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If ur house is not that big, take it easy. u need to change it some yrs late

Before we put each offer, we need to plan how to decorate basement for rental. If it's not good for rental, we did not take it seriously. We need to rent our basement out to help out mortage. I rent out the basement with seperate entrance.
We have not big basement. We were told to have it as a small two-bedroom apt. to make a bigger money. But we said no because it is too small if you don't want to rent it out. Also, rental market is not that hot yet, make it comfortable for tendent.
We made it as one-bed room apt. with combining kitchen and living room together. If we don't rent it out, we can make bed-room as a computer-room and living-room as entertainment room with a wet bar. The chance for this is too small.
Always think about if you like the basement or not. Do yourself want to such a basement or not?
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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 买了房子, 所剩的钱不多了, 但还是想装修一下, 那么那些该装修, 那些该先装修呢?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛人们说,房子是无底洞, 有多少钱都不够填, 有钱当然要用在刀刃上, 那么那是重点呢? 下面我想根据我在纽越八年的装修经验和所接触的不同类型的客户分两点来谈这个问题, 供大家参考.

    1, 对于买了房子只是为了自己住, 只是为了投资的人.
    这种人往往考虑在自己居住舒适的情况下所投入的钱装修尽可能使房子升值, 那么那些因素能使房子升值呢?
    1,房子的外观, 2, 房子的结构, 3,房子的功能, 4,房子的利用率,5,房子的耐久性(使用寿命)
    1, 房子的外观.
    改变房子的外观给人耳目一新的感觉, 就象女人化装一样,3分长象,7分打拌,老美是最舍得花钱搞房子的化装的,其具体的我想放在以后的专题来讲.
    对于旧房子来说,由于建造的年代不同, 其内部的结构也不同,改造可使之潮流化,现代化. 北美的房子大都是木质框架结构, 除了外墙和地下室的几根柱子受力外, 其余的墙都可以重新组合, 所以合理的改变结构可增加房屋的利用率,但你必须了解北美的习惯, 要大众化, 不要中国化,否则你在价值评估和买房时就要有麻烦.那么应该改那些呢?主要是窗,卫生间,厨房等......

    是指完善地下室, 改3三季的花房为多用的房子,电动车库门等......


    房子采用不同的材料,其使用寿命也不同, 如房顶的材料差别很大, 高档的房子采用石片的瓦, 烧制的红瓦可用几十年上百年, 而低档的用油毡做的瓦也只能用10-20年, 外墙最好是石头其次是砖墙----PVC-----木头, 现在有好多人在低档的外墙上贴假砖(是真实的,很薄的砖片,外观和真的一样,也很耐用),能受到事半功倍的效果. 地板采用OAK的硬木地板(千万不要用复合假地板)厨房和卫生间的地砖墙砖OR 石料等, 还有真木的厨房柜, 石面的TOP等都能使房子升值.

