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好吧, 看来不能偷懒, 我把后续的对话贴上来, 后面一而再再而三的跟他确认, 明确说了是先卖股票再转出. 请看倒数第5行, 那时候我已经卖了股票, 还没发起转出请求, 还来得及补救, 最后关头又确认了一次. 他还是说没问题.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Me: so how do i make the withdrawal to this account? note that my funds are in ETFs
Lovell: Ok I see what you mean. So if you wish to withdraw funds, you will first liquidate your positions
Lovell: So sell your positions and then submit a withdrawal request
Me: oh. then can I still make the 2013 deadline?
Me: for TFSA withdrawal, I don't mind if I actually get the funds to my checking account a few days later. so long as you will make it 2013 TFSA withdrawl
Lovell: Certainly as long as the request to withdraw funds was placed before the end of the year, we can back date it
Me: ok. so I would go to withdraw funds, enter the amount, enter my checking account info,
Me: are you going to sell my funds automatically?
Me: or do I have to sell funds first..how does it work?
Lovell: Certainly let me provide you with the steps
Lovell: 1) Login to your IQ Platform and enter a sell order for one of your positions
Lovell: 2) Place a withdrawal request in your client portal, myQuestrade >> my request >> withdraw funds
Me: oh. so I do need to sell first
Me: ok.
Lovell: Great, in the mean time is there anything else you wish me to assist you with?
Me: do you mind just stay a few minutes longer, as I am going thru the process, in case I have questions. It's very important to me I can make the withdraw today
Me: thanks
Lovell: Certainly
Me: ok, I am doing it now
Me: ok so I sold the XXX.TO, got 17,865.69 in CAD cash
Me: then I should make withdrawal request?
Lovell: That is correct
Me: ok..
Me: let me do it
Lovell: Ok
Me: before I do this, I want confirm this would be 2013 TFSA withdrawal?
Me: this is very important to me..
Lovell: Yes as mentioned. If client places a withdrawal request on Dec 31, 2013, but it is processed in January, will we backdate as a 2013 withdrawal?
Lovell: - Yes, we will backdate.
Me: thanks so much.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 可恨之极的QUESTRADE, 被他们screw up. 请大家帮忙看看我现在有什么可以做可以减小损失,多谢了, 详情见内
    我在QT有TFSA账户, 去年12月30日里面有股票. 我想能不能赶在年前取出, 这样算成2013的withdrawal, 2014年初我就可以放回去, 因为急用一笔钱.

    担心年底前时间不够, 我特地问了他们, 他们确认了只要我在2013年发起请求, 即使是他们在一月份process, 还是可以backdate到2013年的取出, 所以我就在12月30日卖了股票, then made the request to withdraw about 18k. . 用的online chat, 我都有记录. 如果他们说不可以算2013的, 我是不会取出的, 还有其他办法周转

    今天就想把钱存回去, 想先跟他们确认一下, 结果今天告诉我是1月3日才settle的, 不可以算成2013的取出. 我问他们那怎么补偿我的损失呢, 他们说由supervisor决定.

