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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / A Piece of Advice That Has Been Guiding Me For Years
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Many years ago when I first got on this job, I was energetic, ambitious and of course, lack of experience. It did not take long before I made a rather silly mistake at work and proved how “dangerous” this combination could be. The damage that this mistake had done to my career was disheartening enough to shake my confidence at that point.

    I felt really down until one of my coworkers, whom I had a lot of respect for, offered me some advices. One of the points he mentioned clicked and immediately made me feel better.

    This is what he said to me: “You did make a mistake. But hey, who never makes mistakes? It is just a learning curve. We’ve all been there. You still have a long career ahead of you. If this is the worst thing that could happen in your career, you are laughing! Everyone in this group speaks highly of you. Keep your chin up, learn from it and move on!”

    What convinced me at that moment were not the complimentary words he used but the logic that lied in the “if” clause: If this is the worst, then my future can only be BETTER. If this is not the worst, then it could have gone worse and I should feel lucky for not having the worse thing happen to me. By learning from it, I can prevent the worse mistake from happening in the future. There is no reason for me to feel bad in either case. Isn’t this the essence of the positive attitude that people always talk about?

    I did move on and have made it to where I stand now in my career after so many years. That coworker has already retired. So many things have changed at my work and in my life but the advice he offered me has always been fresh in my mind and guiding me through every difficult period of time in the course of my career. 

    I am sharing this story with you folks not only because his advice helped me a lot but also it is a living epitome of how a cordial conversation can make a positive difference to someone’s life.

    Stay positive and inspire!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • +1. Thanks for sharing! May the positive attitude be with you!
      • My pleasure. Same to you.
    • +1。谢分享!
      • Thanks for reading!
    • The best you have written. I hope people here could move beyond debates on grammar and some choices of words, and that is why some stories can “live”. When a good story comes up, we feel it. Good work.
      • Your encouragement means a lot to me! That's probably why I don't feel you are writing when reading your articles. You let the story write itself.
        • This is positive attitude. Like it.
          Would it be better if you say " let the story speak for itself"?
    • Excellent. "Stay positive and inspire!". This should not be just to you yourself but more importantly to others. Then your attitude towards people would be totally different. I give you an A
      except inspireD.
      • Thanks for the compliments. "Inspire" is parallel to "stay", which means "to inspire (others)".
        • 你这里用了and, 所以一定要用inspired.
          • Let's stay positive and let's inspire. Take "Iet's" off, that's it.
            • Great job.
              You always have a reason to be correct. This is possitive attitude to inspire yourself. Excellent.
              • Thanks for encouraging.
                • No worries. I will do my best.
                  • Needless to force yourself though.
                    • piece of cake
        • Hello winterstorm! I looked up the word "inspire" in the online dictionary "http://www.iciba.com/inspire" and "http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/inspire".
          I think the word "inspire" is not correctly used in your sentence "Stay positive and inspire."

          The meaning you want to say is in the transitive form of "inspire". However, you use it in an intransitive form which means "inhale". So your sentence means that "stay positive and inhale", which is obviously not what you wanted to say.

          What redneck says makes sense except that I'm not sure that is the meaning you wanted in the first place, because "stay inspired" is to be open to get influenced by others. It appears that what you really want to say is to influence others, which is literally opposite of the meaning of "be inspired".

