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可能是这一段中得出的结论。摘自O.P.F. 2: Ontario Driver's Policy (Effective September 1, 2010)。看来是明知无保险开车才有问题。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Limitations on the Coverage
An insured person is not entitled to the Income Replacement Benefit,
Non-Earner Benefit or Payment of Other Expenses if the person:

a)knew, or should reasonably have known, that he/she was
operating an automobile without insurance;
b)was driving an automobile while not authorized by law to drive;
c)was driving an automobile which he/she was specifically
excluded from driving under this policy;
d)knowingly operated, or should reasonably have known that the
automobile was operated, without the owner’s consent;
e)made or knew about a material misrepresentation that induced
the Insurer to issue this policy;
f)intentionally failed to notify the Insurer of any significant
changes as required under Section 6, Statutory Condition 1 -
Material Change in Risk; or
g)was convicted of a criminal offence involving the operation of
an automobile.

2.1 Who is covered
For the purposes of Section 2, insured persons are defined in the
Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule and an insured automobile for this
purpose is a non-owned automobile.
In addition, insured persons also include any person who is injured or
killed in an automobile accident involving a non-owned automobile as
defined in this Policy, and is not the named Insured, or the spouse or
dependant of a named Insured, under any other motor vehicle liability
policy, and is not covered under the policy of an automobile in which they
were an occupant or which struck them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 安省汽车保险小知识
    安大略实行“no fault”保险制度。无论驾驶员是否有错,保险公司都要负责对所保车辆中的乘员进行赔偿。但这样的赔偿是有限制的。轻伤(minor injury)一般只有几千块的赔偿,包括医疗,检查,教育部唱,交通补助。中度受伤(non-catastrophic injuries)赔偿可以到几万块,增加的项目包括收入损失补偿和看护。重伤(catastrophic injuries)指损失肢体和器官的程度,最高可以赔一米,也增加了一些补偿项目。Google STATUTORY ACCIDENT BENEFITS 可以找到更多信息。
    如果你“no fault”deductible 大于0,无论你是否at fault,你都要自己出这部分dedectible,除非对方是uninsured vehicle。
    • "如果你无保险驾车。。。"听说不是这样的,我听说的是偷车贼被撞了,一样可以要求赔偿。
      • 如果偷车贼偷的正好是没有保险的车,那偷车贼就得不到赔偿了。
        • 错! 从我的亲身经历告诉你。 我雪天追尾一辆无保险无驾照的车,官司结果是我的保险公司赔付对方。
          • 他的意思是无保险的追你尾,就得不到赔偿了。又听说好象专门有基金负责赔偿这种事,反正迟早都落到纳税人头上。
            • 是的。fsco 会处理这样的问题。那个基金叫MVACF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT CLAIM FUND.
          • 这有些奇怪。你确定对方是没有保险,而不是没带保险卡?里面是加拿大保险局的FAQ有关无保险开车的内容,看看是不是我理解错了。
            What are my rights if I drive without insurance and I am in a collision in Ontario that is not my
            fault? Can I sue the at-fault driver and recover my losses from his or her insurer?
            If you drive without insurance, the Ontario Insurance Act takes away your right to recover any loss or damage from bodily injury or death from the other person. Th act also takes away your right to recover damage to the vehicle or its contents from the other person. If you are at fault, the other person’s insurance company can sue you to recover the amounts they paid out.“No-fault” does not mean no blame. Your best bet is to drive safely. No one can find fault with that.
            • 你理解的没错啊。 对方保险过期了。 我也不知为何还得赔对方。我很有兴趣和我的律师了解一下。请问你从何处摘录那段条款?谢谢!
              • 我是从加拿大保险局的FAQ中摘抄的。faq的link我附上了。保险条例的原文太多了,还是faq简洁些。
                • 你的Link是来自第三方的解释, 而非 Ontario Auto Insurance Act 的官方 http://www.fsco.gov.on.ca/en/auto/Pages/default.aspx , 在几百页的 ACT (PDF 文件)里, 找不到你所引用那段内容。
                  • 可能是这一段中得出的结论。摘自O.P.F. 2: Ontario Driver's Policy (Effective September 1, 2010)。看来是明知无保险开车才有问题。
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Limitations on the Coverage
                    An insured person is not entitled to the Income Replacement Benefit,
                    Non-Earner Benefit or Payment of Other Expenses if the person:

                    a)knew, or should reasonably have known, that he/she was
                    operating an automobile without insurance;
                    b)was driving an automobile while not authorized by law to drive;
                    c)was driving an automobile which he/she was specifically
                    excluded from driving under this policy;
                    d)knowingly operated, or should reasonably have known that the
                    automobile was operated, without the owner’s consent;
                    e)made or knew about a material misrepresentation that induced
                    the Insurer to issue this policy;
                    f)intentionally failed to notify the Insurer of any significant
                    changes as required under Section 6, Statutory Condition 1 -
                    Material Change in Risk; or
                    g)was convicted of a criminal offence involving the operation of
                    an automobile.

