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我也收到email了,3年4个月! click to see the detail of the timeline.

2009-07-06: Sponsership application received by CIC;
2012-03-30: Additional documents/information requested by CIC;
2012-04-26: Additional documents/information submitted to CIC;
2012-05-28: Sponsership approved, files transferred to CPP-Ottawa;
2012-07-23: Received Request for Medicals and Police Certificate; Responsed to request to use medicals for visitors extension which have done previously for the immigration applications;
2012-08-31: Medicals received (online status added this line);
2012-10-31: Received email to send passports to Seattle. Will send passports out in couple of days.

Hope my parents can land this year!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 收到email了!看到信都快哭了,3年4个月。一直是在恭喜各位童鞋,终于俺也等到了,先自己恭喜下自己咯~~~~~
    收到email了!看到信都快哭了,3年4个月。09/06/19 sponsorship; 12/04/27 补料; 12/05/30 dm ottawa; 12/08/07 me;12/08/29 fingerprints requested for dependent; 12/09/20 mer; 12/10/25 received email request passports send to Seattle. 一直是在恭喜各位童鞋,终于俺也等到了,先自己恭喜下自己咯~~~~
    • congrats!
      • 谢谢 ^_^
    • 哈哈,你好像跟我们同时交的sponser,时间进度也差不多
      • 多谢fish啦!我打算这周末就下去邮寄,就按你说的做。真是感谢神,想想那些还在等候的前辈们,我们已经很幸运了。
    • 恭喜。什么时候才轮到我啊。。。
      • 谢谢~~相信你的好消息也在路上了。打起精神准备迎接吧~~~
        • 我的case和你的很相似,2009/07的case,比你晚一点。其他的都差不多,或者早一点。我是07/19体检,08/06MER.没有被要求过fingerprint.
          • 那应该会快了吧,也就这两个礼拜的事儿。我之前还沉不住气,调了notes出来,notes是周二来的,呵呵
            • 我已经去调notes了,还没收到。MP也找了,还没回音。
              • 不知你调的是什么版本的,调的electronic的,因为听说physical的可能会影响进度,而且慢。
                • 我就是调的这个,好像只有electronic的吧。
                  • 这是啥?agent的网站么?我是自己填了表然后直接email给cic的。
                    • 这个是agent的,你在cic哪里看到email的?发个link我学习一下。
                      • 我就是看见之前帖子上有link,就download form,email就是form上面的。ATIP-AIPRP <ATIP-AIPRP@cic.gc.ca>
    • 真好,恭喜。真羡慕你送西雅图啊。
      • 大概是考虑到我父母现在探亲在这里吧?
        • 我爹妈也在这里啊, 真不知道他们怎么分的, 但是,能寄就是好的。
          • 我在notes上看到secondary office是beijing,心里还猜会寄去北京,可能是不同vo有不同做法。
            • 你是在这里体检的是伐?
    • can I know what fingerprint you provide? paper or electronic? where did you send it to? CIC or RCMP? Thanks
      • it was done by electronic, and it's automatically sent by the agent to RCMP, then RCMP forwarded to CIC.
        • Thanks for your reply. it can tell it would be faster if submitting the electronic fingerprint.
    • 恭喜恭喜!!!希望我的也能快点有好消息。。。
      • 加油哦~~~
    • 祝贺。请问你申请notes时security 的状态是什么?我们刚得到的notes说security not started criminality in progress
      • yes, same, only criminality is in process, others not started yet.
    • 我也要哭了,为什么我的还不来, 2008年初的当真被遗忘了吗?
      • 不要哭,一定已经在路上了,记得你已经mer了是吧?
        • Yes, 6 months after ME, finaly got MER.
          • Same here Original Sponsorship in 2008 & MER for more than 6 months... what happened to our application...
    • 恭喜恭喜!
      • 谢谢!真高兴又见到shirley, 呵呵,打算这周末下去bellingham 寄护照了。
    • 恭喜恭喜. Almost same schedule as yours, but I mailed the fingerprint directly to Ottawa instead to RCMP, and my file was done by paper not elec. But from fingerprint request e-mail, they asked to mail it to Ottawa not RCMP. how about your e-mail?
      • 去rcmp就是做criminal check 吧?我猜cic会把你交的指纹再交给rcmp去核对,然后出结果。单纯的指纹对于cic没有意义的,他们终归是要看你的犯罪记录。
        去rcmp就是做criminal check 吧?我猜cic会把你交的指纹再交给rcmp去核对,然后出结果。单纯的指纹对于cic没有意义的,他们终归是要看你的犯罪记录。我是看我的notes 分析出来的,因为我爸的指纹不是直接寄rcmp的,而是cic的,notes上显示batch sent to rcmp,之后又有结果回来cic。
      • 补充一下,我妈妈的指纹是electronic的,而且直接submit去rcmp。我爸爸的是纸的,因为曾在其他国家工作过,所以在做无犯罪证明时被要求印指纹。cic把那个指纹送去rcmp检查了。
      • 我家和你家的一样。估计LING是电子版的所以就会快些吧。
    • GXGX!!!前两天看到你还在要NOTES呢。嘿嘿。希望我家的也快来。
      • 谢谢~~相信你的也在路上了!
    • 恭喜恭喜!RP 很好呀:-)
      • Thanks~~~i've sent you the form for requesting notes.
        • thank you!! happy for you...and good luck for all of us!!
    • 别急,以后哭的日子还多了呢
      • 哈哈,我也感觉现在才是长征的开始,以后才是真正的考验啊。
    • 恭喜!希望我们的也快点来。
      • 谢谢~~你的好消息应该也快了。
    • How long did you receive passport request after CIC approved in principle? thank you for digging into your notes.
      • Sorry I don't see the status of "approved in principle", where is it? I got my notes on 23rd, it was stating criminality in process, others were still not started. but on 25th i got email from seattle for requesting passports.
        • Hi, Lingiing, my mom just got email to request the passport to seallte. Do you by envelope from US or do you just have the regular mail for returning the passport? Did you send or not? Thanks.
          • hi amy,我是去买的usps express 而且在美国寄的。我觉得这样可以来回都track到。如果在加拿大寄过去,只是去的路上可以track,回来的邮寄就out of control了,cic是不会寄快递的。
            • Thanks, lingling. I sent out yesterday by FedEx . I ordered USPS express from USPS website And my friend paid by his us credit card, then I printed the label , and sent together with the evelope . Thanks again for your help.
        • thank you.
    • 别哭了,你这个已经很快了,是我最近看到最快的。
    • 不知有啥好哭的,已经是很快了
      • 我也觉得够快的了。我父母07年11月申请担保,在我电话fax,email,letter的询问下,今年7月份才通知补材料。9月12号通知说收到材料,然后就又没动静了
    • 我也收到email了,3年4个月! click to see the detail of the timeline.
      2009-07-06: Sponsership application received by CIC;
      2012-03-30: Additional documents/information requested by CIC;
      2012-04-26: Additional documents/information submitted to CIC;
      2012-05-28: Sponsership approved, files transferred to CPP-Ottawa;
      2012-07-23: Received Request for Medicals and Police Certificate; Responsed to request to use medicals for visitors extension which have done previously for the immigration applications;
      2012-08-31: Medicals received (online status added this line);
      2012-10-31: Received email to send passports to Seattle. Will send passports out in couple of days.

      Hope my parents can land this year!