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【你只知其然,并不知其所以然】说你自己吧?【只能给CRA添乱】【也无需填进税表.】都是你的片面理解而已。Most income you receive is taxable and you 【have to】 include it on your return.

Common types of income for students

Most income you receive is taxable and you have to include it on your return. However, you do not have to include your GST/HST credit, Canada child tax benefit payments, or related provincial or territorial program payments, lottery winnings, or most gifts and inheritances.

The most common types of income you may receive as a student include:

- Employment income
Employment income reported on a T4 slip issued by your employer.

- Employment income not reported on a T4 slip
Income such as tips, gratuities or occasional earnings.

- Scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, study grants, and artists' project grants (awards)

- Net research grants
Eligible deductions from your research grants.

- Interest and other investment income
Interest income from a financial institution and other investment income.

- Other kinds of income
Other kinds of income such as grants and registered education savings plans.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 孩子大一刚回来,发现他的2013的税还没报,有几个问题:1)孩子学费是转给家长还是留着自己以后用?2)教育基金除还的本金之外是否都算孩子收入报税?3)osap中grant是否算收入报税?4)孩子的学生宿舍费报在哪里?谢谢前辈们的答复。
    • 1)转比不转好,只要有税退.2)YES,如果已取出来了的话.3) NO 4) ON-BEN
      • 非常感谢。
      • 补充 4) ON-BEN 此部分只能退税给孩子. 孩子大一住校, 学生宿舍费退税只有$25 - $30 ; 注意第二年的报税如住校外, 会有两部分宿舍费: 学校 & 校外, 提供地址&管理物业主的名字, 就会有$500 多的宿舍费退税了.
    • 转学费填表时又碰到新问题,孩子学费6600元,转Federal amount & Provincial amount 各多少,可以自己填吗?还是总共最多5000元? 再谢!
      • 我的理解是Federal最多转5000,Provincial可转6620元。对吗?谢谢过来人指点。
        • 是的.
      • 学费$6600的话,另外还有Education Amount 和Textbook amount.
        • 是的,系统自动加了Education amount 1600元,Textbook amount 260元。
      • 请问流浪者,我可以同时填这个联邦转5000和省转6620吗?还是两者这和不能超过孩子的6600+1600+260=8460?再谢。
        • 你可同时转联邦的$5000和省的$6620,因为你孩子的学费和书本费等,既会产生联邦的AMOUNT,也会产生省里的AMOUNT(在SCHEDULE ON(11)),不会出现不够的问题.
          提醒一句,联邦的学费AMOUNT只能用来抵联邦税(在SCHEDULE1中),最多转$5000,省学费Amount只能用来抵省税(Schedule ON 428中),最多转$6620.二个都会有剩余Amount,就Carry Forward给小孩以后用.
          • 这下明白了,太谢谢了。
    • 3)osap中grant是否算收入报税 - 答案为“NO”?好像grant是要算成收入的,只有本金不算,对吗?
      • OSAP中grant必须算做收入并报税,否则为瞒报。OSAP不像RESP,没有本金概念
        • 那为什么osap 没有发T4A呢?
        • 算吗?
          • 省政府为了这笔EZ Money特此颁发了T4A,并教导学生应该把银码填在T1-2013的那个框框里。
            • 到底是哪个框框里呀?
              • T4A背面有详细说明
            • 你只知其然,并不知其所以然.并不是所有T4A表上位于BOX105上的数据都要往T1 130栏里填,尤其是一些对净收入,应税收入毫无影响的NO-TAXABLE INCOME,否则只能给CRA添乱.很多种类的奖学金,助学金(尤其带有学术奖励性质的GRANT)不仅不要纳税,也无需填进税表.
              • 好大口气耶. 如实申报是纳税人的义务,而不是给税局添乱
              • 【你只知其然,并不知其所以然】说你自己吧?【只能给CRA添乱】【也无需填进税表.】都是你的片面理解而已。Most income you receive is taxable and you 【have to】 include it on your return.
                Common types of income for students

                Most income you receive is taxable and you have to include it on your return. However, you do not have to include your GST/HST credit, Canada child tax benefit payments, or related provincial or territorial program payments, lottery winnings, or most gifts and inheritances.

                The most common types of income you may receive as a student include:

                - Employment income
                Employment income reported on a T4 slip issued by your employer.

                - Employment income not reported on a T4 slip
                Income such as tips, gratuities or occasional earnings.

                - Scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, study grants, and artists' project grants (awards)

                - Net research grants
                Eligible deductions from your research grants.

                - Interest and other investment income
                Interest income from a financial institution and other investment income.

                - Other kinds of income
                Other kinds of income such as grants and registered education savings plans.
                • 这就是你只知其然的地方,这些列明的奖学金等是指如要纳税的情况下需报.那么什么样的奖学金是要纳税的,什么样的奖学金(包括GRANT)是无需纳税的,无需纳税的奖学金(GRANT)等是否可以不报收入?你知道吗?
              • 以前看到个帖子,忘是谁了。说奖学金,助学金之类 T4A,有两种处理方法,一种是根本不报,因为这类就不是taxable income,另一种方法是报,然后再哪一行减掉。我自认为不是taxable income,孩子三年了,从没有报过。 OSAP呢,连T表都没有,更没想过要报什么,报什么呢?
                • 这好比过海关,烟酒有免税额,但你不能不申报。申报免税,不申报被查,罚款。
                  • 就我的理解,你的比喻不恰当。
                • 某些人移民加拿大后,仍然有强烈的主人翁精神,或是集裁判和运动员于一身已经习惯称自然了;税局的文件也懒得认真研判。自己认为免税就不报了。这些Grant已经列入课税收入类,只不过有税务的豁免而已。