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曾看到过这个。或许有点帮助。Check The Link Pls: “Common law couples do not have the same rights as married couples to share the property they bought when they were living together”


Common law couples do not have the same rights as married couples to share the property they bought when they were living together. Usually, furniture, household belongings and other property belong to the person who bought them. Common law couples also do not have the right to divide between them the increase in value of the property they brought with them to the relationship.
If you have contributed to property your spouse owns, you may have a right to part of it. Unless your spouse agrees to pay
you back through negotiation, mediation, collaborative law or arbitration, you may have to go to court to get back your contribution.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 有谁知道怎么分房子。我与男友分手,房子分割有分歧,请教有经验的出主意。
    • 让他3尺又何妨
      • 按家庭法,一半一半。
        • 准确地说,增值的那一部分一人一半,同居前的部分算各自的。
    • 公平(一人一半)你不知道吗?,你想“有经验的”给你出啥“主意”呀,教你如何不顾道德的掠夺男人吗?。。
      • I am looking for fair, do you understand? As a man you have to know how to treat a woman! Be nice!
        • 你告诉大家 啥是 fair?。一人一半,这么简单的道理你是不知道呢,还是感觉还不够对你fair,。你想让别人对你(女人)nice吗?,可以呀,那你就做个公平的人。。 即使离婚也对男人公平,这样大家不单会对你nice,还会尊重你, 但是。。。

          • Fair doesn't mean 50% or half/ half. Math is not real life!
            • 不就是想。。利用离婚。敲诈男人,多抢点嘛,直接说白了不就成了嘛。。。


              • 你值得背敲诈?不是没有这个资本!
          • Respect is your self-restraint, you need to how to treat person as human. Fair can be got from both sides. If no fair, we need to get law for help.
          • Divorce doesn't mean you are not good person!
            • 你是不是个好人,我们现在都看清楚了(不是好人!, 老想从他身上多剥削点,太卑鄙),他就太可怜啦。。。
              • You are sick!
              • 好人与否,不是你能来评判的?你不是上帝,法官!
      • You need to shut up and be out of my topic Because you only know to blame people and has nothing to do with resolving problem.
    • 上面说的都不对。房子要看是在谁的名字下,登记是谁的就是谁的。别说只是女友,就算生了孩子是common law了一样分不到。
      • 假如房产在一方名下,离婚时另一方也有权平分婚内房产增值部分。
        • 你说的不对,要是有婚约的话,就不是增值的部分,而是半套房子了。
          • 如果有婚前财产公证?
            • 这叫做matrimonial home, 有婚前证明也没用,就是半套房子 。
    • The house is under my name only, I paied down payment only and he paid mortgage so far, we are common law, but however I just want to be fair for each other. and the price of the house increased very high now. so want is fair for me to split money,
      • I want to be fair and what is fair way to do this?
        • Downplay 归你;total mortgage 归你前男友; 剩下的 部分平分
          • It makes sense. Thanks!
          • However, we lived together before i purchased the house.
            • 即使卖房子你们都得给不相干的经纪5%的房价, 和自己相处6,7年的人不要太苛刻了,即使不做朋友也不要做仇人为好。
            • 超过一年的同居,所有财产都要50/50。。,这是法律规定的。。
      • Also, I don't think it is 50% for me to get it because he only paid mortgage about 5 years.
        • 同居前的首付属于你,你们平分从同居后房子增值(涨价)的部分。
          • 同居前的首付属于你,你们平分从同居后房子增值(涨价)的部分减去他每月付出的供款
      • 建议你找律师咨询,应该都是你的。
        • Impossible
          • Impossible 你个头, 自己看去。“There is no automatic right to the division of property when a common law marriage ends. Often there is no division of property, and each party takes what is in his or her name.”
      • 我的建议, 大家看看有没道理.

        我个人觉得,房产应该按 10万比6万的比例分. 就是说, 你的Ex五年的总供款额(当然大于6万), 与买房时的6万块钱(首付)价值相当.

