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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Gregory

Merry Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. Hot Damn! You are a good & responsible 13 year old boy and you deserve this gift. But with the acceptance of this present comes rules and regulations. Please read through the following contract. I hope that you understand it is my job to raise you into a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world and coexist with technology, not be ruled by it. Failure to comply with the following list will result in termination of your iPhone ownership.

I love you madly & look forward to sharing several million text messages with you in the days to come.

1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren’t I the greatest?

2. I will always know the password.

3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad”. Not ever.

4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30pm every school night & every weekend night at 9:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone’s land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected.

5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It’s a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration.

6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs. Mow a lawn, babysit, stash some birthday money. It will happen, you should be prepared.

7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire.

8. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.

9. Do not text, email, or say anything to someone that you would not say out loud with their parents in the room. Censor yourself.

10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about anything, ask a person – preferably me or your father.

11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that.

12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else’s private parts. Don’t laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenage/college/adult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear – including a bad reputation.

13. Don’t take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.

14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO – fear of missing out.

15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons.

16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then.

17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling.

18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You & I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.

It is my hope that you can agree to these terms. Most of the lessons listed here do not just apply to the iPhone, but to life. You are growing up in a fast and ever changing world. It is exciting and enticing. Keep it simple every chance you get. Trust your powerful mind and giant heart above any machine. I love you. I hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone. Merry Christmas!


Mom更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / "妈妈,我昨晚本来决定一个星期都不再和你说话了。"--大儿子早上告诉我。因为我把他刚拥有了一天的手机给没收了。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛儿子上7年级了,偶尔都会要求给他买个手机。因为我最近在选手机,所以他也知道了一些计划和公司。




    中午一起吃饭的时候,问他,电话设置得如何了,他告诉我他无意中选了UNLIMITED TEXT MSG,15刀一个月。我让他自己打电话给CUSTOMER SERVICE给改回来。他说,他看了FAQ,不可以了。




    所以他就比较HATE ME了。

    其他家长让孩子拥有手机的,都如何管理的。我们家的明显就不适合。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 嘿嘿,看看这个妈妈和她儿子签的合同吧。给你的儿子看看...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Gregory

      Merry Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. Hot Damn! You are a good & responsible 13 year old boy and you deserve this gift. But with the acceptance of this present comes rules and regulations. Please read through the following contract. I hope that you understand it is my job to raise you into a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world and coexist with technology, not be ruled by it. Failure to comply with the following list will result in termination of your iPhone ownership.

      I love you madly & look forward to sharing several million text messages with you in the days to come.

      1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren’t I the greatest?

      2. I will always know the password.

      3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad”. Not ever.

      4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30pm every school night & every weekend night at 9:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone’s land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected.

      5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It’s a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration.

      6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs. Mow a lawn, babysit, stash some birthday money. It will happen, you should be prepared.

      7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire.

      8. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.

      9. Do not text, email, or say anything to someone that you would not say out loud with their parents in the room. Censor yourself.

      10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about anything, ask a person – preferably me or your father.

      11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that.

      12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else’s private parts. Don’t laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenage/college/adult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear – including a bad reputation.

      13. Don’t take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.

      14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO – fear of missing out.

      15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons.

      16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then.

      17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling.

      18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You & I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.

      It is my hope that you can agree to these terms. Most of the lessons listed here do not just apply to the iPhone, but to life. You are growing up in a fast and ever changing world. It is exciting and enticing. Keep it simple every chance you get. Trust your powerful mind and giant heart above any machine. I love you. I hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone. Merry Christmas!


      Mom更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 有臭又长! 老农最讨厌家长讲这类话, “。。。I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren’t I the greatest?” 还放在第一条!
        • 第一条不是事实吗?
          • 当然是事实!但这些(花费)都是做父母的义务和责任!嘿嘿。。人家小朋友又没有选择来到这个世界上!
        • No Offense, but this is for those spoiled kids.
      • lol. 这个不错。打印下来.
      • Thanks for sharing!
      • 声明一下:这个妈妈因为这封信而出名。背景是
        1. teens ask for iphones/ipads for the Christmas present
        2. most tweets by teens after Christmas are "Only got an iPad 2 god mum I wanted a fuckin iPhone 5 fuck sake"
        "I didn't get an IPhone for Christmas time to roll up into a ball and die"
      • 太好了,,,我也让我家的前一份。。。
    • 应该预防为主。
      我家很早就给孩子买手机了。当初也是 Pre-paid 方案,目的是应急。

      后来孩子长大些,需要与同学 text 联系,就给他加了 text 方案。并且明确告诉他,此方案只包括一定数量的短信。他开始还好,后来觉得不够用,但我们与他交谈,他也可以接受。





