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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

法律问题求助:我2012年在开车时候刹车不及,追尾撞到前面车辆,非常轻的撞击,车辆没有任何损害,油漆也没刮掉。为了防止对方敲诈,我还是去了事故中心。我们各自都通报了保险公司。我的保险公司也没涨我的价。 今天收到对方法律事务所的一封信。请教如何对应。信见内。

Dear Mr XXXX
Re: Our Client: YYYY
DOL: Aprial 8, 2012

please be advised that we have been retained by YYYY as a result of the injuries he sustained in the above noted motor vehicle accident.

please accept this letter as written notice of his intention to commence an action against you for damages for pain and suffering, lost wages and other damages as a result of above metioned otor vehicle accident.

You are requeired by provisions of Secition 258.3(2) of Insurance Act to give a copy of this notice to your own insurance company within seven days of you receiving same. Failure to do so can prejudice your rights with your own insurance company.

if your and your insurance company reuqires the information under section 258.3(1) of insurance Act please confirm same in writing and we will obtain the requested information as soon as possible.

Your truly.

Law Clerk.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 法律问题求助:我2012年在开车时候刹车不及,追尾撞到前面车辆,非常轻的撞击,车辆没有任何损害,油漆也没刮掉。为了防止对方敲诈,我还是去了事故中心。我们各自都通报了保险公司。我的保险公司也没涨我的价。 今天收到对方法律事务所的一封信。请教如何对应。信见内。
    Dear Mr XXXX
    Re: Our Client: YYYY
    DOL: Aprial 8, 2012

    please be advised that we have been retained by YYYY as a result of the injuries he sustained in the above noted motor vehicle accident.

    please accept this letter as written notice of his intention to commence an action against you for damages for pain and suffering, lost wages and other damages as a result of above metioned otor vehicle accident.

    You are requeired by provisions of Secition 258.3(2) of Insurance Act to give a copy of this notice to your own insurance company within seven days of you receiving same. Failure to do so can prejudice your rights with your own insurance company.

    if your and your insurance company reuqires the information under section 258.3(1) of insurance Act please confirm same in writing and we will obtain the requested information as soon as possible.

    Your truly.

