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How do I apply?

Your retirement pension does not start automatically. You must apply for it. Before you apply, you must:
•be at least a month past your 59th birthday;
•have contributed to the CPP;
•want your retirement pension payments to begin within 11 months.

What documents do I need to apply?

You will need to provide:
•your Social Insurance Number (SIN)
•banking information to arrange for direct deposit
•your other ID number if you have worked or lived outside Canada and want to apply for benefits from that country
•your spouse or common-law partner's SIN should you want to take advantage of pension sharing for possible tax savings

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 看到很多人都不确定到底移民的父母帮着看孩子的child care fee 应该报在哪一栏,我以我的2012报税经历来说明一下。
    我当时也不知道到底该报在哪儿,看了很多资料论坛最后还是没有一个准确的答案,到底是104 other employment income 还是135 self employment business income, 我报在了104项下。2013年3月税务局核查,一位态度很和蔼的女士与我通电话,我如实说明情况,那位女士官员告诉我,这种收入应该报在135项下,她已把我父母的税重新调整了,需要补交CPP加利息总共778 刀。我明白很多人像我一样并不是存心要报错税,只是真的不明白到底该如何报而导致填错了,就像有些网友说的就连税务局的接线生也给出不同的答案。希望这个信息对正在迷茫的人有用。
    • 日期写错了,应该是今年2014年3月税务局核查2012年的税(2013年3月报的),也就是报完税一年后。
    • +1,那你是否也申请了WITB?
      • 废话,加拿大,大家拿,当蓝tian了。
      • 是的,WITB减去应缴的CPP就是你应得的退税额。
        • 父母的退税额,你自己因该得到更多!
    • 早知道了,CPP一定不能省shc 6和sch 8同时填!
      • 如果老人超过70岁了,应该不需要交CPP了吧
        • 不但不交还可以拿, 加拿大,大家拿.
          • 算了下交3500*9。9%=346.5;70岁可以拿2.5每月;11.5年回本.如果考虑税收,你交的346。5是税前的,17年回本;如果考虑通胀25年回本;所以父母要活到70+25=95才能回本。你能算得过国家?
            • cpp过了70是政府自动给吗?
              • 大致计算公式如下:2.71 per month
                65-18 = 47年
                47*(1-17%)=39年 (17%最低工资扣除)
                2013年自雇MAX = 4,712.40
                346.50/4712.40 = 7.3529%
                7.3529%*1/39 = 0.1885%

                maximum amount in 2013 at retirement age 65 is $1,012,50
                for each year later get CPP till 70 years old get 0.7% more per month
                1012.5 * 0.1885% * (1 + 0.7% * 5 * 12) = 2.71
              • How do I apply?
                Your retirement pension does not start automatically. You must apply for it. Before you apply, you must:
                •be at least a month past your 59th birthday;
                •have contributed to the CPP;
                •want your retirement pension payments to begin within 11 months.

                What documents do I need to apply?

                You will need to provide:
                •your Social Insurance Number (SIN)
                •banking information to arrange for direct deposit
                •your other ID number if you have worked or lived outside Canada and want to apply for benefits from that country
                •your spouse or common-law partner's SIN should you want to take advantage of pension sharing for possible tax savings
              • Retirement Pension - Applying online - Canada Pension Plan - Service Canada