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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛“Elder abuse and neglect should be identified as abuses of human rights.”
(Canada’s Association for the Fifty-Plus (CARP))

Many individuals and organizations provided comment on the issue of elder abuse. The submissions emphasized that elder abuse is a human rights issue requiring an effective response by government and by communities throughout Ontario. The Commission heard that any action concerning elder abuse, whether by government, community organizations or by individual caregivers, must be grounded in a respect for the dignity, independence, full participation and the security of older persons. The following pages provide an overview of the comments offered to the Commission throughout the consultation process.

Although a universal definition of the term elder abuse does not exist, Health Canada has defined it as “the physical, psychosocial or financial mistreatment of a senior”. [33]
Physical abuse of an older person can include assault, rough physical treatment, sexual exploitation, or the failure to provide an older person with food, or with appropriate personal, hygienic or medical care. Psychosocial abuse includes verbal abuse, the social isolation, the failure to provide affection, and the denial of the opportunity to make or take part in decisions concerning one’s own life. Financial abuse includes the mishandling of an older persons money or property, and also includes fraud. [34] However, a 1999 report by the Ontario Legislative Assembly adds to this list a number of additional forms of elder abuse including: medication abuse (e.g., the misuse or withholding of medications), the denial of fundamental rights and freedoms, abandonment, and self-neglect.[35]

Financial abuse tends to be most common (62.5%), with verbal and physical abuse second most common (35% and 12.5% respectively) followed by neglect (10%).[36] Submissions received by the Commission highlighted that elder abuse and neglect occur in all contexts; in the home, in hospitals, in long-term care facilities, and in retirement homes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 请问我老公父母在这边探亲期间和我彻底闹翻,现在挑拨他儿子和我离婚,我的婚姻保不保的住暂且不说,我怎样把他们从我家赶走?房子是我和老公联名的。他们签证是几年多次往返的,还差两个月到期要出去一趟好像。痛心痛苦的人请教指点,谢谢
    • 核心问题还是你老公的态度,跟你老公好好谈谈。如果要保住婚姻,让你老公劝说公婆回去;如果你老公不配合,婚姻到头了。看到太多家长毁掉婚姻的例子了,老人应该知趣,相处不好,何必在一起住。
    • 就是没法沟通才会闹成这样。技术来讲,我可以给他们一个书面notice要求他们一定时间内搬走吗?就算我跟老公离婚我更不愿意有他们在家里指手画脚上窜下跳
      • 房子是夫妻共同财产,不知道单方是否有权利这样做。就算有,其后果几乎可以预测到。建议商量分居一段时间,你带着孩子搬出去一段时间,双方都冷静一下。都这样了,老人还不走,孝顺不等于要住在一起。
    • 这种父母是挺可恶的。。。但是如果你赶他们走的话,你的婚姻可能彻底就完了。如果你对婚姻还有一丝留恋,或者你们夫妻俩本来挺好的,那么再忍一忍。。他们挑拨你老公,你老公不是还犹豫着么,说明感情还没到完全破裂的地步。。
      • 哎, 早就知道不该让他们来了
    • 那天看电视,是给女老虎介绍对象。先把二只老虎分开在两个笼子里,二个笼子紧挨着。过一段时间试着把二个笼子通了,二个老虎第一次面对面还是打了起来。你跟婆婆就是二只老虎,应该事先试探性的磨合一段。不能一下子就关一个笼子里。
      • 有严肃点的给个技术点的意见吗
    • 我觉得法律上应该是不可以. 打个电话问律师吧, 就说要写个律师信请他们搬走, 估计人家不用收你费就说不行了. 你实在烦了可以自己出去住啊.
    • 一个巴掌拍不响,,你也该好好反省下。。你这样是给你老公出难题。。如果你还爱他的话,,就该为他想,,和你老公好好谈。。绝对不能和你老公吵。。你老公是调解的关键。。要么,,你这个家就完了。。
      • 要记住,,他们来这是短期的,,退一步,,当敬老。。你当然有权利叫他们出去,,但事情做到那么绝,,你老公也不会给你好过。。毕竟,,你和你老公才是一辈子的。。别为了短暂的吵嘴,,毁了一辈子。。实在不行,,还有一个绝招,,不过现在不说了,,尽量调解吧。。。
    • 可以打这个电话:1-866-299-1011
      • 你好像搞错了,这个电话不是赶公婆走的,而是老人受虐待,她的公公婆婆用来打的。
        • 看看这个是不是
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛“Elder abuse and neglect should be identified as abuses of human rights.”
          (Canada’s Association for the Fifty-Plus (CARP))

          Many individuals and organizations provided comment on the issue of elder abuse. The submissions emphasized that elder abuse is a human rights issue requiring an effective response by government and by communities throughout Ontario. The Commission heard that any action concerning elder abuse, whether by government, community organizations or by individual caregivers, must be grounded in a respect for the dignity, independence, full participation and the security of older persons. The following pages provide an overview of the comments offered to the Commission throughout the consultation process.

          Although a universal definition of the term elder abuse does not exist, Health Canada has defined it as “the physical, psychosocial or financial mistreatment of a senior”. [33]
          Physical abuse of an older person can include assault, rough physical treatment, sexual exploitation, or the failure to provide an older person with food, or with appropriate personal, hygienic or medical care. Psychosocial abuse includes verbal abuse, the social isolation, the failure to provide affection, and the denial of the opportunity to make or take part in decisions concerning one’s own life. Financial abuse includes the mishandling of an older persons money or property, and also includes fraud. [34] However, a 1999 report by the Ontario Legislative Assembly adds to this list a number of additional forms of elder abuse including: medication abuse (e.g., the misuse or withholding of medications), the denial of fundamental rights and freedoms, abandonment, and self-neglect.[35]

          Financial abuse tends to be most common (62.5%), with verbal and physical abuse second most common (35% and 12.5% respectively) followed by neglect (10%).[36] Submissions received by the Commission highlighted that elder abuse and neglect occur in all contexts; in the home, in hospitals, in long-term care facilities, and in retirement homes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 虐待老人是犯法的 There are four main types of laws used in Canada to protect older adults from abuse and neglect. These are:
          - family violence laws,

          - criminal law,

          - adult protection laws, and

          - adult guardianship laws.

          让老人来前要考虑清楚, 虐待老人是犯法的, 跟家暴被人打911一样要坐牢,精神虐待, 语言虐待等等都是虐待
        • 大概是欲擒故纵吧。虐待老人的是不是也有cis什么的把老人接走,你死乞白赖不让走还不行。显得这事不赖我。
      • 不是所有老人都是弱智,起码我家这位婆婆不是。心思很多,对她再好都一样。所有她认为好吃的都要藏起来自己吃,干活都应该媳妇干,有过来探亲的老人不干家务的吗,我家这位就是了。整天挑拨寻是非,十年如一日
    • 自己走。不要留恋物质东西而耽误前程。不离婚的话出去短租一段时间,不跟婆婆闹也不把事情做绝否则婚姻完了。离婚的话房子转给你老公让他折现给你。左右使一个走。只能指望自己不要指望别人: 老公准不同意,公婆准保不走,律师未必能帮,最后你只剩下自己可以依靠了。
      • 离婚的话,我朋友版本是老婆带孩子,房子归老婆,男方出户,付赡养费。分家时候父母不在法律保护,因为这边父母家庭不属于核心家庭,是不同的2个概念
    • 怎么闹翻的啊?
      • 哎算了,不说了,大家别顶贴了让它沉了吧