          However, it feels like what redneck really wants to tell you is that it is good to be positive, and it is even better to be both positive and ready to be in other persons' shoe.
          • 我现在正式开始饭你, 不是稀饭, 干的。 Remember though I take compliments, ONLY. :-)
            • Not a problem, though I don't want to be an idol, since my LP says that the word 'idol' looks like 'idiot'. lol
              • I did say that he did an excellent job and that's my only little disagreement iwth him on the essay. Yet again it's fight back rather than a friendly discussion. Naturally it doesn't appear to be positive attitude to me.
                • 读了楼主给你的回帖,解释得很清楚也没有过激的词啊,哪里有fight back? 看来以前的旧贴也不必看了,估计多半也是是这么言不副实的吧。
                  • Fight back doesn't mean using excessive language but defend something apparently incorrect. This in turn may mislead less informed audience. In another word he never, or seldom, admits he can be wrong. By the way you are a very interesting NEW ID
                    who appears to be a FAN of him immediately. Congradulations!
                    • 要来大多了,换工要英文的啊,来了外语坛,看了几页帖子,只有这篇有点读头。还有那个英式表达的也不错。这里气氛有意思,我是不是说得太多了?得罪元老的话望见谅。小的闭嘴就是了。
                      • No, no, no. That's what this forum needs. Feel free to ask any questions and in most cases 酱油哥 will get back to you in a timely manner, with adequate answers of course.
                      • 一点儿个人意见,绝非想赶你走的意思。学英语还是找个英语班啥滴,在这个论坛里学?还是算了吧。。。
                        • Not necessarily or underestimated perhaps. We have good runs here thanks to 酱油哥's contributions.
                          • Agreed. I believe that this forum is a very good place for sharing ideas, information, experiences, etc. It is one of my favorite forums, btw. :-)
                        • 看一些有水平的文章也挺好,只是不多.
                      • 想学英文就得在台下下功夫,比如多读书,多听视频对话或者访谈,多自己张口练习多与本地人聊天交流。论坛是交流心得的地方,无法帮助某人在瞬时间内提高英文水平。语言靠的是时间和自我修炼。
    • 西方蜜糖似的教育是不是好?也许吧。
      • 从你乖乖女那里学来的? " excellent, great, good job" no matter what it is...
        • 可能吧。为了避免不必要的麻烦,请不要跟我的帖子了。我也一样不会跟你的帖子。请见谅。
          • 对不起, 盲目跟了你的帖子. 以后尽量避免.
            • 谢谢合作。杜绝最好。
              • 你们俩。。。?
                • 打过架?
                  • 谢酱油哥补充。你跟刺哥常常是斗的死去活来,也还没有到不共戴天的地步。
                    • 有点不同意,本人到哪个版都是一个ID,倒是刺头变红脖像是死去活来。
                      • 把一个不认识的逝去的ID和我这个活着的生拉硬拽扯在一起, 这个很符合你的性格. 也算是"Stay positive and inspire!" 吧? 担心姐对你的评价中肯适度恰到好处. 你写的这东西字面上说不错, 但你的人品很难配上. 我不认为是真的, 你的行动和你的essay基本上是风马牛不相及.
                        • 这位老兄说话有点冲啊,有什么掌故说来听听,刚来的,不了解这里,只觉得楼主不过写了篇文章啊,写得挺好的啊?跟人家的人品有设么关系?你见过他/她?
                          • Thanks. That's just me. When you have time I suggest you go through all his posts then figure out yourself. Please let me know your thoughts afterwords.
                            He is much better now I must admit.
                            • 还不太熟悉这个坛子的操作,就事论事吧,至少目前为止楼主看上去是个有料的角色。
                              • Indeed. Mostly good, by now.
                                • 顺便问问,你说过的,这里有口语矫正班?
                                  • Ask 酱油哥. He is relentlessly resourceful .
                              • FYI
                                由最近的争议,想起一个笑话。很多时候就是这么回事。高调低调,都无所谓。但最后给别人来这么一下,就起祸了。Rolia上外语谭的酱油哥,本坛的XX,都一样。原因就是某大侠说的,尊重别人啊。 -coolgear( 酷哥 * 虎视眈眈)
                                • 没头没尾的,看不懂啊
                                  • As indicated earlier you will have a better understanding after you have gone through the posts. Or you may keep puzzled and wonder why there are harsh comments on my idol.
                                    • 以前的是是非非我没时间研究了,就这个贴来看,楼主的出发点是积极的,文字也很好,属精品原创。有些网友没必要没事找事。如果以前楼主的贴子也是这种遭遇,我有时间也懒得看,在**坛看的多了,不做事的骂做事的。
                                      • No worries. Then keep worshiping jus like I do. Remember though I take compliments, ONLY.
                    • 兵歌很久不来啦,没你这里安静了不少啊!
                      • 是蓝妹妹很久不来了。俺从来就没有离开。
                        • 蓝妹妹在跟酱哥哥上口语矫正班, 出师后上音频.
                          • 酱油哥真是功德无量啊。
      • 大概因人而异吧。同样一句话,对不同的人可能会起到不同的作用。
        • 我觉得主要是个“好强”的心理。这个心理在 NEGATIVE 或 POSITIVE 的时候都会起作用,但是 NEGATIVE 会打击强烈,有会消沉成隐疾的可能。无论 NEGATIVE 或着 POSITIVE 都好,真正有帮助的从D3者角度的建设性意见和建议:IDENTIFY PROBLEMS,OPTIONS,ETC..
          • 我非常喜欢move on这个表达,简单又不乏深刻。learn and move , 工作就是这么个过程,人生也是。
            • 担心姐应该好好学学怎样表扬网友。
            • Move on = give up further efforts or make a choice and terminate further activities. 有主动权很好
      • 我亲眼见过当地家长是如何在公共场合教育子女的:
        • 这种方式挺常见。
    • 很好,流畅自然,内容有积极意义!
      • 多谢!
    • 真情实感,真正的原创,真正的精品!!
      • 谢谢鼓励!一个简单经历而已。希望对遇到挫折的朋友有所裨益。
        • 不在多伦多,新来rolia,对外语坛很有好感。
    • 老鸟的潜台词:新兵蛋子,你还嫩得很呢,之前看你趾高气扬,现在栽个小跟头就这个熊样儿,俺们啥大风大浪没见过。。。哈哈
      • 这位老兄冷嘲热讽不太好啊。以前在***坛子玩时就看不惯这种行为,原来rolia也有啊。就事论事吧朋友们。
        • 你想多了。我只是开个玩笑
    • A great essay, very encouraging. Thanks for sharing your experience.
      • Thanks for reading.
    • 在隔壁如火如荼地讨论64时,这个帖子依然人气坚挺。这里有的没人看的转帖都成了"精华",这样的有质量的原创更应当加精给予鼓励才是。
      • +1
      • 多谢褒扬。加精是个很主观的行为,版主个人喜好而已,根本无所谓。有质量的东西不加精也自有人看,没意思的帖子加了精也是白加。
        • 除我之外,还有4位上层版主。