    肯定是不能算成2013的了, 现在问题是如果他们回答我不能给我补偿, 我还有什么办法吗. 如果补偿, 应该怎么补偿呢? 因为也没有个直接的金额, 就是损失了将来投资所得的capital gain tax, 另外还有潜在的contribution room.
    • It is your problem. Questrade did not do anything wrong. Your account does not have the cash at 12/31. So your request to transfer out is not even valid.
      • They gave me wrong information, one of their reps told me they could back date the transaction even if the processing happens in Jan, now they say they can't. I think that's very wrong of them.
    • 你卖 的股票在1月3日Settle, 钱在1月3日到帐,他们想在1月1日前转出,但没有钱呀
      • 我知道啊, 如果里面有现钱我就不用问他们了. 就是因为没有才问的, 得到的回答是只要我年底发起请求, 他们可以跟BACKDATE IT.
    • 估计给你服务的人不够专业,股票证券的settle都需要几天的。记得去年年底他们网站的首页上也提醒过这个问题
      • 问题不是这个, 我自己也知道这个. 问题是他告诉我他们可以按发起请求的那天算取出日期, 而不是settlement date.
    • 胖Ford说过,“you ask the right question, I will answer it right".你问人家”12月31日转钱出TFSA算不算2013年提取“,人家当然回答”算“。如果你问人家””12月31日转股票出TFSA算不算2013年提取“,那就是另外一个答案了。
      • 不好意思, 可能我前面没说清楚, 我问他们就是问的12月30日卖股票再转出算不算2013取出. 他们说可以.下面是online chat记录, 我自认为很清楚.
        Lovell: If you submit a withdrawal request before the end of the year, Questrade can certainly assist you with backdating the entry
        me: what do you mean? so If I submit the request today, CRA will consider I withdraw from TFSA today?
        Lovell: If client places a withdrawal request on December 31, 2013 but it is processed in January, we will back date as 2013 withdrawal.
        Me: what if my funds are in stocks, not cash?
        Me: is it still possible to make 2013 withdrawl?
        Lovell: You mean transferring positions from your TFSA to another Questrade account?
        Me: yes, like to margin. or just sell my position and withdraw to my bank account
        Lovell: Yes we will back date it for you.
        • After reading your chat history, I think both of you have faults. Your fault is you start your question which ultimately led the CSR to think that you are just wondering what if the request for transfer is made in Dec 31 but get processed in January.
          The CSR's fault is from not asking additional details after you mentioned you wanted to sell the stock and then transfered the cash.
          • see (#8549543@0)
        • 一般来说“Transfer position"是指把股票从TFSA转到Margin Account (Transfer as is),这种情况是可以以Request Date算的.但楼主卖了股票再转现金出来就不一样了。试试找大点的头,也许能通融一下。
          • please see (#8549543@0). 现在的确是在找supervisor. 但是不知结果如何. 如果拒绝我会试着找更上层, 但是不知道能否成功. 这个rep害死我了, 该扣他年终奖.
        • 读完你的Chat记录,我的感觉跟上面的同学一样。你要跟客服讲明白你要"sell the stock then withdraw the fund" ,你在说Trensfer,这两样很不一样的。
          • please see (#8549543@0), I clearly said sell position then withdraw, he walked me through the whole process
        • 好吧, 看来不能偷懒, 我把后续的对话贴上来, 后面一而再再而三的跟他确认, 明确说了是先卖股票再转出. 请看倒数第5行, 那时候我已经卖了股票, 还没发起转出请求, 还来得及补救, 最后关头又确认了一次. 他还是说没问题.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Me: so how do i make the withdrawal to this account? note that my funds are in ETFs
          Lovell: Ok I see what you mean. So if you wish to withdraw funds, you will first liquidate your positions
          Lovell: So sell your positions and then submit a withdrawal request
          Me: oh. then can I still make the 2013 deadline?
          Me: for TFSA withdrawal, I don't mind if I actually get the funds to my checking account a few days later. so long as you will make it 2013 TFSA withdrawl
          Lovell: Certainly as long as the request to withdraw funds was placed before the end of the year, we can back date it
          Me: ok. so I would go to withdraw funds, enter the amount, enter my checking account info,
          Me: are you going to sell my funds automatically?
          Me: or do I have to sell funds first..how does it work?
          Lovell: Certainly let me provide you with the steps
          Lovell: 1) Login to your IQ Platform and enter a sell order for one of your positions
          Lovell: 2) Place a withdrawal request in your client portal, myQuestrade >> my request >> withdraw funds
          Me: oh. so I do need to sell first
          Me: ok.
          Lovell: Great, in the mean time is there anything else you wish me to assist you with?
          Me: do you mind just stay a few minutes longer, as I am going thru the process, in case I have questions. It's very important to me I can make the withdraw today
          Me: thanks
          Lovell: Certainly
          Me: ok, I am doing it now
          Me: ok so I sold the XXX.TO, got 17,865.69 in CAD cash
          Me: then I should make withdrawal request?
          Lovell: That is correct
          Me: ok..
          Me: let me do it
          Lovell: Ok
          Me: before I do this, I want confirm this would be 2013 TFSA withdrawal?
          Me: this is very important to me..
          Lovell: Yes as mentioned. If client places a withdrawal request on Dec 31, 2013, but it is processed in January, will we backdate as a 2013 withdrawal?
          Lovell: - Yes, we will backdate.
          Me: thanks so much.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • yes. that is the rep's fault.... you should have pasted the whole thing since the beginning.
          • 明白了。实际上你们俩之间有误会。那个客服教你做的是transfer,并没有回答你问是否要先卖股票的问题。然后你去卖了股票,然后还告诉他卖股票后有多少钱,于是那个客服以为你的账户真有那么多钱,于是就让你继续做Transfer。你试试看能不能投诉,不一定成功,
            客服不是Finacial Advisor,所以很明显他一直回避你是否应该先卖股票的问题。
    • 问问CRA,看看有没有办法。
      • Thanks, I might try, not optimistic though