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Nice story. Here is a song for you :-) "The Cranberries - When you are gone" ----> rtsp://

<b> <Font color=blue>Artist: The Cranberries</font></b>
<i><font color=red>
Hold on to love
That is what I do
Now that I've found you
And from above
Everything's stinking
They're not around you
And in the night
I could be helpless
I could be lonely, sleeping without
And in the day, everything's complex
There's nothing simple when I'm not around you
But I miss you when you're gone
That is what I do
Hey baby
It's hard to carry on
That is what I knew
Hey baby...
Hold on to my hands
I feel I'm stinking
Stinking without you
And to my mind
Everything's stinking
Stinking without you
And in the night I could be helpless
I could be lonely, sleeping without you
And in the day, everything's complex
There's nothing simple
When I'm not around you
I miss you when you're gone
That is what I do
Hey baby
It's hard to carry on
That is what I do
Hey baby...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 为情所困
    • 一点点假。对于很多男人来说,外貌永远最重要。而有些女人只是他生命力心安理得的MORNING CALL而已。
      • 也别抱怨了,女孩子从中学开始只要向男孩子要求帮忙,估计马上后面就会有一个班的人来报名
        • 那是漂亮女孩子的专利啊!我似乎在ROLIA这种彼此看不到的地方才偶尔有这种运气。:(
          • 谁说的,难道你开口要你们班的人帮忙,他们说不行?
            • 我找人帮忙就是抓倒霉的。挑一个比较心肠好,有比较好欺负的,争取只求一次人,不然,让人拒绝了,很没面子的说。:P
              • 也就是没被拒绝过嘛,下次试试找比较挑剔的,看看会不会拒绝你(别找老外,他们不算统计样本范围)
          • up. Somebody show up! Here comes a chance
          • 太自卑了吧, 巧笑妹妹很漂亮啊,
      • 不同意。我的一位好友,咱黑省状元,高大英俊,才华横溢。他太太就很平凡,但很勇敢,追了他一年,终成眷属,现在很幸福啊。
        • 湖南辣眉, 为了和YR美眉套近乎,又跑到黑省去啦
          • 参见(#854412):-P
            • 从你的模特里给我找一个老乡好乌啦
              • Here you go. ---->
    • 美丽的故事. 为什么女主角要的绝症? 如果改为主角换个病改头换面成绝世美人,内外兼修,岂不美哉!
    • 动人的旋律,故事构思嘛-象是给NOKIA做广告. 另外,平凡的女孩难道只能靠坚持不懈和绝症来赢得高大英俊出色的男孩吗?我怎么发现不少平凡的女孩就用了一点小技巧就得到了他们呢?
      • 就是觉得背景音乐衬托得好,梁朝伟的《为情所困》,故事嘛,只能看不能想,口嘿口黑
    • Nice story. Here is a song for you :-) "The Cranberries - When you are gone" ----> rtsp://
      <b> <Font color=blue>Artist: The Cranberries</font></b>
      <i><font color=red>
      Hold on to love
      That is what I do
      Now that I've found you
      And from above
      Everything's stinking
      They're not around you
      And in the night
      I could be helpless
      I could be lonely, sleeping without
      And in the day, everything's complex
      There's nothing simple when I'm not around you
      But I miss you when you're gone
      That is what I do
      Hey baby
      It's hard to carry on
      That is what I knew
      Hey baby...
      Hold on to my hands
      I feel I'm stinking
      Stinking without you
      And to my mind
      Everything's stinking
      Stinking without you
      And in the night I could be helpless
      I could be lonely, sleeping without you
      And in the day, everything's complex
      There's nothing simple
      When I'm not around you
      I miss you when you're gone
      That is what I do
      Hey baby
      It's hard to carry on
      That is what I do
      Hey baby...