          • 酱油哥接受不了建议?怎么可能。
            • Excellent. "Stay positive and inspire!". Not "Stay positive and inspireD!". By the way I am not narcissism, definately not.
              • 这位老哥俺不得不得罪一下。这个句子,酱油哥有理。
                • That's why "I am not narcissism, definately not".
                • 是啊,不同意这种不正确的意见怎么能叫"拒绝接受意见"呢?事实上,这里够水平挑酱油语法问题的我看也就一到两个,其他都是些不知所谓的。
          • "楼主是位自尊心极强的人,接受不了建议,所以呢,对于以上网友的要求,我一直保持沉默。" 原来如此,精华与否不是帖子本身质量决定,而是取决于你对网友的主管看法。

            • 你可以这样认为。我无法评价。大家可以找大版主去投诉。
              • 没兴趣
            • 说的好。

              • 哈!最爱说别人井底之蛙的我看是那个thorn horn.
                • 酱油哥拼写错误少, 这个你要好好学学. 那人不会也是酱油哥的学生吧?
              • 那肯定的, 你在全英文环境工作过吗? 没有吧?
            • 典型的以偏概全评判版主, 虽然说不上荒谬但也失之恰当, 思维方式和偶像师徒同宗同源.
              • 版主版主的,她不具备版主应有的判断力,英文和酱油也没法比,听过他们两个的音频。你就会拍。lol
                • 版主最主要的是心静公平不感情用事. 酱油哥的英语比你好是肯定的的, 但坛子里好多比他更高一筹. 老猫就是一例. 我也听过他们的音频, 版主的更自然, 不做作, 因为她不怕错, 不是刻意雕琢. 酱紫.
                  • 老猫怎么样我不知道,没听过他的。酱油英文比你好也是肯定的。
                    • 老猫的写作功底很强
                      • 不一定。他贴的英文都是八股文,那种文章他写了十几年了,现在同样的东西他可能每天写好几篇。
                        • 酸葡萄. 老猫英文写作的流畅自然水到渠成这个坛子里没几个比的了, 他的用法比较地道得体又不做作. 英文到了一定程度才能这样. 酱油哥写篇东西要琢磨几天, 很少见他即时写过什么. 不谢哥比他强.
                    • 酱油哥英文在有些方面是不错的, 他孜孜不倦认真好学, 不过有的时候既比较八股又标新立异, 爱拿一些特定层次场合不常用或不为多数人接受的词汇以示博才多学. 比我吗, 好或差都无所谓的. 我还是我, 他还是他, life goes on.
                • 呵呵,是吗?