      • 如果小孩自控能力不好,警告没用,那只有没收了?
        • 是,他的自控能力特别差。买之前答应好好的,只是应急用,结果,才一天,就发现根本就无法控制了。可以不睡觉在那里TEXT。晚饭的时候还答应好好的,晚上上楼前,把手机放在楼下。但他就没坚持住。他很爱看书,以前一闲下来就看书。很怕他养成一闲下来就TEXT。
          • 理解你的孩子,然后才能因材施教。设身处地想想,每次我新买一件“玩具”(电器等),我自己也会沉迷其中难以自拔,需要提醒才成。家长要让孩子知道怎样控制,教会他学习自我控制。
        • 谁的控制能力都不好!但经过培养教育,肯定会有进步。孩子更是如此。适当的惩罚,是为了让孩子直接感受失控后的不良后果,然后自己改正,而不是为惩罚而惩罚。我时常对孩子说:你自己控制。如果你控制不了,我帮你控制。他知道我帮他控制是什么意思,所以会尽量避免。
      • 这个方法真好。给他买没问题,要讲清楚怎样使用,就不会有大问题了。
    • 买之前有没有说好每天只能用多久,什么时候不可以用?如果没说,我觉得好歹要给孩子一个SECOND CHANCE,现在开始提要求,做不到再没收也不迟
    • 同情你儿子,以前管的太严了。
      • 没办法,每个孩子不一样。有的就得严一些。
    • 自从几年前,老板将俺家小朋友的手机没收了。。俺们家那个,到现在(10年纪),都没一个。人家拒绝,不稀罕要了
    • 过了新鲜劲儿就好了吧?我家儿子给买都不要,整天脸书上混,男孩子成熟晚,耐心点儿。
    • 終於有證據了,今晚讀你的作品給我家老二聽。俺老二9年級了,要iPhone。我們堅決不給買手機。


      • 我小声问一下,小孩读大学以后呢?
        • 讀大學時就18歲了,成人了,一切行為自己負責。該有的,都要給的。
          • 小心啊。绑绳太紧,一旦松开之后可能会一下子垮掉。也许你的帖子写的简单,你还有更多的教导她自己控制的方法。
      • 我們的辦法是針對我家這個不能夠控制自己的人而定的。她以前花太多時間在網上facebook和同學聊天,
      • 小孩子自制力都差,就是需要家长好好管。但是只要不影响太大,也要给孩子一定的自由度。
      • 九年级还没给有手机吗,会不会在学校成了另类?现在的孩子,都是电子化了的,大势所趋。限制了一时,限制不了一世啊。
    • 觉得你在给他买手机前没有和他讲清楚这个手机应该是mainly for emergency ~~~ 其实现在这么大的孩子有个手机很平常, 有可能是他非常想要, 你又一直没给, 所以他一时很兴奋, 玩得过了头~~~ 要不再给他次机会, 但必须先和他设定一些RULES
      • 说得很清楚了。一直都沟通的。我的孩子我知道,只要那个OPTION IS ON,他CONTROL不了。就象只要电脑INTERNET IS ON,他一定会上网。所以一到四,除了做作业,必须断网。我家老二,自控能力就好些,和你说好了,他一定会FOLLOW。大的就不行。
        • 小孩的通病. 我觉得绝对服从父母的孩子很少, 尤其是TEEN, 你要完全限制他们不玩FACEBOOK, TWITTER基本不可能, 我孩子也是一样, 也没什么好办法管她. 但我的PRINCIPLE 是只要她把该做的做好了, 其他时间都是她自己的, 但不能做出格的事情(比如访问不合适的网站)
          • 你的孩子作业之外还读书吗?我的孩子如果无限制上网,他一定匆匆忙忙应付一下作业,就上网去了。更别提看课外书了。他们两现在是闲下来,没得上网,要么SPORT,要么玩BOARD GAME,要么看书。网一放开,感觉人都要废了。
    • 我觉得主要的错误还在你。知道自己的孩子自控能力差,就不要答应给买,现在既然买了,然后又没收了,很伤孩子;其实你可以像控制上网那样,每天做完作业,断网了,把手机给孩子用一段时间(时间的长短跟孩子商量一下,不要太武断)。
      • 楼上那是“娇”,您这是“惯”!约束不了自己,被机器所控制。。。结果就这样。。挺好!
        • 跟惯完全不沾边。
          • 哦!老农将物质上轻易满足,讨小孩子开心,称为娇!将行为上计较小孩子们的感觉,轻易放弃规矩来讨小孩子开心,称为惯!
            • 能娇但不能惯!不过,无所谓啦。每个人养经不一样
    • 其实LZ还是应该欣慰。孩子的确很想要一个cellphone,于是想了很多办法convince你;还肯自己出钱。比那些whining about not getting a WHITE iPhone的强多了!
      不过,你儿子也挺有心机的。那个unlimited SMS应该是他原来就预谋好了的,只是不敢先告诉你。
    • "无意中选了UNLIMITED TEXT MSG", 这怎么可能? 根本就是故意的.真是不明白这个text messaging有啥好聊的?
      • 对。。。答应他买电话之前,我绝对没想到这些孩子们互相间这么能TEXT,没完没了。
    • 他无意中选的计划,你们不给钱怎么选啊?
      • 他自己攒的钱。。。先预付了40刀。
    • 没有那么严重,儿子也是7年级有的手机,现在还在用7-11,$20计划,那时几乎已经是全班最后几个有手机的,另外还有两个中国孩子没有,不是儿子要的,是姑姑的礼物。除了我们给他电话,几乎没人电话,同学之间都是短信,每月有几百条,兴奋劲过了,短信几乎他都几天不看,
    • 我觉得如果你逼他必须占用作业时间睡觉时间锻炼时间去text,一个星期之后他一定会深恶痛绝这个东西,就回归了。我当年就是这么过来的,无聊劲过了,新鲜劲过了,就可以平常心对待了 。
    • 孩子没有控制能力,先立个规矩,每天不能超过2小时。超过太多就停1周。父母要说到做到。
    • 还好。。儿子又和我有说有笑了。。。昨晚又一起讨论了一下。。。决定夏天暑假送他和他弟弟去OVERNIGHT CAMP的时候,把手机还给他,因为那时确实需要。他又进一步要求,暑假可不可以也让他用。我同意,但需要到时进一步探讨RULES。