    Law Clerk.
    • 碰上烂人了,应该是找你的保险公司,他们会处理的,当时有没有任何事故记录?
      • 事故中心应该有记录,有人验了双方的车辆。我的车牌蓝色的号码,有些漆印在对方车后bump上面。
        • 这种敲诈是常有的,如果我理解的对的话,不需要你自己出马,保险公司有专人应付这些事,不过我没有类似经历,最好再看看其他网友如何说。
          • 谢谢你的回复,对方肯定会准备一大堆医生的证明来。我是不是要跟自己的保险公司联系? 还是直接跟对方律师联系?
            • 我觉得没必要直接和对方律师联系,也没必要自己找律师,通知你的保险公司就行了,不过我没有实际经验,要不你先打个电话去保险公司问一哈?
              • 谢谢你,我先等一等,看看有没有其他人的意见,信上给了7天时间。
            • 你尽快转交给你保险公司。你永远不要理对方律师。这些律师都是饥饿的苍蝇。看看电视广告上大把大把的,不成功不收费之类的引诱当事人告你。
              • 谢谢你的提醒。
                • 尽快和你的保险公司联系,如果他们不需要你做什么,你就不用做。别太担心。保险公司处理这些事情有经验。
              • 推荐本小说吧,“The Litigators" by John Grisham.
        • 我基本肯定这封绿律师信也出自一个印夷,且不专业。根本不用怕。把律师信forward给保险公司,然后forget it。
          You are requeired by provisions 。。。。you receiving same. 。。。。。。 。 将same这样用的,全世界只要印度,连巴基斯坦斯里兰卡都不是。我也不知道是为什么。
          • 谢谢你的建议。我根据姓名查了一下,估计是伊朗人。驾驶员是个女人。我不清楚在信里为啥用 He 和 His 等字样。
    • 我来说两句:第一,绝不搭理他;第二,绝不转交给你的保险公司;第三,你的保险公司不找你,你就没有事儿;第三,你的保险公司找你,你就不理。时间一长,大事化小,小事化了。
      • 也谢谢你的实例。我还是有点担心,不理不睬的话,会不会有法律问题?
        • 当起诉书送达被告,而被告选择不应诉的话,法庭认为被告自动认输。
          • 这个算不算正式的起诉书啊?
            • No, not at all.
    • This is the law text of Article 258, Insurance Act. Read it carefully and see whether it applies to your case.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛258.3 (1) An action for loss or damage from bodily injury or death arising directly or indirectly from the use or operation of an automobile shall not be commenced unless,
      (a) the plaintiff has applied for statutory accident benefits;
      (b) the plaintiff served written notice of the intention to commence the action on the defendant within 120 days after the incident or within such longer period as a court in which the action may be commenced may authorize, on motion made before or after the expiry of the 120-day period;
      (c) the plaintiff provided the defendant with the information prescribed by the regulations within the time period prescribed by the regulations;
      (d) the plaintiff has, at the defendant’s expense, undergone examinations by one or more persons selected by the defendant who are members of Colleges as defined in the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, if the defendant requests the examinations within 90 days after receiving the notice under clause (b);
      (e) the plaintiff has provided the defendant with a statutory declaration describing the circumstances surrounding the incident and the nature of the claim being made, if the statutory declaration is requested by the defendant; and
      (f) the plaintiff has provided the defendant with evidence of the plaintiff’s identity, if evidence of the plaintiff’s identity is requested by the defendant.
      Notice to insurer
      (2) An insured who receives a notice under clause (1) (b) shall give a copy of the notice to the insurer within seven days of receiving the notice.
      (3) If the insured is unable because of incapacity to comply with subsection (2) within seven days of receiving the notice, the insured shall comply as soon as possible thereafter.
      Contents of notice
      (4) The notice under clause (1) (b) shall inform the person to whom it is given of the obligation under subsection (2).
      Limits on examination
      (5) An examination under clause (1) (d) shall not be unnecessarily repetitious and shall not involve a procedure that is unreasonable or dangerous.
      Examiner may ask questions
      (6) A person examined under clause (1) (d) shall answer the questions of the examiner relevant to the examination.
      Copy of report
      (7) If a person who performs an examination under clause (1) (d) gives a report on the examination to the defendant, the defendant shall ensure that the plaintiff receives a copy of the report within 60 days after the defendant receives the report.
      Prejudgment interest
      (8) In an action for loss or damage from bodily injury or death arising directly or indirectly from the use or operation of an automobile, no prejudgment interest shall be awarded under section 128 of the Courts of Justice Act for any period of time before the plaintiff served the notice under clause (1) (b).
      Failure to comply
      (9) Despite subsection (1), a person may commence an action without complying with subsection (1), but the court shall consider the non-compliance in awarding costs.
      (10) Section 33 applies, with necessary modifications, to the service of a notice under clause (1) (b). 1996, c. 21, s. 22.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • After reading the law, seems that person has no ground to take action against you, since it's already over 120 days, according to Clause 258.3 (1)(b).
      • 谢谢你的帮助,这非常有用。
      • +100
      • 我听说的是2年。
    • 不用担心,我的经历:
      1. 立即将此信复印或传真给你的保险公司,并付上当时的案件号。2。报告保险公司后,你该干啥就干啥,你的保险公司会有专门的律师去对付对方,在未来的2年时间内,你的保险公司律师可能会联系你核对一些文件,所以在案件没有结束之前,你的地扯及电话变更要及时通知保险公司及律师。3。剩下的事就是等结果,你什么也不用想,就等着你的保险公司慢慢的折磨那个无懒的敲诈者吧。
      • 谢谢你的帮助。
    • 请懂法律的网友再给我出点主意。上次我把信件传给保险公司后,保险公司让我别去理睬,他们去打交道。今天我又收到原告律师的一封信件,他们去法院告我了,还有个 Court File number。 要求赔款60万。这次他们没有让我和保险公司联系。我该如何对应。
      • 不是懂法律的网友, 但是相信你应该把信转保险公司。你买保险就是现在用的。赔不赔60万保险公司会和他们打官司,因为钱是保险公司出。
      • 信件是对方律师事务所寄出的,第一页是Ontario Superior Court Of Justice。 有个 file number。有我的姓名和原告的姓名。 我不清楚为啥法院没有直接个我寄信,而是对方律师给我寄过来。
        • 也许Court的信还没寄到,不管怎样,也应该交给你的保险公司处理。
        • 转发保险公司后会给你指派律师。
          我也是这种情况,对方讹1M。去年保险公司指派了律师。前几天律师来信了:As the litigation is proceeding, we have obtained considerable surveillance on the plaintiff. The plaintiff seems to have serious credibility issues.... I would like to meet with you to sign the affidavit of documents and serve it on counsel so we may examine the plaintiff prior to you being examined so we need not disclose the surveillance...
          • 谢谢你的信息,当时你是如何处理的,是不是就跟自己的保险公司联系?信上有一句,要在受到信件20天内回复,但没有指明谁来回复。
            • 1. yes. 2.转给你的保险公司的律师后,你就不用管了。有需要的话律师才跟你联系。
        • 这种信都是原告负责送达
          • 谢谢,原来如此。
      • 谢谢回复,当时我们去了 collision reporting centre, 他们评估也就是1000元 (低于1000元不受理)。
    • 交给你的保险公司处理。后续接到新的信,也全部交给保险公司。你的保险公司会代表你去打官司。你什么都不需要做。你的保险公司在需要的时候会联系你,比如听证会。你完全不需要担心。
      • 好,谢谢你的信息,我明天就去联系。