                  • 我早就说过版主是公平的, 我就是爱瞎聊歪楼什么的.
                  • 把自己想得太重要了,不必了。
                    • 这个吗对你更适用些. 你基本上除了出来给偶像捧臭脚, 很少为论坛做什么贡献吧? 要不上个音频什么的?
                      • 一个戴有色眼镜的版主:一钱不值的"加精权"居然也当成什么权了,罔顾客观标准,以个人喜好行事。。 加上一帮象你一样的没真才实学只会胡搅拍马的,这个摊子早晚死水一潭。现有的人气都是酱油的功劳,你们谁写过,朗读过像样的东西?
                        Finest hour 酱油比你读得强10倍。
                        • 网客要都是你这种心态或只有你自己这个论坛早死了. 我饭酱油哥也烦酱油哥, 这两者相辅相成天衣无缝. 那时候酱油哥的朗读基本上是ESL4级水平. 好好练练你的听力和辨音吧, 要不人酱油哥给你介绍个全英文环境的工作? 不然的话出了门会被人笑掉大牙的. 祝好运啊.
                          • 那你不成了幼儿园级的水平?你才让我笑掉牙。酱油那几个段子你始终就没敢读,那个蓝莓让你pk,扭扭捏捏一个月,挑了个什么住在纽约的那段简单的多的,还读得象鹦鹉学舌一样。酱油看不起你太正常了啊。
                            • AUV, 酱油哥那样的中式英语朗读居然让你那样顶礼膜拜. 你真让我心疼啊, 妹妹. 来一段儿怎么样? 看看你是不是JK水平? JK的发音肯定比ESL强得多呢. 还是那句话, 你除了给酱油哥捧臭脚还能干点儿什么呢? 一个妹妹没有自我是最恐怖的.
                              • 怎么知道是妹妹?她说的也不无道理,你为什么不敢读酱油哥的段子?
                                • 因为他handle不了里面的生词和文章的长度,怕露怯。就是个眼高手低的.......
                                  • 妹妹, 上个音频吧, 我读的不好, 至少还上过吗. 别客气, 有酱油哥做后盾呢.
                                • 怎么知道不是? 我为什么要鹦鹉学舌? 生僻的段子读的那么难听错字错音连篇, 听一遍就烦死了, 再去读? 你还让人活吗?
    • 这里的风气怪怪的啊。楼主的旧帖子我昨天翻过几页,象个乐于助人的啊?难道人家为自己的观点辩护就是过于自尊不接受意见?这关精华什么事?不敢说话了,以后少来为妙啦。
      • 快跑吧,免得有人缠着你上银屏。这里有些人很执着的。
      • 你这个国移, 老中, 别忙, 欣赏欣赏再走. 路漫漫兮修远兮...
        • 看了。人家说的客观公道,对读得好的赞许有加,对有待提高的也是指点得具体到个别单词。是你们不知道自己几经几两而已。
          • 真是花入各人眼毒药也能变蜜糖. 问问文品俱佳才高几筹的ID Eric是怎样在“利刀割肉疮犹合,恶语伤人恨不销”中含恨死去的吧. 他写了很多才华横溢的英文essay, 但每一贴出来都会有同一个人嫉恨丛生讥讽挖苦已解其恨, 最后Eric刚烈自缢.
            • 这位老哥不要揪着老黄历不放嘛.人家酱油哥早就是 stay positive and inspire 了.
              • 温故而知新 可以为师矣. 再说了, 我是说酱油哥吗?
            • Son of a gun! I'll keep an eye on some ID.
              • Enjoy being a "loose cannon".
                • Yes, I will. I wanna be a ranger anyway. Bye for now.
    • 还是都散了吧。谁也说服不了谁,谁也没必要说服谁。时间和事实才是最好的法官。
      • 酱油哥早! 今天有没有 track meet? 我有