                    2.1 Who is covered
                    For the purposes of Section 2, insured persons are defined in the
                    Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule and an insured automobile for this
                    purpose is a non-owned automobile.
                    In addition, insured persons also include any person who is injured or
                    killed in an automobile accident involving a non-owned automobile as
                    defined in this Policy, and is not the named Insured, or the spouse or
                    dependant of a named Insured, under any other motor vehicle liability
                    policy, and is not covered under the policy of an automobile in which they
                    were an occupant or which struck them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 正确的解释是保险法是基于民法的衍生,当保险发和民法互相冲突时,以更高法律为准,你的Case适用于民法中的侵权责任法,而民法高于保险法。
                • make sense!
        • 错。一样可以得到保险。
          • 在安省偷车贼得不到赔偿。保险法原文请进。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛摘自O.P.F. 2: Ontario Driver's Policy (Effective September 1, 2010)
            Limitations on the Coverage
            An insured person is not entitled to the Income Replacement Benefit,
            Non-Earner Benefit or Payment of Other Expenses if the person:

            a)knew, or should reasonably have known, that he/she was
            operating an automobile without insurance;
            b)was driving an automobile while not authorized by law to drive;
            c)was driving an automobile which he/she was specifically
            excluded from driving under this policy;
            d)knowingly operated, or should reasonably have known that the
            automobile was operated, without the owner’s consent;
            e)made or knew about a material misrepresentation that induced
            the Insurer to issue this policy;
            f)intentionally failed to notify the Insurer of any significant
            changes as required under Section 6, Statutory Condition 1 -
            Material Change in Risk; or
            g)was convicted of a criminal offence involving the operation of
            an automobile.

            2.1 Who is covered
            For the purposes of Section 2, insured persons are defined in the
            Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule and an insured automobile for this
            purpose is a non-owned automobile.
            In addition, insured persons also include any person who is injured or
            killed in an automobile accident involving a non-owned automobile as
            defined in this Policy, and is not the named Insured, or the spouse or
            dependant of a named Insured, under any other motor vehicle liability
            policy, and is not covered under the policy of an automobile in which they
            were an occupant or which struck them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 又查了一下北美大部分地区通行的是如果你未经车主同意就开车,车主保险不负责你的损失,所以偷车贼不会得到任何赔偿。偷车贼在车外面被撞就是另外一回事了。
      • 无保险驾车,难道不是犯罪行为?我上全科证书班,老师说的。
        • 是犯罪行为,最低罚款5千。
          • 既然”无保险开车“是犯罪行为,为什么那个FAQ里面,还讨论赔偿问题?如果一个人无保险开车,not at-fault,就不用负责任,别人还要赔他。非常confusing!
            • 那个faq里面只有一段(一个问题)是讨论无保险开车,其他的都是有保险开车的。你是说无保险开车那一段confusing,还是其他段落confusing?
              • 无保险开车,我觉得吧,如果事故现场发现无保险的,警察立即就抓人了
          • 我说错了,不是犯罪。
            • 那么说,可以不买保险开车?如果出事,赔人家就是了。这么理解对吗?
              • 不买保险,警察会截住你,所以开得并不痛快。其他的确实像你说的那样,只要有足够的钱赔就行。不过也不要开的太疯狂,小心弄一个dangerous driving出来。
                • 如果不出事,是不是也不用罚款5000了?
                  • 不出事也罚。
                    • 呵呵,那还是买吧,保险一年也花不了5000,不合算.
    • This is confusing: 如果你在事故中有责任,你需要赔偿其他车辆。Only if others sue you and your insurer agrees on a settlement. And you do not pay for it. Your insurer pays for it.
      • 你说的这一段是关于“如果你无保险驾车”的。原文是 If you are at fault, the other person’s insurance company can sue you to recover the amounts they paid out.
    • 这条好像不对:如果你“no fault”deductible 大于0,无论你是否at fault,你都要自己出这部分dedectible,除非对方是uninsured vehicle。 《-我有过claim,对方的错。保险公司理赔过程中说因为不是我的fault,所以不需要出deductible。
      • There are two deductibles. One is for when you are at fault and one is for when you are not at fault... Some insurers want to avoid dispute and bad PR so automatically assume the deductible for when you are not at fault is 0.
        But some do offer the choice for reduced premiums.
        • 多数人买的是500~1000 deductible的保险,看看你的保单就知道了。但是几乎所有的修车行,如果事故发生,拿打他那里去修车的话,都有办法把这笔钱冲进去,所以保险公司也乐于做个顺水人情。
          • What you are describing is called insurance fraud. I do not think insurers are happy to do what you describe. There are two type of deductible that you can purchase.
            You need to learn the difference and not assuming insurers are doing you a favor by waiving your deductible when you are not-at-fault.
        • 你说的保险单上看不出来,你能给个连接?
          • 我说有些insurers给你option去买not-at-fault deductible for reduced premium,有些insurers没这个option,我什么时候说过"保险单上看不出来"?
            • Sorry, 我的意思是'你说的,我在我的保险单上看不到'所以我想查查我怎么能知道我的保险这项倒底是啥
              • Read the discussion in here:
    • 书店会有这样的书。自己可以看看。我读过的,比较合理的,说的是医疗费和其他合理费用的总和,保险公司会用 1.5 到 5 倍作为系数来给 SETTLEMENT。这个要看 CLAIMANT 态度,长期损伤,等等因素决定。保险公司有内部或独立的评估来决定赔偿。
      • 有些损伤是很长时间才会显现出来的,治疗的过程也相当缓慢。比如我的疼痛持续了2年多,试各种办法花很长的时间。都无效,才能觉得是不是要手术。所以 120 天要同时对方起诉意向,是很不成熟的。当然告诉了比不告诉强。
        • urgent for help, where can I get the insurane for my car for 2 weeks only? thank you !
          urgent for help, where can I get the insurane for my car for 2 weeks only? thank you !
          I am in toronto fro two weeks and uegent to dirve my car with insurance, please help , thanks
          • PMed
    • 没有查到关于“120天通知通知起诉意图”的资料,应该是两年之内都可以。
      • 看起来120天不是一个硬性规定。但如果你不在120天内向对方表明赔偿意向,案子审理会对你有不利影响。
    • 不光安省,北美基本都伤人必赔;车险成本的大头就是人