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这也是我家经常讨论的话题-是否要买organic food-milk,pork&beef. 今天上网google了一下。大概几点:1.自然界本身就有激素。2.加拿大牛允许使用生长荷尔蒙。3.牛奶可放心使用。4.抗生素和荷尔蒙可以使用,残余量很少。有这几个网站,看着可信度较高。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CANADIAN FOOD INSPECTION AGENCY, University of Guleph-FOOD SCIENCE NETWORK. 但总结最简练的是YORK UNIVERSITY 的一个PDF文档-Healthy Measures: Hormones and Antibiotics in Food Production。为方便大家,我复制在下面了。尽管也看见了有一些网上争论-industry practice,我的结论,放心使用。

Healthy Measures: Hormones and Antibiotics in Food Production
March is Nutrition Month! This year’s theme is Celebrate food…from field to table. During March, the Healthy Measures E-bulletin will feature various topics related to this theme. Today’s topic is the use of hormones and antibiotics in food production.
Hormones occur naturally in animals, plants and humans. The Canadian Government has approved the use of hormonal growth promoters by the Canadian beef industry. However, this use has not been approved for use with pigs, poultry or dairy cows.
Not all cattle producers use hormonal growth promoters. The use of growth promoters results in leaner meat, more growth using less feed and a reduced cost of production - which means less expensive beef for the consumer.
According to Health Canada and the US Food and Drug Administration, hormonal growth promoters are considered safe to use in beef production. When used correctly, the levels found in food products such as beef are too low to be considered a risk to human health.
Health Canada has approved the use of antibiotics with dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep, chickens and turkeys.
Beef: Antibiotic residues in beef are extremely rare and recent residue testing by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency showed 100 per cent compliance. If residue levels were detected, the meat could not be sold.
Dairy: Milk from animals treated with antibiotics cannot be offered for sale until the withdrawal period has passed. Milk is checked for quality and composition when it is picked up at the dairy farm. It is always checked for antibiotics at the dairy processing plant.
Poultry: Only healthy birds are allowed in the Canadian food supply. Antibiotics may be used on the advice of a veterinarian to maintain the health of the flocks. Some antibiotics may be added to chicken feed to prevent illness or treat disease. Poultry farmers maintain strict records, called the “flock sheet”, which provides information about the birds and medication used. Withdrawal time must be recorded and this information is sent to the processing plant. Treated birds can not be marketed unless this information has been provided.
Pork: Antibiotics are sometimes used to support the health of pigs. The Canadian Food Inspection agency screens meat products for chemical residues, including antibiotics. It is very rare that residues are found in Canadian meat, but if any is detected, the affected meat is not sold.
For more information:
Dietitians of Canada – Nutrition Month
Chicken Farmers of Canada – Antibiotics: Your Questions Answered
Beef Information Centre – Antibiotic Use in Beef Cattle Industry
Dairy Farmers of Ontario - Quality
If you have questions on nutrition and healthy eating, contact EatRight Ontario at 1-877-510-更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 加拿大的肉类和奶制品
    • 谢谢,牛羊什么的也有标free run?
      • 不叫free roaming, 一般标明tradtional raised without antibiotics and growth hormones, feed grain only。
    • 另外大统华卖的全自然猪肉应该是放养的吧?
    • 多谢!
    • 很有用的信息。谢谢。那咱加拿大店里会卖非加拿大产的奶制品吗?
      • 我记得Ice Cream都要用加拿大本土的牛奶来生产,因为BR是这样的,所以我想其它牌子也应该是这样。
      • 有可能,你要仔细看看,一般常见的几个牌子的牛奶都是加拿大的。
      • Cheese就有很多欧洲产的。不过肯定木有米国的
    • 谢谢,看来吃牛肉要小心啊
      • 其实猪肉是最不健康的,因为喂养的是垃圾食品,鸡也不行,速成太快,还是牛肉好一点。
    • 那你说说你家的肉类品都是在哪采购的? 鱼呢? 华人超市买的肉鱼能放心吃吗?