        如果房子卖60万,扣除贷款24万,及杂费2万, 剩余34万,
        那么,你得 34 * 10 / (10+6)
        你的Ex得 34 * 6 / (10+6)
        • 我的建议,既然是谈不拢,肯定是乙方想要更多,甲方不愿意。那么还是按法律分公平,该多少就多少,一分别多,一分别少。
          • The reason is that i don't know what is fair according to the law.
        • 如果付了6万本金的话,利息付了也不少了。
          • 利息是不少, 但这几年的利息加6万本金,与买房时的6万块钱(首付)价值相当.
        • 补充一句
          • 不应该。首付的10万价值高过后面的月供的。
        • I feel more make senses.
    • 如果你们不能自己达成协议,我建议你还是找律师吧。
      • 我的朋友夫妻争夺孩子抚养权,请律师上庭每小时300。最后双方每人花几万,结果是孩子抚养一人一半。所以,能不让律师烧钱,自己和平解决最好。
        • If need, I would like to find a lawyer, because we can't solve it by ourselves. it is cost money, but I have to.
    • 最好你们之间达成协议,否则,只有找律师打官司,那就是两败俱伤,钱都到律师口袋里了。
    • 看你的方案和你男友的方案差多少。 如果不超过5万, 还是别找律师了, 取个中间数吧。 律师的费用一不小心多过5万啊, 400元一小时, 两个律师, 每个律师超过50小时就差不多了。
      • Our problem is we have already lived together before we purchased the house, he wanted to get half of my down payment as well.
        • 除非是他能证明这个钱他出了一半,我看不大可能。不过我不是律师啊,另外你们好像在一起超过了五年,这样还有spousal support的问题吧,这个又是谁出呢
        • 他要一半down payment 的理由是什么?
      • I will try, but his friend to insist to get half of my down payment, I have no body help me.
        • 他的朋友理他干吗,又不是律师。如果他找了律师再说吧
        • 如果他胡闹,,,给他看这个,,,如果还胡闹,,,直接撵出去,,,让他找律师要他本应该的的部分,好聚好散!
          Common law couples do not have the same rights as married couples to share the property they bought when they were living together. Usually, furniture, household belongings and other property belong to the person who bought them. Common law couples also do not have the right to divide between them the increase in value of the property they brought with them to the relationship.
          If you have contributed to property your spouse owns, you may have a right to part of it. Unless your spouse agrees to pay you back through negotiation, mediation, collaborative law or arbitration, you may have to go to court to get back your contribution.
          • 太谢谢!他本人想跟我 和解, 但每次他都说他的朋友们这么这么,我不想找律师,但看来不得不这样啦,他用各种借口迟迟不解决,我已被他啦几年。 看来人不能心软和太善良!
            • 房子在你名下,举证什么的是乙方的责任。还是建议你找律师,咨询一下也就100左右。
        • 这么回事,你也不要对他手软,这男人很差劲.直接报警,撵出去,他什么都得不到的.---记住,男人要是翻脸了,连路人都不如.这样的男人你现在对他手软,他将来可不会对你手软.
          • +1
    • Thanks all ideas and help! I will try.
      • 我会将进展告知大家,以供需要帮助的朋友参考:)
    • 第一步: 当初的首付,一分为二,让他把另一半付给你; 第二步:计算过去几年他在房子贷款上的付出, 一分为二, 然后你付给他一半; 第三步, 卖房,结帐,房屋增值部分一人再得一半.
      • 给他我的首付一半, 我有些想不通; 他的mortgage, 我没兴趣分一半。
        • 楼上说的就是详细的所有的费用和赚的钱都一人一半的分法,这也想不明白,看来只好打架了
          • 买房前就同居很久2 years, we splited bills to half to half, that is food and rental. But down-payment is all I paid.
            • 房子是你的名字,你们又没有婚姻关系,他特没有付DOWNPAYMENT,他没有权利拿走增值的一半.不知道你们的关系.如果同居连BILL都分的话,这男人对你实在不咋的.别为他考虑那么多.到法院,他根本得不到什么.
    • 如果你们买房前就同居很久了,你的首付和男友的月付都是两人共同财产除非你们有同居前财产证明,分家时应该一人一半。房产增值部分也是一人一半,除非你能证明房产增值是同居前的某些因素造成的。
    • 还是独身好
    • 曾看到过这个。或许有点帮助。Check The Link Pls: “Common law couples do not have the same rights as married couples to share the property they bought when they were living together”

      Common law couples do not have the same rights as married couples to share the property they bought when they were living together. Usually, furniture, household belongings and other property belong to the person who bought them. Common law couples also do not have the right to divide between them the increase in value of the property they brought with them to the relationship.
      If you have contributed to property your spouse owns, you may have a right to part of it. Unless your spouse agrees to pay
      you back through negotiation, mediation, collaborative law or arbitration, you may have to go to court to get back your contribution.
    • 关注这个贴子, 有谁知道最后的结果吗?很想知道.