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转贴一篇,BY Jade Mitchell

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转贴一篇,BY Jade Mitchell

Hi all,
I work in a (major) Real Estate office and watch those commission cheques slide past my desk everyday.
I have reached this conclusion- the "top producers" are generally seasoned agents who have gained a client base over the years, these agents gross from $65-150 (on average) per year. The "new agents" usually make considerably less ($20-$50 range) however, I seen new agents make less than $10 -It of coarse really varies depending on how driven you are, and I believe a network of friends and family do not hurt when you are getting started.

I believe the latest stats say that 17% of the agent population are taking 90% of the business, interesting...

Of coarse in times like these (good market) this business is flooded with people "jumping on the bandwagon", the new issue of The Edge (put out by Orea)states that the number of students enroled in phase 1 by the end of june closely matches the total enroled in all of 2001.

Most of the agents I know work outside of Real Estate at another job, not all, but most... or they are "retired" and use Real Estate as "a hobby"

This is not discourage, just what I see everday..

Good luck to all!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 给想做地产的朋友泼点凉水
    • 转贴一篇,BY Jade Mitchell
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转贴一篇,BY Jade Mitchell

      Hi all,
      I work in a (major) Real Estate office and watch those commission cheques slide past my desk everyday.
      I have reached this conclusion- the "top producers" are generally seasoned agents who have gained a client base over the years, these agents gross from $65-150 (on average) per year. The "new agents" usually make considerably less ($20-$50 range) however, I seen new agents make less than $10 -It of coarse really varies depending on how driven you are, and I believe a network of friends and family do not hurt when you are getting started.

      I believe the latest stats say that 17% of the agent population are taking 90% of the business, interesting...

      Of coarse in times like these (good market) this business is flooded with people "jumping on the bandwagon", the new issue of The Edge (put out by Orea)states that the number of students enroled in phase 1 by the end of june closely matches the total enroled in all of 2001.

      Most of the agents I know work outside of Real Estate at another job, not all, but most... or they are "retired" and use Real Estate as "a hobby"

      This is not discourage, just what I see everday..

      Good luck to all!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • There is another one regarding the expenses for a new agent in the first year.
        It is said that you might have to spend at least $6000CAD for the first 6-8 months. During that period, you may get nothing but spending your money.
    • 谢谢提醒, 一身冷汗~~~~
        • 就是庆幸自己没跳进去. 已经有几个朋友进了
          • how many jobs do u want to have ?
            • 偶是要瞎猫撞个S老鼠; S老鼠越多越容易撞不是?
              • are you "大将军"?
                • 还没批判你呢,竟然还敢在我的眼前晃来晃去. 你晃点我~~~~~~你答应我的那个什么来着,结果呢?
                  • I ate SLX by myself la
          • 其实不用那么担心. 房地产经纪是比较容易进入的一行, 考个LICENSE也花不了多少时间几个钱. 以后能做大当然好, 不行的话当个副业也好.
            • 试一下,你就会知道会花费多少时间多少钱了。哈哈
              • 我感动的快要哭了, 我就差一点儿就去学这行了, 看来, 我是悬崖勒马好了. 打算改做另一行.
    • 推荐!!!"就向IT一样,看见热就往里挤".还是想想自己适合干什么.然后"咬注青山不放松".
    • If you are a social person, networker, BSer, closer...it might be a good profession...otherwise....
    • 我的一个ESL老师,是个白人,就曾经做过房地产经纪.她说QUIT的原因,一周7天24小时工作,还要给公司交钱,自己赚不到多少却累得要命.
    • 更正:今年的总交易量会超过70000套。
      • 平均年收入>67000, 仍然是不错的行业.
        • 你从哪儿算出来的?
          • 见笑, 我只是简单地用70000(套) * 2900000($/套) * 0.06(commission) / 18000(业内人士) 算的
            • 2900000($/套)???
              • sorry,多了个0, 否则算出来是670K了.
            • 1) 今年的平均价是276000(预测);2)多伦多的COMMISSION是4--4.5%;3.5%的也有;3)没有平均的事情;4)进入的人数和房屋市场不成正比;Anyway,我只提供数据,不想发表过多的个人意见。新入行的不见得不行,但越来越困难。
            • commission is normally 0.05 not 0.06.
              • 要乘2,双向收。
                • Then number he gave is for both sides.
      • 那你今年怎么活,是否也想转行?
    • looking a borker
      Hi there,

      I have just finished my phase 1,2,3 test and looking for a broker to join in. Do you have any recommendation? I have talked to a couple of brokers, the commision split is 80-20 start. Can you let me know if there is any broker have higher split rate?

      Thanks, John
      • who gets 80% ?!
        • agent - 80, broker - 20
    • 这个不用担心, 做什么都得看做的人. 很理解你的心情, 更多的人加入, 意味着你的生意的减少, 可以理解. 不过这根本是不可阻挡的.
    • 17%作了90%的生意, 就说明有机会, 有80%的人和刚入门的差不多...
    • 我和猪爷也下决心入行了.不为别的就为赌18%这口气.
      • 你把猪爷的送别宴定到什么时候了?
        • 高爷星期四中不?
          • 四月十号的崔健演唱会你还在吗?
            • 13号走,虎爷星期四可有空儿?
          • faint,什么时候连河南话都学会了?:O
            • 本主席海龟了,苯果是不是应该。。。
    • 也不见得就这么差.我的一个朋友去年三月份开始做,到了去年年底共成交了20套,累是累点.但收入是明显的,现在他正在想法合理避税呢.他已经捐款了不少.而据他说在他们公司还排不上名次.当然,万事开头难....
      • 你的朋友及他们公司真牛~~~都这么出息了还排不上名次。。。
      • 牛x,偶有个朋友,女性,去年也赚了,上的税快超过我的薪水了,是不是这行女性比较适合做.