    二, 用于过度时期出租分担房屋利息减轻负担的房子的装修(待续)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不错。很感兴趣。
      • Thank you!
    • 好文章,請繼續.睜大眼睛等著.@_@
    • 补充 6, 加建改造.
      1, 将车库,花房,阳台改成正式的房间,(另建独立的车库)能大幅地升值,回报率很高.
      2, 加层,(难度大些手续繁琐,但回报率很高)
      4,增加卫生间,(在北美评价房屋价值的一个重要指标是看你有多少个完全或半个卫生间,我们常听见2 1/2个卫生间,它是指有2个有浴缸的卫生间,另外半个是指只有林浴或只有马桶的)
    • I want to see 用于过度时期出租分担房屋利息减轻负担的房子的装修
      • If ur house is not that big, take it easy. u need to change it some yrs late
        Before we put each offer, we need to plan how to decorate basement for rental. If it's not good for rental, we did not take it seriously. We need to rent our basement out to help out mortage. I rent out the basement with seperate entrance.
        We have not big basement. We were told to have it as a small two-bedroom apt. to make a bigger money. But we said no because it is too small if you don't want to rent it out. Also, rental market is not that hot yet, make it comfortable for tendent.
        We made it as one-bed room apt. with combining kitchen and living room together. If we don't rent it out, we can make bed-room as a computer-room and living-room as entertainment room with a wet bar. The chance for this is too small.
        Always think about if you like the basement or not. Do yourself want to such a basement or not?
        • Thanks, . It is always helpful to find some real examples.
    • 很好,请继续,等ing...
    • 听人劝,吃饱饭. 我还是不装复合地板了吧.
      • 装了复合地板你会后悔的. :) 其实只一个客厅, 和OAK的比真的也不差多少钱.
        • 复合地板用在什么地方?还在卖?
          • 几乎所有的地方都有卖, 好象是装在什么地方都可以吧.
          • 我以为, 如果你装地下室, 为了干净, 还有门厅, 容易清理, 过道, 甚至厨房, 都还不错, 但装在卧室, 客厅, 我感觉有点"傻".
            • 再说我的过道和厨房换什么呢?
              • 厨房,正统的是瓷砖了...
                不过, 可别用那种表面光滑的那种. 过道, 权益之计用地板革, 用个一年半载扔掉也不可惜. 客厅用个暗红色的地毯效果也不错. 而且, 我看了很多房, 发现,洋人多喜欢深色的, 如墨绿, 蓝, Asian 多用浅色, 以浅纵色最多. 我个人喜欢暗红色, 有图案的地毯.
        • 是啊,是啊,也差不多少钱.
          • 但效果会差不少.
    • 对你第2点的补充:我在Toronto Star上曾看到一篇统计分析文章,说对房子最有升值作用的投资,是花在upgrade厨房和卫生间上的。
      • 同意,我很喜欢那种开放式的厨房和豪华是卫生间。:-)
        • hehe 谁不是呢!
    • 对于复合地板和实木地板的补充一些个人的观点:
      如果你有钱追求舒适为了增值而且不怕麻烦当然是用实木地板。但是复合地板不一定代表的就是CHEAP,复合地板的出现是地面材料的一次革新,有些好的复合地板并不很便宜。而且复合地板有着一些实木地板没有的优点,象实木地板需要呵护,要比复合地板的抗刮性差,你要是有小孩很容易就给你糟蹋了等等,当然实木地板是可以从新打磨的,但是不是无限期的。实木地板也分等级,不同工艺不同材料价格也不一样,当然的越贵越好了。对于一些不想投太多钱有没有太多时间的朋友们,象honghong的办法就挺好,在复合地板上加一个area rug, 美观省钱好清理,(我怎么象个推销员:)我的观点是复合地板和实木地板各有优缺点,应该根据情况适当选择。
      • AGREE
        • which wood u agree with ?:) FYI, only 3000 bucks OAK wood for 1200 sq ft
          • LEMINATE FLOOR. only 3000 bucks OAK floor? Raw flooring? eventhough not good qutity.
          • 太便宜了吧?怀疑是假冒伪略。 :-)
            • en, the cheapest one I found is around 2.5/sq ft. for OAK, over 4 usually.
            • that is the price Home depot give to me, actually it is the price for materials+installetion, not only for wood!:)
              • That should be the installation labour charge, not include the material.
      • Laminate flooring seems very neat and cheap to me. :P
        • 如果你见过现在的laminate floor, you won't make such comments. laminate floor技术一直在更新,现在的laminate floor做得越来越好,性能和实用性都好过实木地板,外观也很漂亮,可以比拟实木地板,再加上价钱便宜,是非常好的选择。
          我在国内的家里铺的是昂贵的实木地板(2002年),在这里铺的是laminte floor(2003年), 但我更喜欢laminate floor.
    • It is better to buy a house less than 10 years old.
    • does anyone can help me,which is better 砖墙 or vinyl for 外墙, what disadvantage for Vinyl, thanks