      • metro是我的厨房,但是metro没有我要的牛肉,所以肉类一般在当地的一个肉铺买,是指定的antibiotics and growth hormones free 产品,local的farms 供货,我们可以去农场看他们怎么饲养。
        偶尔会在nofrill 和 walmart 买些蔬菜和水果,但是绝对不买肉,尤其是walmart, 很多肉是从美国过来的。鱼我一般在metro 和costco 买,但要看产地,避免中国越南产。新鲜的鱼在中国超市买,一两个月去一回吧。
        • 能pm你这个当地的肉铺的地址吗? 或者如何能查到local的提供antibiotics free, hormone free的meat的肉铺呢?
          • 刚生完宝宝回家, 统一回答一下。我住在stouffville,是当地镇上的一家肉铺。我建议你们先google当地的肉铺,然后打电话去问。
            • Just gave birth? Congrats!!! Take good care of yourself and the baby.
            • 恭喜!恭喜!生着孩子还不忘解疑答难啊!
        • 能pm你这个当地的肉铺的地址吗?thanks
        • Can you pm me the locations of farmer's markets where you buy traditional raised meat ? What are their opening hours/days? Thanks a lot!
          • Could you please PM the location as well?
            • 偶也想知道
            • Can you pm me too please, thanks.
    • 不知道大统华里antibiotic free的肉,可以相信吗?我很惭愧地说,我有点不敢相信华人店里卖的。说得对,孩子的食品还是注意点好,小小几十磅的个子,抗生素、杀虫剂的摄入量要控制才行。
      • 我没有买过,但是我相信是可以买的.
    • 请问世佳宝的话,除了超市哪个肉铺有卖你说那种肉?
      • 几乎老外卖肉的肉铺都有这些肉,但是不像他说的那样。比如鸡肉有organic的和free range的,organic的鸡不一定就是free range的。这两种鸡价格差不多,15块-20块一只。认证的organic牛肉很贵,一般要20块左右一磅。
    • 那是不是说 在加拿大牛奶不用特地买organics的了?
      • Organic牛奶味道好很多,所以觉得还是不太一样
        • 我怎么觉得有机牛奶味道不好喝呢,怪怪的。倒是有机鸡蛋炒起来好像更香,也许是心理作用。
      • 我以前也是给女儿买Organic的牛奶和奶酪,后来听100% Canadian milk 的工作人员介绍之后就不再买organic的了,区别不是很大,但是在美国还是要买organic的比较好。
    • 谢谢,其实吃肉不多,那更应该买好些的了。
    • 几年前新生代电视有个纪录片,讲的就是这个。加拿大产的牛肉欧洲都不进口。超市里冷冻柜里经常有澳洲生产的羊肉,大家可以买,价格也合理。
    • 好贴,顶
    • 谢谢。。。牛奶的信息很有用。。。
    • FREE RUN,TRADITIONAL RAISED和ORGANIC三个都是不同的概念。加拿大的牛奶不是 没有抗生素和赫尔蒙,只是和美国的奶比少一样催奶可能致癌的激素
    • 啥都不吃是 最健康的,或者只吃前后院里的weeds.:)
      • 赞,我也觉得站在后院面朝西北深呼吸的方式是最健康的。
    • 我以前给加拿大农业部打过工,加拿大的牛奶也含抗生素和荷尔蒙的。
    • 加拿大和美国一样,这种“traditional raised","cage free",‘free run"等等叫法都不是regulated,也就是谁都可以写,没有监管,乱写也没有惩罚。所以信不信由你。另外organic的法规没有规定livestock必须是"traditional raised".圈养的一样可以organic.
      6.7.3 Where preventive practices and vaccines are inadequate to prevent sickness or injury and where disease and health problems require treatment, the use of biological, cultural, and physical treatments and practices is permitted, in accordance with CAN/CGSB-32.311, Organic Production Systems - Permitted Substances Lists.
