!
              • 给他写信或打电话。
      • 我觉得你也可以找移民律师咨询一下。论坛里有相似经验的同学估计不多。Good luck!
        • 问过移民中介了,也没什么办法。
          • 找移民律师,我昨天晚上google parents immigration Canada inadmissible等关键词,看到有律师解答,即使由于健康原因定义为inadmissible,还有其他人权因素考虑,例如如果你是独生子女,国内没人照顾。 记得要写在材料里,和mp说。
            • 我是独生子女,找mp要多长时间?我收到的信上说要在十一月三十号之前补资料,否则就会被拒,但是也不知道到底他们需要什么材料?
              • 看mp了,先给他office 打电话,用我上面的link 你找着你mp 是谁吗?
                • 我根据家的地址找到的,Dechert, Bob.
                  • 你这个是保守党的议员?有点替你担心了,如果是保守党,我真看不出能帮什么还是找移民律师吧。
                  • 好像前一阵有他的丑闻,看link
    • 找MP,移民律师,多管齐下,律师要找好的,小律师只会胡闹
      • 有没有好的律师可以推荐的?
    • 『N年前有一个很有名的Case』最后是找律师跟CIC打了好几年官司,最后过来的。大概意思是申请人证明了,每年医疗开销不会超过$6000,而且他们家完全有能力承担这些开销,不会给社会系统带来任何负担。
      • 这个保证有什么用呀,到时候该用多少还是多少.
        • 还是有用的,谁能担保将来啊,根据current existing situation.谁没生老病死。
          • 我开始理解错了,理解成每年只用6000,多了自己出了,这个没法限制吧.如果是能证明目前的状态,每年最多用6000,那肯定有用,LZ也要从这方面出发,证明目前状态稳定,不会用到很多health care资源.
            • 『我印像中,那個Case,申請人家庭最後是承諾每月$500的開銷他們自己出』樓主還是自己google一下吧,大概是2010年通過的,多倫多或者溫哥華的Case。
              • 没有查到,能在具体点吗?貌似对我的case很有用。
        • 『N年前有用的,因為加拿大人的實誠還沒有被透支』
      • 其实我爸手术后两年,只是每年定期作检查,没吃过药,也没作化疗。很多肺癌病人吃的药,我爸都没吃。
      • 身边没有人知道我爸得过肺癌,恢复得跟正常人一样,但是不知如何提供证据。
        • 看来真要请mp帮忙协调,还要请专业人士象律师之类的准备材料。据理力争。
        • 中午休息的时候看了一下这些case,cic败诉是因为他们没有综合考虑其他因素包括sponsor 的财务情况就拒签了。所以现在在他们做final decision 前让你提供理由和材料,所以你要提供的东西很重要。查查当地有没有好的律师可以帮你准备材料,因为现在还没拒,没到打官司的地步。
          • 同意,应该请个有经验的律师看一下,让他建议提交什么样的资料,你的收入也会比较重要。