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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

credit card

I use Amex cash-back credit card which reward you 1% of your annual spending above $2000. It's not big money but probably enough to get yourself a little present at Xmas.

I know some gold cards can waive you rental car insurance, the problem is most of these cards have annual fees. I applied a Capital One platium card in hope of waiving this insurance if I need to rent a car, but haven't got a chance to try it out yet. Anyone has more precise info?

Sometimes too many credit cards can affect your ability to get future loans, like housing mortgage or line of credit, as credit card limit is deemed as a unsecured loan by the Credit Bureau.
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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 饺子的奉献+SUVEY: 你是如何MANAGE YOUR FINANCE?
    • 饺子大大的好!!!
    • 谢谢饺子,等着看投资篇,,:)
    • 在补充一点儿, 如何一不小心, 晚付了帐单, 产生了LATE PAYMENT FEE或者, 没有TRACK你的帐户, OVERDRAFT了(取钱取冒了) $25的FIANCE FEE. 如果是第一次, 或因为不熟悉, 一般银行都会WAIVE. CSR就有这个权力, 否则找SUPERVISOR, 不要就算了.
      • credit card
        I use Amex cash-back credit card which reward you 1% of your annual spending above $2000. It's not big money but probably enough to get yourself a little present at Xmas.

        I know some gold cards can waive you rental car insurance, the problem is most of these cards have annual fees. I applied a Capital One platium card in hope of waiving this insurance if I need to rent a car, but haven't got a chance to try it out yet. Anyone has more precise info?

        Sometimes too many credit cards can affect your ability to get future loans, like housing mortgage or line of credit, as credit card limit is deemed as a unsecured loan by the Credit Bureau.
        • Yes, I use the rental collision waiver. Most credit cards have that feature without annual fee.
    • Thanks, a very userful article. I use TD bank, internet banking. TD is reported to be the best online banking in Canada, and I believe this.
    • Where and how to make American Express Savings? Thanks.
      • 1-888-461-2639 AMEX INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Call to ask application. They will send to you. Very simple. Also they are subsideroy of American express, insured. Good luck.
        • 刚打了电话,AMEX只有加元帐户,有提供类似服务美圆帐户的银行吗
          • I used www.sfnb.com, which belongs to Royal Financial Group. The interest rate was good, 6%, but the service sucks. I moved my money out.
            First Union (www.firstunion.com) is a big bank, I am using it now. But their internet banking is the most stupid one.
        • 请教各位大侠,现在这个电话是不是变成:1-888-453-2639了?另外,
          它的canada home url是不是http://home3.americanexpress.com/canada/en/homepage/default.asp
      • you can also use ING Direct, similar service and interest rate. And their mortgage rate is pretty attractive too.
    • TD的网上银行服务最合我意,而且以前的money builder支票帐户也很合用.ING Direct的GIC也不错。
    • 谢谢饺子! 太有用了! 几个问题请教, 请进...
      1. 为什么要保持2-4个信用卡, 卡一多, 很容易糊涂吧. 2. 什么是line of credit? 是不是每月的信用额度? 3. AMERICAN EXPRESS SAVING (IN CANADA) 与Royal Bank之间划帐没有费用吗? 是否很方便没有什么限制.
      我刚来没多久, 这方面知识很少, 见笑了 *_^
      • My answers
        1. Different card can be used in different situation. Some store only accept Visa and some only accept MC. So in my opinion, 3 card is enough (one Visa, one MC, and one AMEX). Too many cards are dangerous. You won't be able to track your expense.

        2. "line of credit" is the maximum money you can borrow from the bank. (correct me if I am worng)

        3. Money transfer between AMEX Saving and other banks are free. No minimal amount required.

        4. Other good places (I mean secure places) to put money is money market and bond. But that depend on your target (capital gain, security, or flexibility), there are lots of options.
        • Thank you very much! What a pure English! Can I ask you two more questions? pls...
          1. If i am not working, or I am a student, is there any possible for me to get a credit card? In fact, i have deposited some money to get a Master Card, but now i want another Visa card as you suggested, what should I need and what can i do? to apply from internet, or go to the counter directly?

          2. If one of the couple, say, the husband, has a credit card, is it easier for the wife to get another credit card? Or is there anything need to be careful when the other applies for another card? I understand there are different credit history for each of them, but i am not sure if the credit history of one will impact the other in some ways.

          Thanks a lot *_^
          • 有空查一查以前的帖子, 关于信用卡的...
            1. 我用DEPOSIT 2000得到$1000元CREDIT LIMIT得到我的第一个信用卡. 不到半年, 我就把钱要回来了. 我对银行说, I HAVE SUCH SUCH AMOUNT INCOME, YOU WANT MY BUSINESS, DO IT.
            据我所至, 学生身份反倒不用DEPOSIT. BUT I AM NOT SURE.


            2. 如果申请CO-APPLICANT CARD. 很简单, 一定会给的. 但对建立你自己的信用历史没什么帮助. 最好都申请各自的. 比如, 离婚, DISABLE, UNEMPLOYED等等.
            • Thank you! Have a nice day! *_^
          • More on credit card
            1. Student should be easy to get a credit card. Because they usually can get a better job after graduation (compared to those who didn't go to the university). You can fill out an application form (available in most banks), mail it or talk to some one in a bank.

            2. You can get additional card for your spouse for free. In this case, he/she sign the bill, you pay the money. :) The only differenct is your spouse won't get good credit history. He/she will have some problems if you are seperated in the future.

            Hope this helps
            • Thanks all! *_^
        • Perfect answer. LINE OF CREDIT不是最大的额度, 只是银行的一种贷款形式. 如果你需要别的贷款, 如车, 房子等等, 可以向他们申请. 最大额度取决于你的信用历史和你的还款能力. 比如, 收入20000只能借XXX AMOUNT
    • 饺子你回来啦?上次活动我给你爸妈打电话了,我说我去接他们。电话里你爸很谨慎,大概怕被坏人骗吧,估计没把我当好人。他说回头再给我打过来,后来就没消息了。我想也是,老人在这里还是小心的好。没完成你交的任务,惭愧惭愧!
      • 全误会了. 我爸妈等你到下午, 烙的馅饼, 把你的那份也带出来了. 嘿嘿...ANYWAY, THANKS. 下次游记回去吃馅饼吧
        • 更正, 是"有机会"
          • 我也想我妈包的饺子,宪兵,包子什么的了~~~~
        • 啊,我可是一直等他们电话给我答复啊,你爸电话里边说问你妈,后来我就等啊等,就没消息,不过说真的,那天活动没什么意思。下次,怎么样。帮我跟他们说对不起。挺逗的,你在美国,爸妈在温哥华,我爸妈在美国,我在温哥华。呵呵。。
          • 跟绕口令似的。
            • xixi...小猪说话快,不爱多喘气。。。