    • 另外说牛奶,加拿大牛奶也有荷尔蒙和抗菌药。只有一种东西rBST,也就是催奶荷尔蒙,加拿大是禁止的,美国允许。
    • 很好的话题!严重同意最后一句。
      我买肉时比较注意的是荷尔蒙和抗生素两项。认证的Organic 比较贵,我有时在Farmers Market 买,有些小规模的农场没有能力做认证但坚持不用荷尔蒙和抗生素,他们的价格比大型超市好一些。和Farmer聊天时听说一般是在牛的耳朵里放荷尔蒙,两块钱的荷尔蒙可以带来35块钱的利润。
    • 听着也害怕。说抗生素,农场主是挺缺德的,经常消毒杀菌不就行了,动物就不生病了,还要用抗生素呀?不过用就用吧,没抗生素如果动物都得疫情了就更不敢吃肉了。不吃饿S,吃了也毒S,哪里都这样。是不是欧洲好点呀。
    • 这也是我家经常讨论的话题-是否要买organic food-milk,pork&beef. 今天上网google了一下。大概几点:1.自然界本身就有激素。2.加拿大牛允许使用生长荷尔蒙。3.牛奶可放心使用。4.抗生素和荷尔蒙可以使用,残余量很少。有这几个网站,看着可信度较高。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CANADIAN FOOD INSPECTION AGENCY, University of Guleph-FOOD SCIENCE NETWORK. 但总结最简练的是YORK UNIVERSITY 的一个PDF文档-Healthy Measures: Hormones and Antibiotics in Food Production。为方便大家,我复制在下面了。尽管也看见了有一些网上争论-industry practice,我的结论,放心使用。

      Healthy Measures: Hormones and Antibiotics in Food Production
      March is Nutrition Month! This year’s theme is Celebrate food…from field to table. During March, the Healthy Measures E-bulletin will feature various topics related to this theme. Today’s topic is the use of hormones and antibiotics in food production.
      Hormones occur naturally in animals, plants and humans. The Canadian Government has approved the use of hormonal growth promoters by the Canadian beef industry. However, this use has not been approved for use with pigs, poultry or dairy cows.
      Not all cattle producers use hormonal growth promoters. The use of growth promoters results in leaner meat, more growth using less feed and a reduced cost of production - which means less expensive beef for the consumer.
      According to Health Canada and the US Food and Drug Administration, hormonal growth promoters are considered safe to use in beef production. When used correctly, the levels found in food products such as beef are too low to be considered a risk to human health.
      Health Canada has approved the use of antibiotics with dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep, chickens and turkeys.
      Beef: Antibiotic residues in beef are extremely rare and recent residue testing by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency showed 100 per cent compliance. If residue levels were detected, the meat could not be sold.
      Dairy: Milk from animals treated with antibiotics cannot be offered for sale until the withdrawal period has passed. Milk is checked for quality and composition when it is picked up at the dairy farm. It is always checked for antibiotics at the dairy processing plant.
      Poultry: Only healthy birds are allowed in the Canadian food supply. Antibiotics may be used on the advice of a veterinarian to maintain the health of the flocks. Some antibiotics may be added to chicken feed to prevent illness or treat disease. Poultry farmers maintain strict records, called the “flock sheet”, which provides information about the birds and medication used. Withdrawal time must be recorded and this information is sent to the processing plant. Treated birds can not be marketed unless this information has been provided.
      Pork: Antibiotics are sometimes used to support the health of pigs. The Canadian Food Inspection agency screens meat products for chemical residues, including antibiotics. It is very rare that residues are found in Canadian meat, but if any is detected, the affected meat is not sold.
      For more information:
      Dietitians of Canada – Nutrition Month
      Chicken Farmers of Canada – Antibiotics: Your Questions Answered
      Beef Information Centre – Antibiotic Use in Beef Cattle Industry
      Dairy Farmers of Ontario - Quality
      If you have questions on nutrition and healthy eating, contact EatRight Ontario at 1-877-510-更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • search for local farms who operate CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)-eat local and according to the season harvest is considered healthy.
      • link here: Community Supported Agriculture: Ontario Directory
    • 别的不知道,但是牛奶一定要和ORGANIC, HOMO 的, 2% 的味道不好,大概加了添加剂, 普通的牛奶荷尔蒙的很大的, 这是我们的亲身感受